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  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Under my request for disclosure under the DPA what should I expect from NatWest other than statements? If they haven't send me what they should have I wouldn't mind knowing what I should have if that makes sense!
  3. Best of luck to you. I've just started proceedings using MoneyClaim, they now have 14 days to pay up. This site is great, theres loads of information and advice on the procedure. Any advice you need don't hesitate to ask.
  4. OK, this morning (Saturday) a tatty brown envelope with statements hanging out and clearly visible arrives. the whole thing is held together with eleastic bands. the contents are my statements not going back 6 years as requested, but only to October 2002! So I am not much further in working out exactly how much they owe me, although i do have a pretty good idea. Inside the envelope is a screwed up letter signed 'pp' for the infamous Stuart Higley. I have complained to the Royal Mail who said that the sorting office should have put the package into a sealed bag for security, but they also expressed surprise that NatWest would send confidential information in such a manner. My LBA has been sent and replied to be Stuart Higley with a negative response. I have kept the packaging from the statements and photographed it before it was opened. Is this initself a breach of the DPA? Should I follow this up with the information comissioner or use it as another stick to beat NatWest with or both? I'm planning to begin MCOL based on the sum I think they oew me asI don't think there is any point in writing to NatWest again to request the charges. Any advice would be appreciated!
  5. Fantastic, this is an inspiration to all, well done!
  6. Letter arrived today from Stuart Higley, this time though it was actually from him and not a computer! Regarding the issue about the information i requested under the DPA he apologises for the fact that I have heard nothing, "it suggests to me that your letter might not have reached its destination." He has offered to make arrangements for the DPA information but tells me that the bank would require another 40 days. On a positive note he has offered to absorb the charge! the letter goes on to state that following a review of my account he feels that the charges are fair as they were associated with a lack of covering funds in the account at the time the items were presented for payment. He goes on to say that if I feel that any charges are incorrect that I should inform him of the date, amount and circumstances and that the charges would then be reinvestigated. He concludes by saying that he has alerted Nat Wests lawyers and litigation department accordingly. Do I now go staight to Moneyclaim? The letter above was a reply to my LBA? Without the information regarding charges I am unsure of the exact amount I am owed. Regarding the breach of the DPA, I spoke to the Information Commisioners office today who suggested that I write to Nat West and give them a further 7 to 10 days to disclose the information. If I do not get a satisfactory response in this time they will act on my behalf. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  7. Hi, That is rediculous. You need to send them a preliminary approach for repayment letter, you can find a template for this in the library section. Good luck and I hope you get you rhard earned money back!
  8. Have now replied to the infamous stuart Higley with letter before action. They continue to charge me though, can I ask them to stop doing so until either NW have admitted they are in the wrong or the matter has been resolved by the county court? Thanks for all the help and support, this website is fantastic!
  9. Good luck to you. It's about time these banks stopped getting things al their own way. They would have got my letter before action today so the clock is ticking!
  10. Good luck in your battle. If you don't get any joy from Mr Lyons try Stuart Higley at NatWest Customer Relations in Borehamwood, the address i son NW website.
  11. Today received letter from Stuart Higley telling me to politely get lost. It wasn't even a personal letter it was one of those standard ones with the printed signature. So moneyclaim is the next step? They still haven't provided me with the list of charges so I intend to report them to the information commissioner. To work out how much they oew me I've basically used a highlighter on statements and added it all up, plus interest. I think the amount is right, but do I need to check this before proceeding to make sure I get my facts right?
  12. Hi, I think you just delete whats already on the spreadsheet and insert what they have charged you, for example, 'unpaid direct debit, £38'. You enter the date on which they charged you and the spreadsheet calculates the interest to today's date. Good luck!
  13. Best of luck to you! Does your claim include interest or does that get added on only in the event of the matter going to court?
  14. Lilac, did you send the request for DPA to your local branch? In the case o fmy branch of NatWest, they do not open post themselves, instead they send it to a central customer service centre, in my case this delayed them registering my request by 2 weeks. The 40 days begins from the date the branch received your request, not when they get round to actioning it. NatWest seem to be either very disorganised or are employing delaying tactics! Good luck with your claim.
  15. Sent letter from library section requesting disclosure of information plue cheque for £10 to local branch of Nat West 4 weeks ago, have received no reply. Upon phoning local branch was told that the branch do not open their mail, instead they pass it on up the line, so the letter was only acknowledged on April 11th. Asked member of staff at local branch for information on how long the statements would take, unfortunately they were unsure as my request had been passed onto their central records department (or something like that anyway!). When I asked for their phone number I was told they don't have a phone and I would have to leave the matter with the branch who would get back to me. Guess what, they didn't! Not to be put off I got out 6 years of statements and a highlighter pen and worked out they owe me just short of £1000. I have now written to their customer relations centre in Borhamwood and look forward to a prompt response!!
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