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Everything posted by 389shell

  1. Mine is out most Saturday / Sundays, I catch up on my telly programs I miss when I'm at work.
  2. Ooooh, not a happy bunny, he is still confident though Don't think there could have been a worst person to score though. Come on Barcelona.
  3. My daughter and myself have just laughed at the really stupid grin on hubby's face after Barcelona scored against Man Utd; he's a City fan.....
  4. Hi everyone, just to let you all know that only this week has the work gone ahead! All jobs now completed and everyone very happy. Both my sister and her boyfriend as well as his auntie are listed as tenants on the agreement; he was well aware of his rights and got his name added as soon as he was able; my sister when she moved in. Thanks again everyone
  5. Thanks for the replies, my internet has been down so only just got back on. They are aware that my sister and her boyfriend lives there, her boyfriend has lived there since being a little boy and then they informed them when my sister moved in. I will pass all this information on to her, I know the aunties social worker has tried to give them a kick up the jacksie as well as the midwife, but as you say, I'm not sure if they are too listed in the agreement. Many thanks again caggers
  6. A bit of advice for my sister needed. She currently lives with her boyfriend and his auntie who they both look after and whose name the tenancy is in with New Charter - the local housing association. They have had a faulty shower for over a year, they replace the tiles, tweek a bit and the leak keeps springing up as my sister believes its a cracked pipe. They have been told the house needs to be re-wired, they were advised of this months ago - my sister was due to give birth to her first baby in March and advised them of this as it would need to be done before baby came home, they are still waiting. They don't have a bath, only a shower and my sister will have to move out with the baby when they re-wire. Does anyone know of any legal obligations New Charter have, the auntie is elderly and my sisters boyfriend is her official carer, the baby is 4 weeks old. Many thanks.
  7. Day 5, started the day off with a cherry scone that an old lady made me eat. My lads birthday and I brought out all the food, one piece of pizza left, I ate it, some chips left, I had a chip butty (on brown bread mind), he picked a gateaux for his birthday cake, we all had large slices with Cornish ice cream. I may have the will power of an MP with an orange, but am glad to say that in just 4 days (Mon to Thurs), not forgetting the beer binge on day 3, I lost a total of ........4.5lb! Pants not so tight, bit of hows your father with the hubby over the weekend and I think I've cracked it by Joe!
  8. Well to be honest it was more of a grimace. I have joined a gym after years of pondering - well I've actually took over my hubbys membership that I'm paying for. My friend goes to the same gym and told me she'll meet me next week, we'll do 2 and a half hours in the gym, go for a swim and then jump in the sauna....... I had an hour penciled in for the gym. WTF have I done
  9. Well....I'm a veggie anyway, but started Monday and I'm now supping on the beer -it's impossible! Never mind, I can turn a blind eye to the red welt marks left by my pants! On the upside, have enrolled in a gym this week and going next week, the first time I've seen the inside of one for about 20 years, so should be a complete shock to the old body. Middle age is setting in.....FAST! I now have to start with the creams and all that lark when I get in from work, just to be able to ensure I get into bed before midnight It's my birthday on the 23rd and I'll be the ripe old age of 36, but feel about 70 at the minute! Might be the next Twiggy for M&S in a year or two !
  10. I'm posting this for my dear old mum. She is still living in the ramshackle family home with my youngest sister who also lives there with her 9 month old son, the house is privately owned by my mum. The house is falling down around their ears and it is in desperate need of a re-wire all through as this has never been done in 70 plus years! There are only about 3 plug sockets she can use downstairs now and she only has the use of lamps as the overhead lights don't work. She works part time around 24 hours and receives her pension, she is 64 this year. My sister is not working so will be receiving child tax credit. Along with all this she has never had central heating. About 5 years ago she got storage heaters fitted with a government grant, since then her electric bills have never been the same and she has had major difficulties with them ever since, ranging from bills from £800 - £4000 per quarter. I think this maybe due to the type of meter, day and night rates and they way staff don't know how to enter the details, it was certainly the case with BG and only got sorted after I emailed the CEO, Sam Laidlaw So my question is, are there any grants available to assist with the re-wire and are there any for central heating? I would have helped her out, but my family of 5 are surviving on my part time wage since my husband was made redundant. Many thanks once again for pointing me in the right direction
  11. Brilliant! I wrote a letter to my local paper telling people to beware of parking tickets received at the local Asda; I was absolutely swamped with emails! Well done.
  12. I have to say, it's by far the best structured and easiest to read thread I've seen on here. It sounds like the solicitor relied heavily on FitzWilliam's organisational skills and it was certainly why the case was won and the investigation was started at all.
  13. My hubby has been thinking the same. We have children and this winter has been the worst for illness, certainly if he worked for himself it would ease up any childcare issues. Unfortunately, because he has previously been self employed he is not entitled to any Jobseekers Allowance at all, so he gets absolutely nothing.
  14. I have just read this from the beginning, wow! How on earth have you not been snapped up / head hunted, your complaint has been thoroughly researched and your organisation skills are an excellent example for people on here in a similar position. I really hope she is removed from her position if she is still in work, the sweet irony of her having to attend the Job Centre is wonderful. Congratulations on your very hard work and I hope your friend does OK in his new job. I wish you well with your media career and hope it leads to something permanent for you, you certainly have better skills than some 'professional' journalists' whose articles I was reading earlier.
  15. No it's awful. Hubby lost his in August after loosing 2 before that, he would get a job for a few weeks and then they would let him go. He went for an interview yesterday, when he got there he got told that the position had been filled and someone should have rung him! It's disgraceful how people are treated; I hope you find something soon. Job centre are a whole other story too, how the people at my local branch still have jobs I have no idea.
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