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Everything posted by 389shell

  1. Aldi is the future! Saves us a bloody fortune each month, it makes me smile everytime they tell me how much my mahoosive trolley full of shopping is.
  2. Being marched around the office by my boss who was telling everyone to look how big my 'baby bump' was for someone who still has months to go. The thing that made me smile was that they were all cooing over my lardy 'food baby', I haven't got much of a baby bump yet
  3. Ha ha, I know, it did make me laugh. I should have said that most days it's actually the butler that uses the Lexus and I haven't the faintest where he parks it.
  4. Sorry, missed a couple of words there OOOOPs The remainder of the balance will be written off upon receipt of the final payment and you will not have to pay anything more. Please be aware that any entry on your credit file will be shown as settled but with the balance remaining. You will not be pursued for this amount.
  5. On the bad side of it, there will be people who get this letter, know nothing and will pay that £1!
  6. Equidebt's latest desperate attempt to claw back a fraction of their newly bought debt and 'trick' the unknowing into re-recognising their debt! Details of letter YOUR THREE STEP DEBT FREE PLAN STEP ONE Make a payment of £1 or more towards this account within the next 30 days and qualify for a 50% reduction. STEP TWO Make an affordable agreement, tailored to your current circumstances, to clear the remaining 50% of your balance over a period of time, with your first payment within the next 60 days. STEP THREE Equidebt will close your account, remove this liability from your credit file, and you will not be pursued by us for any further monies in relation to this account. The remainder of the balance will be written off upon receipt of the final payment and you will not have to pay anything more. Please be aware that any entry on your credit file will be shown but with the balance remaining. You will not be pursued for this amount. To take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, or to find out what other options may be available to you if you believe your circumstances will not allow you to, please contact us on Freephone 0800 032 4287 or visit (website) within the next 30 days. Desperados or what!
  7. Thanks everyone, just what I thought. I'll just ignore them and carry on as I have for the last 3 years, paying them the amount granted in the CCJ. They must be skint the poor loves and trying it on with all their 'customers'.
  8. Looked all round the internet and can't find anything about this, the nearest I can find is what the DCA can do if you don't pay, but I have. Anyone?
  9. I've been swearing at evenly spaced intervals since about 3.30 this morning as I've not had a frigging wink of sleep and am on a double shift today and tomorrow, plus morning sickness is back with a vengeance!
  10. Hi, 3 years ago a CCJ was awarded against me and I have paid the required sum every month. This morning I received a letter asking me to fill in the enclosed statement of means as it is part of their ongoing review of my financial circumstances. Surely they can't touch me now, the court order states how much I pay and that's how much I've been paying. I am paying considerably less than they originally wanted due to my circumstances, I have since improved my financial state but am due to go on maternity leave soon and so will be back to square one. On the statement of means they have tried to make it very intimidating by putting x vs 389shell, and then ask the most ridiculous quiestions such as work / pay reference, all the financial blurb overtime etc., do other people contribute to the family budget, and this I found really funny, do you own a vehicle and where is it kept! Now as far as I'm concerned this is just more bin fillers from this DCA, but just wanted to check. Many thanks Shell
  11. I remember my son with those flashy shoes, he was so chuffed banging his feet up and down the street
  12. Oh yes, and seeing that idiot Ricky Jervais in another sitcom, stay behind the camera Ricky where you are less aggravating.
  13. This morning when I finally conceded that I couldn't lie in bed any longer without feeling the wrath of hubby who is on hols from work!
  14. Going into Mothercare and buying my first pair of maternity pants, also my other 3 children melting over the size of some of the baby clothes.
  15. Ooohhh I've just received a 'we're taking you to court in 14 days' threat o gram. They even printed red writing on it, that is from the Peel Centre in Stockport!
  16. My 7 year old daughter who had to go to school dressed up, the theme being pirates. Firstly she wanted to go as a piece of sea-weed, when I told her no she wanted to go as some sand, 'because it's what's under the sea and the pirates sail on the sea', we finally compromised on a treasure map. I wasn't surprised when her teacher told her that in all her years of teaching, no child had ever dressed up as a map
  17. Haha, and look down the side at the sponsors, they've paid for their own trophy #amazeballs
  18. The best of luck with this. I am always taken by surprise at the actions of some people to their fellow human beings, what an utter disgrace! I sincerely hope that something is done about this.
  19. It doesn't surprise me one bit with them. Good luck with it.
  20. Waking up an hour ago (5.15am) and not having a hangover despite the copious amount of red wine I drank only hours ago.
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