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  1. I have sent to Lloyds my first letter on Jan 5th - recoreded delivery - with still no response at all - not even reciept to date - Feb 11th. The forty days is up at the end of this week. Do i just go ahead with the next step? Any advice GREATLY appreaciated. PM probably best ?
  2. Abdul. Where did you get your evidence that 'everyone' is being advised not to apply for ERC - is it not the case that once the account is paid up - it is advisable to challenge the sums paid in total? Had I known at the time - I would have challenged for charges etc during 2002 -2003 K
  3. Should have added to the above - that I said I had been disabled in this situation and did expect a car / compensation. The HP Company i involved because of the original dispute .. and the ongoing nightmare of this car. (It is actually alright when it works)! -Also since having to use Trading Standards I feel quite comfortable now in challenging them together (the dealer and the finance people) over this issue. If I have no result in the next few days I will write and be officious! - and to the Ombudsman if ness.
  4. Nellie Thanks so much for getting back to me. I spoke with the Finance HP company today as they had not yet sent the promised contribution towards the original 'fixing'. They said they would contact the dealer though 'it had nothing to do with them' - However i pointed out that it did due to their 'partnership' in promoting sale of car etc -/ sale of goods act, and that a cluse in my documentation states I must keep the car in good order/ road worthy etc . The Vauxhall Garage is sending receipt of payment by fax to them as further proof of payment... I should have the cheque early next week. (Funny they can whip money out of my account but not whip it in!) The Dealer .. I shall approach tomorrow . Thanks for your support - and that of people whose accounts I have read. this site is so empowering. I will keep you informed as I hope this may help others too. For the record - the Finance Company is First Response.
  5. My experience of similar suggests that it is important 'what you paid' for the car that was sold and agreed as being 'worth that' - where does £200 fit in ? Is that exactly half ? In my situation I had the car towed away to a garage (main Vauxhall dealer - would not normally ever go to a main dealer due to expense) got a quote and asked them not to touch it till i figured out who was paying the bill. I disputed with help of Trading Standards Office (in my case on the phone via my local council office - very supportive) - and in my own time. Trouble is with being offered 'replacement' or them fixing it ( meaning -the original garage that supplied this to you) is - who would trust them a second time - when you would be seen by now to be a 'trouble maker'. This is why I didnt accept a replacement car in my case. Dont lose heart. These people are rotters!
  6. In October I purchased a used car from a used car dealer. In November I had reason due to it being towed away twice (car alarm / imobiliser prob) to get to grips with Sale Of Goods Act etc. Empowered I was given £200 from dealer and promised £100 from finance company to contribute towards total costs of approx £400 ( good start) On Dec 30th tax ran out. I discovered that in the 'trade' (I traded nearly new car to raise cash) I had not noticed he hadnt given me registration slip. This means I have had to send a form V62 to DVLA that will take up to 6 weeks to complete registration and allow me to purchase any kind of tax - sorn - included. I have now been unable to drive since Jan 11th when I was stopped by police blue lights flashing with siren ... for being late with tax. I was charged. Police very 'sympathetic' but I cant appeal until get official notification of the charge!!! Does anyone know if I have rights to claim from the dealer compensation for this time without the vehicle and tax etc. DVLA cannot tell me on the phone to date 'where' my application is in the system and how long it will take for them to enable my tax purchase! I am an essential car user and single parent - life is increased in its complexity by this 'car situation' .. Anybody out there - have a clue??? I am reluctant to challenge the dealer ( sterotype) again ...without being sure and the whole thing feels very complicated. Grateful for any response to this. Thanks.
  7. Delighted to read these posts. Wishing you well. I am about to contact this company with regard to issues on an account paid off and closed in 2006. Filled with enthusiasm for the task. Thanks!
  8. I am 'new' to the CAG but not 'new' to the issues! Please could someone tell me if I can claim charges within 6 years even if the account is closed? I paid Platform in 2003. I would greatly appreciate any advice. K
  9. Hilary Thanks so much for contacting me. Good Luck! All the best Kathleen
  10. I am not 'at ease' with this process. But - feel strengthened by the existance of this site! So thanks for letting me know. No doubt I will be asking lots of questions along my way! I feel I have nothing left to lose - and have totalled about £12 / 13 k in charges since 2000. I think nothing unusual about my story .. there are many others like me on this site.
  11. I've just sent the first letter. Your case and posts look very helpful.How are you getting along? K
  12. How are you getting on. i just posted my first letter yesterday! I have calculated about £13,000 bank charges in 6 years! Kathleen
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