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Everything posted by cadencealex

  1. Moorcroft has not been in involved with this case for a few years, no I just had a few letters from Roxburghe then the LBA.
  2. yes they are - they have 'been instructed by Debt Collection Specialists, Roxburghe (UK) Limited' The thing is.. don't they need proof of ownership of the accounts, before they start harassing people? I am not sure what the notice of assignment is at all !
  3. They have never confirmed in writing that they don't have the CCA - they have only verbally stated this over the telephone, and DECLINED my request to send it on a point of law.. So can I still seek an injuction restraining them? How do I go about doing this? thanks for your reply
  4. Cold turkeying off fags - Day 19. Very hard. Yesterday was very difficult. I am moody without the Champix - I daren't take anything like that I am going to put a patch on today if I am irritable and anxious, because I really don't want to smoke again. I have come so far, I am kind of in limbo. Its not the cigarette I want at all, I hate them. Its the feelings to pass. So I will break my cold turkey today with a patch if I have to Well done everyone .. this is NOT easy!
  5. I would like to send the same letter, however, I really want the default removing from the account. They may back down from taking me to court with that letter, but the Default will still remain on my credit file. Sigh.
  6. Well Next passed it on to a DCA and I have been ignoring their letters. Now they have a Solicitor on my case - Graham White Solicitors - who has sent me LBA. They are saying they have no agreement - so they are taking me to court now! I am a little worried to be honest because if I get a CCJ my career is over. And thats why I haven't been online, because I have been taking exams.
  7. I am not sure whether it is the same.. but a CCJ drops off at 6 years. Wouldn't that mean then that any record had gone?
  8. And what were you intending to pay the mortgage for? I hope you win your case anyways.
  9. So, you gave him £1000 worth of taxpayers money to secure a mortgage.. and you think he's a thief?! Housing Benefit is for rent. Not for securing mortgages. As your Landlord will know! He had you over a barrel.
  10. The point is. WHY was the Landlord taking you to Court for rent arrears when the Housing Benefit were making payments? And why would you give him £1000 to get you a mortgage - how were you intending to pay this mortgage? Nobody is judging you but in order for you to benefit from sound advice, people have to know the full story else their advice is useless.
  11. That is dreadful - I recently suffered a breach of the Data Protection Act. They contacted my MIL talking about my children. It only mildly irritated me but it is still a breach. (kids were overdue needles) I would be fuming though if I were you
  12. I will do that, I have nothing to lose I have disputed several things with them though and never got so much as a response!!!!
  13. Thank you I wish they would take me to Court though, I have got to initiate the proceedings which is scary I suppose I could always just take them to Court to simply request the correct documents, but as I keep saying.. I just want the Default removed!
  14. Northern Rock are lending again they announced on 23rd of this month If you could find a buyer, you could port your mortgage to another property now.
  15. Very glad you won against these idiots I have a similar Default notice but am going down the lack of CCA route.. although I have enclosed in my LBA the default notice and stated it isn't the prescribed terms..
  16. Why don't you start from the beginning properly, on one post.. in paragraphs so that everyone can begin to understand. It doesn't make sense right now and you will get a better response if people can understand it, instead of it coming across as far fetched :grin:
  17. I take your word that you were naive but I knew the housing Benefit had to be involved in this somewhere.
  18. Yes and it is unlawful to default you when the account is made up of charges. Bear in mind, when you settle this with a payment you will only see partial settlement on your credit file, and not 'satisfactory'. If I were you I would send the 'Account in Dispute' letter and claim your charges back and in the mean time just pay what you can afford. EDIT: I see it drops off next Feb.. have you tried the CCA letter?
  19. Where housing benefit involved in this at any point? You say you were a tenant - who was paying your rent? It seems to me like you and him (the Landlord) were doing some dodgy deals between yourselves and it all went tits up. Correct me if I am wrong, or sound a little harsh..
  20. On the left of this.. under your name there is a link for that exact matter
  21. What is the photocopy of then? If not the original?
  22. The OFT told me to contact the Information Commissioner about Next and their lack of CCA. The Information Commissioner told me that Next don't need to have a signed CCA because the Data Protection Act doesn't state they need a signed contract. Totally confused with that lot. The ICO told me to email all my documents and they will look into it.. but doesn't that interfere if I start court proceedings?
  23. That is very naughty, and thisismoney certainly look into things don't they! The last paragraph about companies house looking into them made me chuckle - how did they get a Debt collectors licence in the UK when they are registered abroad?!
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