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Everything posted by wougle

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. I have asked this exact same question previously here and on MSE, no-one seems to know. I am about to contact the nationdebtline about this and i'll let you know how i get on!
  4. Hi everyone, Just about to send the prelim letter to Halifax, but im not sure on what i should be saying. Basically i had two accounts with them, they have sent me the statements for the account which is still open but havent sent anything for the account the DCA has been chasing. I have sent the non DPA compliance letter but they havent replied and its been 3 weeks now. Should i send the prelim and LBA for the account i know about and carry on with that claim, then make another claim through the county court for non-DPA disclosure? Thanks,
  5. Thanks Seminole, that's really good to hear. I'll get on to writing tonight. I hope this doesn't confuse the fact that i'm eventually going to try and get the original Halifax default removed as it's almost totally made up of charges. God i love this forum!
  6. Can anyone give me a little advice please? I've wrote this on my thread in the Halifax forum but as its a specialised question I thought it'd get more attention here. I have two accounts one of my Halifax accounts is in the hands of McKenzie Hall. When i checked my credit report it shows a default with Halifax for £1082, but it ALSO shows a default with Hilco Recievables (who own McKenzie Hall) for the same amount. 2 Defaults for the same debt? Surely not? Can they do this? The debt has never been sold on, to my knowledge anyway, i've never recieved any notification of this. I've sent letters to both Halifax and Mckenzie Hall asking who owns the debt and asking for proof, i've also asked for copies of the default notices as i never recieved these either!! I informed the CRA's that i wanted to dispute the Hilco entry as it was the same debt as Halifax but they have just wrote back confirming that Hilco have told them the information is accurate. Swines!!
  7. Can anyone give me a little advice? As above, one of my Halifax accounts is in the hands of McKenzie Hall. When i checked my credit report it shows a default with Halifax for £1082, but it ALSO shows a default with Hilco Recievables (who own McKenzie Hall) for the same amount. 2 Defaults for the same debt? Surely not? Can they do this? The debt has never been sold on, to my knowledge anyway, i've never recieved any notification of this. I've sent letters to both Halifax and Mckenzie Hall asking who owns the debt and asking for proof, i've also asked for copies of the default notices as i never recieved these either!! I informed the CRA's that i wanted to dispute the Hilco entry as it was the same debt as Halifax but they have just wrote back confirming that Hilco have told them the information is accurate. Swines!! Thanks!
  8. I know I know it's a virtue, but my highlighters drying out here!!! 10 - 20 days doesn't sound too bad. Thanks
  9. Has anyone got a rough idea how long Nationwide are taking to reply to DPA letter for statements? I know they have 40 days to reply but i'm itching to get going!!
  10. Got a reply to my DPA letter today. Seems to be the standard one now saying 'As you have made your request in order to obtain specific information, rather than all the information we hold, we may be able to provide the details you require in a shorter timescale' Looks like things are moving...
  11. Hi Bankfodder, Just to make it clear, would the best time to consider sending this letter be after the initial DPA letter (and therefore confirming the charges wholly or mainly caused the default) but before the prelim letter? (hope you had a good break btw ) EDIT - Sorry, I think i understand now that this should be treated as a seperate claim. Doh!
  12. Hi All, I've just sent my DPA straight to the DP team. Hopefully I'll get my statements sooner rather than later as judging from the threads here they seem to be quite helpful and efficient? Anyway, we'll see!
  13. Hi All, Spoke to my local Halifax branch today about the chances of getting my last 6 year statements from the branch. The lady, very nice though she was, was adamant there was a link on the Halifax website to request all your statements. I didn't want to argue with her and as it turns out there isn't any such link. Anyway, DPA sent today so we'll see if they go for the full 40 days. I'm claiming from two accounts, one of which is now in the hands of McKenzie Hall debt collectors, so i'm sending them a copy as well.
  14. Yeah I think i understand. I'll have to send the DPA letter as i've only got a couple of the statements. Thanks for all your help!!
  15. Magic. I'll get on to Halifax first thing. So just to clarify, the money i've already paid to Mckenzie Hall i should be claiming back from Halifax as well?
  16. Oh right sorry, I should have put it there i suppose. No im not sure who owns the debt, if the debt collection agency (Mckenzie Hall) have bought the debt can i still claim off them or would that mean game over? It would seem strange to be claiming from a company who didn't charge me the money in the first place? Thanks,
  17. Hi Everyone, I've just started today by sending the DPA letters from the library to Nationwide. However, I have an old debt with Halifax after i dropped out of university, it's almost all from charges totalling around £1000. I'm paying this off to a debt collection agency as the actual Halifax bank account was closed some months ago. How would I go about sorting this out? I need some advice form all you experienced people! 1)Would it be best to go through Halifax and tell the debt collection agency that im disputing the amount therefore im stopping paying them? 2)If i do win with the bank, what happens to the money i have paid the debt collection agency? 3)When i checked my credit report i have a default listed with Halifax, but also the debt collection agency has left another entry on the report. When asking to remove the default I would have to ask both parties as part of the settlement wouldn't i? Thanks in advance!
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