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Everything posted by msneddon

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/08/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Thanks for all your suport. I am now going to submit my second claim against Abbey tommorow. They have refused to settele before court action.Going summary cause this time. Iwill let you all know how I get on. No doubt I will need help.
  4. My most recent letter came from Senior customer relation manager Mounir Kouchard
  5. I also reqested a refund for charges 2 weeks ago. I received an offer on Friday of around 70%. I telephoned and asked the gentleman to re negociate. he said he had 2 years worth of transactions missing from thier system but if I could please send copies he would review the sutuation. I sent copies and intend to phone today to renegociate. This gentleman was also very polite. I am asking for £4,100. I am presently in dispute with Abbey but have had nothing but hassle and an outright NO to my requests for refund
  6. Received this yesterday from Abbey Unlike other European countries where making payments while over drawn is an illegal offence, we offer free banking, provided customers manage thier account as effectively as possible
  7. I have recently claimed some of the charges owed to me by Abbey via small claims court action. Ihave now sent them 2 letters to ask for remaining charges. Both have fallen on deaf ears. Should I just go ahead and submit another court action? This time I am going to forget small claims route and go for summary cause. Any advice will be helpful. I am in Scotland.
  8. Hi My claim was at Hamilton against Abbey. It was pretty painless. A stuttering lawer turned up, said they were defending on the basis that their charges were a true estimate of their losses. The judge as much as told them to get their act together and come to a settlement out of court. They made me hang on till the hearing day and sent a lawer along to say a letter was in the post with a 100% settlement offer with no conditions attached. the judge was not pleased that they had not sent the letter to me earlier and continued the case untill 7th Dec to ensure I recieved payment. Abbey paid up almost immidiately. I am currently in the process of claiming the rest of the money they owe me and have informed them I will go to court once again if need be. Dont worry about court the cout officials will explain everything to you and you will not feel like a fish out of water. Hopefully the bank will pay up before your official hearing date
  9. I forgot to mention that Ashurst Abbey's new solicitors employed DLA Piper to act on their behalf.
  10. It is my understanding that you can claim in England but must have an english address. It does'nt have to be your own address just someone who is willing to take mail for you and pass it on . I would also point out that if you claim in England you will have to travel their to attend court. Look at the summary cause route. I will be using this route for my next claim. Limit is £1500+ court costs.
  11. As soon as my cheque clears I will make a donation. Meantime I will prepare to recover the rest of my money. Thanks again
  12. Hi Andy My hearing was at Hamilton sheriff. I have just phoned Abbey solicitors to see when my money will arrive and I was told it would be paid into my account as I had an overdraft. I informed the lady that Abbey still owed me more than double my overdreft not including this claim . She then agreed to post the cheque to me overnight. Good luck hope you get your money soon. I do.
  13. Did the court say they had not acknowedged the claim. In my case they acknowledged but did not submit a defence untill the prelim hearing. Today was my hearing and I won . My court is also in S Lanarkshire. My thread is in the Abbey forum (msneddon)
  14. Just back from court and I WON. When I arrived I was informed that a solicitor had already told the court that Abbey had settled and she was acting for both parties. I explained I new nothing of this having had no corespondance since prelim court hearing . The judge orderde that the solicitor (who was in another hearing ) should return and explain herself. When she returned she said I had been sent a letter to say they would settle. The judge continued the case untill 7th Dec to ensure I had recieved payment. Could someone please change my thread to I've Won. Thanks for all the help. I will now persue the rest of my money.
  15. Can anyone advise if it is worth while calling the court to see if Abbey solicitors have submitted anything to support their defence
  16. I also recieved a similar offer from Abbey solicitors. I accepted their 100% offer but did not accept the conditions imposed. I am due back in court tommorow and have not heard anything from Abbey since I will let you know how it goes
  17. thanks for your help I have tried Ms Cody's number and got an answering machine. She did not return my call
  18. I am due back in court on thursday and have been unable to get in touch with Abbeys new lawyers for conformation as where to send a copy of my support documentation. I eventually sent it to their London address but when I eventually got an answer at their office I was informed my documents may not reach the correct dept without a referance. I have had no contact from the new lawyers (Ashurst) let alone a reference. Does anyone have advice and will this hold proceedings up.
  19. Hi Odd My hearing date is the 9th Nov and as yet I have had no correspondance from Abbey's new lawyers and can't get a hold of their address to send them a copy of the documents I have submited to the court to support my claim. I am in Scotland and my local court has also tried to find an address for them with no sucess . I have also been on to Abbey who provided a telephone no for thier legal department but I have only been able to reach an answering machine using the no provided. Do you happen to have an address for them. The court informed me that they are called Ashurst. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
  20. I attended my preliminary hearing some weeks ago. The representative from DLA basically said negociations had broken down between both parties and yesterday I handed in my documentation that I will be using to support my case (hearing date 9th nov). The court official advised to send a copy of the documents to Abbeys solicitors and also told me that it was no longer DLA that were representing them. The new company is Ashurst but the court had no address for them. The official was very helpful but failed to find an address on their database, he even tried the yellow pages which turned up nothing. So I have been on the phone to Abbey who were of no help. The number they gave me for their legal department turned out to be an extention number with an answering machine at the other end.
  21. Hi Bandonbhoy The small claims at Hamilton are heard in another building a new building on Caird St or Road right next to the caird building at Bell College .The hearing was at 10am hope you can attend on 9th Nov. Good luck with your claim.
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