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Everything posted by Sexy_Em

  1. flippin heck!! :o They def havent charged me that much, I wud hav known about it (only earn £12000 a yr!) but even a couple of hundred is a couple of hundred too much!! SAR has been sent recorded delivery...will check the internet tomorrow to see if they hav received it...and then the 40 day timer starts its countdown! wooohooo!!
  2. well done!!! great to read success stories!! x
  3. Wow! Excellent thread! Really glad u got all ur sons money back too! Started your own one yet? x
  4. Wow!! Have just read all of your thread, and it sounds to me like you've had quite a ride!!! Am just starting mine today (SAR being sent at lunch) and its quite encouraging to see that support is thrown at you by loads of people in every direction! Anyway, keep up the hard work, and I'll keep my eye out for when u get ur money thru! Decided what you're gonna spend it on yet? Take Care, Em ps. sexy_em vs HSBC! x
  5. 2 weeks isnt too bad, bummer about having to go thru it all ourselves!! lol. I'm beginning to think 'what am I letting myself in for' lol. I dont think its going to be a great deal of money to be honest, but every little helps, and I just hope it will all be worth it!! Will send it off today. Am not going to put any thing in it, and leave it with the 'how do u wish the charge to be paid' bit in. If i havent heard anythin in 2 weeks time, I will send again with the £10 p/o. I do have internet banking, its just that my closed account is no longer on there. If I'm asking for one, I may as well ask for both!!
  6. but if they return it, can I cash it back in again?! does it cost to get a postal order?!
  7. Hey hun!! Thanks very much for ya support!! good to know there are so many people around me backing me up Couple of questions already... 1. How long did they take to reply to your SAR? 2. Did they send you details of charges, or just statements? 3. What is N1? thanks! x
  8. god it all sounds so confusing! Keep going winnie 123!! just think of the relief when it is all over!!!
  9. Wow Excellent!! As a 'newbie' it is excellent to read success stories such as this... lets hope their cheque doesnt bounce...LOL!!! Have you decided what you are going to spend it on?! xox
  10. OK! Lets do this! I am about to send off my SAR to HSBC. Have found read loads of FAQ's etc, and found the canada sqr address which seems to be the most popular on here. Have followed stephenfletcher's advice, and if it works i will be ever grateful! I am going to obtain charges info for my current account, and an account closed last yr (for fraud). Also, as HSBC refuse to give me a cheque book, I have modified the standard SAR letter to include the following "I am aware that there is a statutory maximum fee of £10; however I have no cheque book with my HSBC account. Please inform me how you wish this fee to be paid." As I say, stephenfletcher, if it works then thank you very much!!! From what I have read so far on this forum, it isnt luck I need, only determination. And I have plenty!! Here's to getting back what it rightfully mine!!! Sexy_Em xox
  11. Fantastic! Thank you very much for that, relaly appreciate it! well...wish me luck!!!
  12. I've had my bank account with HSBC for almost 5 years, and in that time I'm guessing that theres quite a few unfair charges I can claim back. However, last year I had a fraud problem, and they shut down my account and opened a whole new one. Will I be able to claim back charges on this old account?! Also, because of my poor credit rating, they refused to give me a cheque book with this new account, so if I write to them asking for a list of all my charges...how do I pay the £10 fee?!?! thanks
  13. Yikes! I've made it this far, so there is no turning back now! With thanks to Martin from MSE for pointing me in this direction!! Anyhow, HSBC are a nightmare and I think its about time I fought back. No idea how much I could claim, but I'm sure that once I've had a proper look thru this forum I'll have a better idea! Anyway, be gentle with me because I'm a total virgin, and to be honest I'm a bit nervous!! I'm sure I'll see you all around!! Em xox
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