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Everything posted by redwon

  1. Thanks for the reply. I am moving about 20 miles. I will speak to the secretary and see what she says . I have been on the list for 6 months now !
  2. I have been on the waiting list for a hip replacement for 6 months now and have been told it could be another 5 or so months wait. My problem is I have sold my house and am moving out of the area. When i register with my new GP will they try and put me on the list at the nearest hospital (the bottom of the list) or keep me on the one I am on. i have looked on the NHS choices website but there is no information about this ,only that I can choose hospitals.
  3. Thanks I was worried that it would be Curry's I have a bit of history with them. I blame myself for going there in the first place!
  4. Thanks for the reply Andy . Who do I go to Bosch who have tried to fix it or Curry's who sold it to us? I am about to phone Bosch service now Regards Keith
  5. We bought the Bosch because we thought it would be reliable. How wrong we were! It was bought from Curry's in march of this year. 3 weeks ago the Check water light started flashing, we called Bosch who sent someone out a week later then said they would have to order parts.. another 5 days wait. We have used the washer 3 times since the repair and today the fault has returned. I have lost confidence in them repairing it . My question is can I ask for a refund or replacement? I am dreading them having to come out again as they refuse to give you a time of the engineers arrival and have wasted 2 days waiting for them already.
  6. Well having shown them that they cannot take a days pay off me because I opted out of Sundays they now say I have to work Saturday and will force me to if necessary. I have a contract Monday to Friday for the last 25 years , it seem they just want to push me out now and there is not a lot I can do . Any ideas ? Thanks so far for the advice.
  7. Thanks Becky it looks like the way t go I am dreading going into work in the morning
  8. Thanks for all the replies its really worrying me at the moment as I cant afford to lose those hours
  9. Yes I am in the Union for what its worth. The Union rep was heard in the canteen saying its a good thing and if they don't like it leave !!
  10. No Morrisons , what's the free publicity ?
  11. Thanks for the reply. HR do not want to know they just follow orders so that's a no go.
  12. I work in a major supermarket Monday to Friday 6 hours per day. I have worked there for nearly 30 years. Today I was called into the office and was TOLD that I must now work every Sunday from the 20th July. I informed them that I opted out of Sundays in the late 80s when the new laws regarding Sunday trading came in . I was then TOLD that if I did not work Sunday then my hours would be cut by 6 hours. I assumed that when I opted out that this sort of thing would not happen and was protected by the law . Was I wrong ? There was no consultation and I feel that 3 weeks is not much notice for such a big change. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks for the information . I think I will wait for the next letter then reply .I was just worried that they would start harassing me if I gave them my name and address.
  14. I am having problems with Apex ,well I assume it is Apex. My mother has Alzheimer's disease and is in a care home . I sorted all her credit cards out some were written off and some accepted a small payment to close the accounts as she did not have much money. I am now getting letters addressed to her sent to my home address (she has never lived here) I keep returning them unopened but still they keep arriving once a week . Where do I stand with this as I am getting fed up of the harassment ? I feel like writing to them and giving them the address of her care home. I mean she does not recognise any of her children now so they have no chance of getting any sense from her regarding finances !! The problem is if I write then they will start pestering me then ! The letters are sent from Mailing Services Cardrew Way a google search brings up Apex . I have not opened any letters as they state that they are private and confidential and only to Addressee only
  15. I am having problems with Apex ,well I assume it is Apex. My mother has Alzheimer's disease and is in a care home . I sorted all her credit cards out some were written off and some accepted a small payment to close the accounts as she did not have much money. I am now getting letters addressed to her sent to my home address (she has never lived here) I keep returning them unopened but still they keep arriving once a week . Where do I stand with this as I am getting fed up of the harassment ? I feel like writing to them and giving them the address of her care home. I mean she does not recognise any of her children now so they have no chance of getting any sense from her regarding finances !! The problem is if I write then they will start pestering me then ! The letters are sent from Mailing Services Cardrew Way a google search brings up Apex . I have not opened any letters as they state that they are private and confidential and only to Addressee only.
  16. redwon


    Thanks for the quick reply, Direct Line have told me that Hertz have not replied to any corespondance since the claim started , as for having no problem getting re imbursment it could take months. I really do not understand why I should be out of pocket in the first place as its an open and shut case, is there any wy that I can get the costs ...god knows how many phone calls ! and the premiums I am still paying because they wont pay? Thanks in advance
  17. redwon


    Has anyone had any dealings with Hertz Rentals Insurance company? My car was hit in a car park at work , I was not even in the car at the time, someone came to get me and found that a lady driving a rented van misjudjed the length of the van and cliped the front of my car taking the bumper off. She admited in front of witnesses it was her fault (she could hardly do otherwise) and was very appologetic. This was over 3 months ago and to be honest I do not believe a thing my insurance company say to me (Direct Line) they said that Hertz Insurers are not relpying to letters, only when I push them do they do say they are looking into it. I have sold the car and cannot cancel the direct debit to Direct Line as they say there is a claim in process. Direct Line make me furious over the latest tv add saying that if an uninsured driver hits you you will not lose no claims and not pay excess . Mine seems to be an open and shut case but am still out of pocket on the excess I paid, where has common sense gone ! Is this normal with Hertz ? I believe they are insured with a company in Dublin does anyone know the name ?
  18. Got all my money back ...paid in full . All it took was 3 phone calls armed with information found on this site...knowlege is power !
  19. Done it ! Got 8 months charges paid back in full ! All it took was 3 phone calls armed with facts found on this site. ..... that's fast !
  20. Two weeks ago I phoned my branch regarding the so called maintenance charge of £28 per month. I spoke to the assistant manager and told her I was very unhappy about these charges and that I thought they should be reimbursed to me. She agreed ( much to my suprise ) and told me over the phone that they would refund the charges and would write to me confirming this. Well a week went by and nothing was forthcoming I telephoned again and asked her what happened to the letter she was going to send, she told me that the charge would be stopped and was looking back as to what charges could be refunded and a letter would be sent out first class post that day. One week later still no letter, so I phoned yesterday she would not answer the phone herself but her assistant told me that my claim was now in the hands of the branch income manager and that she did not have the authority to make refund payments, does this ring true with anyone on this forum ? I now have the mind to go back over the last few years and check my charges.
  21. I too am having problems with RBS. On an overdaft of £260 they are charging my wife £28 maintenance charge plus interest. She is paying a direct debit into her account of £30 a month. So she is ending up going an extra £2.50 a month deeper into debt which make the debt perpetual !!
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