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Everything posted by Angry_Princess

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 2019-03-08. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. ok thanks guys ill fax it in the morning. fingers crossed!
  4. whats sc&m and whats the number? thanks surfman!
  5. sooo. Had a letter yesterday. copy from the courts of the letter sent to lloyds. Saying they failed to respond and so the court orders the defendant to pay the full amount forthwith. Failure to do so could result in seisure of goods to be sold. It doesnt give a time frame? how long do they have to pay me? has this happend to anyone? steph x
  6. Hi! thought id av a peek at ur story. Nice 1! nice shoppin spree in order for you then i hope! Im gonna go the court 2moro and get in the application for judgement. Hope it doesnt take ages to get the money. Let us no wen u hear n e thin. Spk 2 ya soon! Steph
  7. Thanks all! Cajdad i didn't hav 2 do anythin. I sent in AQ then few weeks later got a letter sayin defence had not handed their's in and that the judge was giving them an extra week. They still did not hand it in and then i got a letter sayin the judge had struck it out. Ill go 2moro and apply for judgement. Its only for 700. not a great deal but a nice shoppin spree!! Nice 1 Surfman! Congrats. My case is with Birkenhead aswell. I had my last 1 there against Natwest 2. Good Luck cajdad! Ill let you no what happens! XX
  8. Hi all. Despite a reminder by the judge and an extra 2 weeks Lloyds have failed to send in Allocation questionaire. I received letter yesterday to say the judge has Stuck it out. I assume this means i win. What happens now and how long does it take? Thanks Steph X
  9. Ok thanks, ill stick to the point ha ha. I have already sent the LBA that was my 1st cus i had charges up on internet bankin so didnt need to request em. The martin lewis site says you can send a 2nd letter b4 u start court action just as a final warning i spose to attempt to settle b4 you have to start court stuff.
  10. Hi, i have been lookin at the martin lewis site and following his template letter (for a change) I have sent 1st warning and recvd letter deniying unlawfull etc and on lewis' site it says send another letter just to say you belive they r unlawfull an you will start court action in 7 days. Do you think i should put in it that i have previously won 4K from Natwest so they know i no its unlawfull? I thought maybe its worth a shot to save goin thru the court process.. Any thoughts???? Steph X
  11. Hi, im going to persue these buggers for my charges. Just wondered if any one else has yet. Not sure if its the same as clydesdale bank. Mine is for a HP a few yeras ago. Steph x
  12. Nice one Haydn, hope it all goes well for you. (Im sure it will ) Didnt see Eamon tho soz. Steph X
  13. Hayden's got it in 1 hun.. Natwest are textbook in the way they do this. It is really daunting at first and you just want lots of ressurance that your doing it right, i was the same.. Rest assured you ARE doing it right and dont panic! You will get there eventually. All the best hun.. Happy spending will soon be yours! Steph X
  14. Hi! In the Daily mirror today Read my thread... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-charges-print/20502-angry-princess-daily-mirror.html and GMTV later this week not sure what day yet though. Read my thread... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-charges-print/19496-im-gmtv-postponed.html
  15. Hi Madge! Its quite daunting when you start but its worth it in the end. Just stay focused and dont except anything less than what your owed! They will try to buy you off several times and try every scare tactic in the book, but, You have the power over them remember and they know that. Good luck with it Ask away if you have any probs and we will help and keep us upto date.. Steph x
  16. Hi, I am going to start my claim in a few weeks when i come back of my holls but just wanted to check.. Is Clydesdale Bank the same as CFS? (clydesdale financial services) Its an account for a HP i got a few years ago. Has any one been succesfull and can share a few tips? Thanks, Steph xx
  17. Thanks for you suggestions guys! Spoke to the guy in Spain and he said he thinks the pool will be ok by the time we get there, although he cant gurantee.. Just have to keep r fingers crossed hey. Steph x
  18. I agree with Karnevil. I do not know him personally but he has been lovely and extremelly patient with me. If he has upset you in some way im sure it wasnt intentional and think you should have spoke to him about it instead of talking about him in my post.
  19. Final update.... Sent Corbbetts letter to say i accept their offer of full settlement but do not agree to confidentiality... Recived letter a week later .. Our client agrees Woohooo! Look out for me in the Daily Mirror next week!
  20. Thanks for all your messages! Its inspiring when you read about people winning isnt it, I never belived that i would actually get my money back till i saw my cheque tho. I imagine most of you know about this but i saw in the daily mail earlia this week that certain cases are being frozen and they are going to sort this whole thing out with one big court case that will decide if the banks win or not, saves hundreds if not thousands of small claims going on. All the best everyone! Im off to buy a new car wednesday when my cheque clears ha ha! ......Im after a Ford Focus if any ones selling one? xxxxx
  21. I won Steter!!!!! Recived a cheque for full amount yesterday! You should be next hun! Heres my link if you wana c http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/4797-stephanie-natwest-i-i.html GOOD LUCK!
  22. Oh my god! I cant belive it! Im soooo excited! Letter arrived today from Cobbetts with my cheque for 3,702.94!!!! They say ... Although our client maintains its position as stated in our letter of 23 june, and is confident that it will be succesful at afinal hearing, its leagal fees will almost certainly outweigh the value of the claim, and, as such, our client must take a commercial approach to such claim, and, as such, our client must take a commercial approach to such claims. Accordingly, without any admission of liability, our client is prepared to settle this matter in full to prevent incurring any further fees. We enclose a cheque in the sum of 3,702.94. As previously stated, acceptance by you of this goodwill payment will be in full and final settlement of your claim against our client and strictly on the basis that:- 1 you agree not to disclose to any third party the fact of, or any details relating to, this payment: 2 You write to the court withdrawing your claim. Thanks to everyone who has helped me, especially Spiceskull, without whom i would never have won! I will be donating 5% to this amazing site. Well done guys you deserve some sort of award for creating this! Im so happy! Good luck everyone!
  23. OOOOh i hope sp Jhh!!! Fingers crossed Steter, Good luck! Keep us posted, ill update my thread if a hear n e thin an send u a message xx
  24. Saturday! The letter is dated the 7th July. When did you get yours?
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