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  1. Have you got your mortgage sorted then? We have found in the past that it pays to go and talk to people rather than let the computer say no! I have been getting ready to go off to a hot and sandy place for 6 months and so have not been around much! And will not be around much for the remainder of the year as I will be in the said hot and sunny place!
  2. Hello All, I have come accross the following term in some threads I was reading today - Statutory Notice to Quit Processing Data. What is this all about? Thank you! Madge
  3. Hello Ally! Not sure if I can add anything to this but here is my experience of credit scores: Companies say they have credit scored you when they have not, they look at other products you have with the company (and they might be trading under a different name) and look at how you have managed your account. I think that they like to keep people where they make them money. NatWest said I had a poor credit score and refused me a new account. At the time I was using a 30 day trial with experian, and they notified me every time my credit file had been accessed. NatWest had not carried out a credit check. I applied for a credit card and was refused because of the way another credit card had been run. Not aware at the time that I was applying for a card from the same company as the one I already had! 7 years ago I purchased a bike on interest free credit over 9 months. All paid off, but a rounding error meant that I had been in arrears (1 pence outstanding) for something like 72 months! I had to write to the company concerned to ask them to remove it, which they did without problem. Nationwide said I had a poor rating NPBS said there was no problem Northern Rock no problem - here have this very cheap loan! There could be no problem with your credit rating - you may have been labelled as a difficult customer as you seem to have taken most of the major banks to the cleaners! I really think it is a lottery and you have to keep trying! Let me know how you got on!
  4. Dear All, Got a full refund. Bought friend some gift vouchers - seemed safe thing to do! Madge
  5. Thank you for your advice Rosie - I will update the post when I hear back from the Company in question. 30 days is nearly up anyway since the order was allegedly despatched. Madge
  6. Thanks for the advice. The goods are new and from a registered company. They were ordered well before the companys advised last ordering date before Christmas. They have further advised a despatch date - but to date the goods have not arrived and to my knowledge they have not been re-despatched.
  7. Thanks for the advice so far! I paid for the items by debit card. It is low value - under £20. I have sent them an email giving them 7 working days to sort it out, then I will make a claim for a refund plus costs. Madge
  8. Hi to all! I bought a pair of gardening clogs before Christmas (present for a friend). My account was debited with the correct amount of money on 13 Dec. As the items had not arrived about a week before Christmas an email was sent requesting confirmation of delivery. Advised that the clogs would be with me within the week. To date they have still not been recieved and my last email was unanswered. In that email I requested either a refund or the clogs to be re-despatched. Neither has happened. What I intend to do next is write to the Company, giving them seven days to complete the order, or provide a refund. If this fails then I will start MCOL to reclaim the money. I have emailed them 3 times previously. On the website the company claims that title and risk to the goods passes to me once the item has been picked from their warehouse. Any advice would be gladly appreciated! Madge
  9. Have you ever thought about selling used cars???? Would you buy a used car off this woman??? I suspect arm twisting is a speciallity OK will do - I'll find some one to look after as you did with me! But after New Year!
  10. survey completed and donation made! Happy New Year to all! Thank you and good bye - its been a pleasure! MADGE
  11. And another pip - does life get any better than this??? If there is a God, Mel Gibson will be passing the end of my road tomorrow - will report progress soon!
  12. I'll drink to that one!!! Good Luck to everyone.
  13. Thank you all! Isn't this bit lovely!!!
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