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Everything posted by cher69cher69

  1. Hi There everyone :-? I am a newbie on this site but been dealing with debt since i had a nervous breakdown in 2006. At that time i could not deal with any of my own financial affairs and was almost sectioned. My husband had to deal with everything and had done ok and most creditors were really nice. With the exception of MBNA. Their telephone advisors areabusive,rude, sarcastic, and down right nasty. They refused to acknowledge any of our letters which explained why they should not telephone us because of my mental state and to deal with us only by letter. In total we sent 21 letters they sent us 39 and not one was a reply to our letters, just them threatening us. Then to top it off we received a pretty postcard with candles and towels on the front as if we had won a spa treatment or something and just a contact number on the back. My husband telephoned the number and guess what MBNA.He couldn't believe they would stoop so low as to try and decieve people into phoning them, especially when the people they are decieving are in enough mental distress to start with, without companies like this playing mind games with you. We were now in dispute because they wouldnt agree a reasonable payment plan because they wouldnt answer any of our letters,so because of this we reported them to the financial services ombudsman.(Which still hasnt been dealt with because they are busy). From this we were contacted by global vantage saying they were dealing with the debt so my husband tried to deal with them but no joy. At this time he was tryingto make token payments of £1.00 per month but no one would give him a bank acc no or sort code to pay them into. Then we got Link financial but we had no idea that they had any connection with MBNA. My husband folllowed the advice of CCCS and requested the copy of the written credit agreement because by now we were confused who to deal with. They also ignored all our letters they then took us to court. But thisis the best bit a guy from link financial contacted my husband and said to save messing about send the defence back to link they would then look at it and decide wether they thought we had a defence or not. Now bearing in mind my husband had to care for me and my 84 year old mother who lives with us and our 3 children and 2 mortgages and 10 credit companies. He took them for their word and did what they asked. OF course in hindsight it was a stupid thing to do, but my husband had lost it by this time. In our defence he put that we were in dispute with mbna SO HOW COULD THEY SELL THE DEBT ON AND SO AS FAR AS WE WERE CONCERNED WE DIDNT OWE LINK FINANCIAL ANYTHING BECAUSE MBNA NEVER TOLD US THEY HAD SOLD THE DEBT ON.:-? So LInk financial didnt send our defence into the court likethey promised on our behalf once they had picked the bones out of it. Hence the court never received it and we received a judgement in default. We disputed the judgement saying what had happened and the court removed the judgement but at the same hearing entered another judgement pending a statement from link financial.:-? My husband kept asking the judge how could they have got this far and how could they get us into court when we had requested on two occasions for link to send us a copy of the original signed credit agreement. We were under the impression that if you had requested this and they had not sent it then until they did they could not take any court action against you. But were told by the judge that this was irrrelevant now. hOW CAN THAT BE ITS IN THE LAW. WHY CAN THIS COMPANY JUST CARRY ON REGARDLESS OF THE LAW DOES IT NOT APPLY TO THEM. This is where we got confused:-? can someone tell me pleaseeee if this is correct. Can the company still take you to court when you are waiting for them to furnish you with this document????? CAN A COMPANY START PROCEEDINGS WHEN THEY USE DECEIT AND LIES TO MISLEAD YOU.??? CAN THEY START PROCEEDINGS IF THE DEBT IS IN DISPUTE WITH THE ORIGINAL COMPANY TO START WITH??????:-? PLEASE HELP!!!!! I AM STILL NOT WELL!!! AND THIS IS NOT HELPING AND MY HUSBAND HAS HAD ENOUGH HE FEELS LIKE HE IS BANGING HIS HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL. Thank you IN ADVANCE FOR ANY ADVICE YOU MAY BE ABLE TO GIVE SORRY i have rambled but thought you need to know the whole story. thankyou again Cher69cher69 :-?
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