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Everything posted by happydj

  1. This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Personal family trouble (dad on life support) means I accepted. Offer of £945 (about that) Telephoned and spoke to Lynn Offer accepted as partial payment - WILL be continue with claim Offer raised (over phone) to £1500 Offer ACCEPTED 14th March Claim Stopped - I won (accepted offer) - £1500 for a £1609 claim
  4. Update: Got a letter this morning offering £954. Telephoned and spoke to Lynn (really nice actually) she said that she can not offer any more and I said I will accept it as partial payment and continue with the claim. She then said she will offer me £1500. My claim was for £1609, BUT I did accept the payment of £1500 - I think this was because my dad is still on life support and I just want thisd over and done with quickly, so I have lost £109 - but considering that I never had any of this money anyway until I found this forum - I can live with that. So as far as im concerned, after the phone call agreeing £1500 which will be paid into my account within 14 days... I HAVE WON! I want to thank every single person who has posted and helped me to get where I am now - and if there is anything you can learn (if your just coming to this site and reading my little bit) is that you can do it - I never thought I would get £1 from halifax, and (hopefully) within 14 days im going to have £1500 - which will pay for the holiday I want for my mother and father together when he gets out of hospital. NOTE: I feel if I pushed for the £1609 I would have been able to get it but personal trouble is more vital than the claim - so if circumstances wern't what they were - I probably would have got it - so you can to! Thanks AGAIN to every single person on this forum! I will be donating once money is in account! Thanks again Paul
  5. sorry: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/92-3-letter-before-action.html
  6. UPDATE: Well yesterday I posted my 3rd letter off to them. I hope they don't think that Im not organized because I sent it a week late - been a hard week this week, my father had a virus, less than 24 hours later he's in intensive care on life support (hence the week late in posting) he's starting to get a bit better so will keep fingers crossed. Just hope halifax will just save the hassle and offer me the £1609 they owe me so I can stop worrying about that to. anyway, as usual I will keep you all up to date.
  7. UPDATE: Just got off the phone to Halifax to let them know the day is up tomorrow and i will be sending another letter tomorrow - informing them about court action. He said Sure I understand mr x, to be honst with you, you won't hear anything back from that either because we are so behind in the work with everything thats gone on in the media about this - im thinking about leaving because its so stresfull in the office now I was laughing my ass off! We had a right good chat and he TOLD me how Halifax will respond - simply, they wont - not in the time frame i have given them but im some cases they do want to sort it out - he says he is putting a note on the computer about they should offer me amount before court action - but we will see if anyone pays attention to this note or not Either way, think that was the best conversation I have ever had with someone from Halifax! Will keep you updated
  8. Thanks very much I will issue the claim - weird Royal mail not showing up as it been delivered though isnt it!
  9. Just received the following from halifax - the royal mail tracking system isnt up to much as it says that it has not been delivered. Here's the letter: Our reference: [there number] Roll number: [roll number] Dear HappyDJ thank you for your letter, which was recieved at this office on 19th February 2007. we are sorry to learn that you are unhappy with the charges debited to your bank account [note... i thought it should have read FROM your bank account?] Please note the complaint handling rules set bu our regulator, the financial Services Authority, gives us 8 weeks to investigate and respond to complaints. our commitment to you is that we will respond to your concerns at the earliest possible opportunity. However, we want to ensure the issues you raised are thoroughly investigated. If, for any reason, we are unable to respond fully to your concerns within the next 4 weeks we will write to update you of our progress. You will find enclosed a copy of our leaflet, which tells you how we will handle your complaint. Your concerns will be dealt with as quickly as possible, but to help us deal more efficiently with your enquiry, please quite [ref number] when writing or telephoning the number at the top of this letter. yours sincerely Michelle Gardner customer Relations Officer Customer Relations That s the letter I have got - can anyone advise me what to do next - the 14 days would have been up tomorrow! Thanks Paul
  10. If i was a lass - then I would kiss you! Since im not - i will do the manly thing, swear a bit, say cheers mate and offer to buy you a pint! Thanks VERY much for that!
  11. help!! advise needed! I sent the 2nd letter on 16th Feb asking for my money and if not within 14 days the court thing, BUT heres the problem! I sent it 1st class recorded delivery, and guess what - the tracking number says it has still NOT been delivered OR attemped to be delivered. I phoned the woman, explained it was urgent and it was a letter giving by bank 14 days and she laughed and said "what do you want me to do about it sir!" I said it states that I am entitled to compensation - she laughed again and said yes but we need proof of what was in it - I said I told you, a letter - she laughed AGAIN and said well the maximum we pay out is £32 or whatever it was and I would be entitled to £3 and was advised to not spend it all at once. At this minute im fuming, angry, upset, worried - why? - There was no need to talk to me like that, I paid the money for recorded as it thought it was a dead-cert on it getting delivered - I have to print another letter off but obviously need to change the dates to today - I need to pay £5 or whatever it is to get it sent by Special delivery - since I don't trust recorded or normal post any more! - Shortly, the banks wont need to pay out all of the money and i now need to give them another 14 days - so im getting closer! I have a feeling that by the time this gets sorted out, I wont get all my money back (£1609) and will only be entitled to half. I am in massive amounts of debt and thats what this money was going to be used for. It just seems everytime I get closer, something happens and pushes me further away - yeah maybe it is only a lost letter - but this is my only chance of additional income to pay off debt. So can anyone advise - SORRY for going on what seems something so pathetic - should i write them another letter? new dates? what if the bank DO get the letter after I post this one - I will look so much like i don't know what im doing! Help anyone please!
  12. I got the same letter with my statements - so I assume: Any charges which were placed manually on your account wont be shown because they have "no statutory obligation to record this information" So I assume the above - however if this IS the case it just shows how much these banks are all messed up - lets say I speak to someone nasty on the phone (Im nice 99.9% of the time) and they decide they want to place a charge of £10 on my account (because they can - even though this would be illegal - he/she could just be annoyed) there saying they wont record this - surely that's got to be bull! Anyway - just to let you know I got the same letter and I really don't have a clue (above is guess) what it means.
  13. Well today is 15/02/07 and I received through the post this morning, 51 pages of bank statements. I was actually quite excited to eventually get them and it starts to feel like this may actually happen. I have went through every page, and I have listed all my charges which appear as "charges as notified" on my statement. The total cost of charges from the statement dates: 23/11/01 - 30/01/07 comes in at: £1609.00 I have done the spreadsheet and have the letter (not sure what the nick name for it on here is or whatever - this may be why i get confused sometimes - anyway, letter 2 (the one you send after getting your statements)) so I am going to post them off to the same address I used on my statement request letter - can someone please confirm if this is correct? I am looking forward to posting these tomorrow recorded delivery. Thanks again for everyone's help on here!
  14. Hello I have read through everything and in the step-by-step guide it says the following: "Send the PRELIMINARY APPROACH FOR REPAYMENT LETTER together with a copy of the completed schedule of charges spreadsheet above." - However - I cant seem to find the "completed schedule of charges spreadsheet above" spreadsheet. Can anyone please direct me to a link or whatever as I would like to sort this out. Thanks very much to everyone on here! P
  15. Thanks very much and I will keep my fingers crossed for you! hillards: Thanks very much I have bookmarked everything you said. Thanks!
  16. Hello everyone, Well after months of being a member of this forum, reading through hundreds of posts and still been none the wiser, I have decided its about time to do something about it. I have had a bad year (splitting from my wife etc) and halifax hasn't been a priority. One thing I have realised is everyone on this forum deserves a drink or two for all the help they have given everyone. In my use of the internet - I have never seen a community come together to help eachother like I have seen here. So I feel happy about starting this process now to reclaim my money because if I get stuck or have a question - chances are 99.99% somebody would have been there and done it! So without futher rubbish coming from me - I am going to get a postal order on thursday and on Friday 22nd December I will be sending away the letter asking for bank statements. I will keep everyone informed (as I have the worse luck in the world ever so if someone like me reads this and think there to late or it wont work for them - hopefully it will make them realise if I can - you can!) Well thats my little intro - bring on halifax! lol
  17. Well how long did you request them for? I need them all for the past 6 years - if this is what you done can you please provide the phone number so I can give it a try. Thanks in advance
  18. Right I will send a P.O. for Halifax PLC - is that right? Also I will take your advise and send it recorded Thanks for your help!
  19. Hello, I am sure it is in here somewhere - but this site has so much usefull information I have had difficulty finding it. I am just about to send me letter away for a list of statements for the past 6 years. I have the letter, I have the address to send it to, but here is the problem - I don't have a cheque book. Would I be able to get a postal orger from the post office for £10 and include that in my envelope? If so, do postal orders have the name of the person to pay on or not? sorry if this is a really stupid question - but I think its better to just get everything checked to make sure there are no delays or hickups because of a fault of my own. So just to sum up - would someone please confirm how i actually pay the Data Controller with the £10 fee. Also, does the letter need to be registered? Thank you for your help in advance, Paul
  20. Thanks very much for the advice Dave I will do that and post the letter on here in the next 48 hours (because im at work) then upon approval, I will send it registered post. Thanks
  21. Thanks very much for the advice Dave I will do that and post the letter on here in the next 48 hours (because im at work) then upon approval, I will send it registered post. Thanks
  22. Point noted - and the days changed to 14. Sending the letter out tomorrow. I will use this thread to keep everyone updated. Thank you Merged threads, please keep to the same one.
  23. Point noted - and the days changed to 14. Sending the letter out tomorrow. I will use this thread to keep everyone updated. Thank you
  24. Sorry! I applologise for that - you could always murge them if you wanted to. My appologies
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