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Everything posted by royboy68

  1. Hi all I was wondering if any one has the correct address for the data controller at Virgin media. To try and keep it brief, I was a Telewest customer and canceled the contract in 2001. When I checked my credit report last week there was an entry from Virgin media that has only just been entered and its showing an account running and shows a zero balance for the last 36 months. I know that this could be a good thing as it is showing that I pay regular but on the flip side its another credit account on my file. The number available on the experian site is just a standard call centre and they couldnt give me the data controller address.
  2. Unfortunately cbd, my team went out in the semis so I have plenty time to sort mine. Surely you could wait till next week.
  3. I am ready to take the court action ims, I am just trying to find a way of getting them wiped off without doing so. I havnt actually paid the charges, they have loaded them onto the loan.
  4. Dont forget cbd, if there was PPI on your account and you successfully reclaim it, then the bank should put you in a position where you would have been without the PPI so like I said, if your account was in credit then no charges should apply.
  5. I am assuming here cbd that for a while your account was running fine. If it was then if you use the same logic that I just posted then not only were you in credit at first so the late payment charges should not apply untill your account for the loan on its own fell into that category. You could also claim that the interest charges on the balance should have been lower if the account was in credit.
  6. You didnt get my point cbd. The first late payment was about 3 years into the loan (notice i said late and not missed), as we would have paid far more than the monthly loan payment in PPI payments then the account was actually in credit all the time if you remove the PPI charges.
  7. Hi ims Thanks for that. I was just wondering if the finance company collections department might just concede once their complaints department agree in writing. The account never actually defaulted but they have put a few late payment markers on my file and the file of a joint borrower. Over the last 7 years they have loaded about £600 in late payment charges. As it was a large loan the PPI and interest was about £8000. As I speak to both the complaints and collections departments of the lender every week, I usually dispute the charges verbally and they seem to acknowledge what I say. It would certainly be an easier way to get the charges wiped off rather than putting a separate claim in. Just to clarify a point, I have never missed paying my portion of the repayments but my ex partner sometimes pays hers a couple of months late and as its in joint names, we both get tarred with the same brush.
  8. I was wondering if anyone has tried to reclaim any late payment charges and whether they were successful. The way I see it, if I paid the PPI payment for 5 years and then fell into arrears and the loan company admitted that the PPI was mis sold, then the account was in credit for a large amount. I am thinking of putting a claim in after I receive the offer letter (they have already admitted on the phone) for both the return of any late payment charges and to rectify the adverse records on my credit report.
  9. This is definately a bogus call. I had one today asking for the same details. I refused and hung up then contacted sky. The lady i spoke to said she has been inundated with calls and one elderly woman has given them all of her details including numerous bank accounts. What she told me is that sky will never phone about viewing cards.
  10. Thanks for your answer andydd. I know that houses dont have a credit ratings. I was just saying what the bank manager has said. so far we have obtained his mothers credit report and that shows as fine but I still think we need his fathers and his own to be able to do anything about it. I was just amazed at what the manager said and thats why i posted.
  11. A friends 21 year old son applied to the bank for a loan for a car. Evidently he passed the CRA check but was refused as according to the bank manager the house is showing as having a bad credit history. Apparently my friend assures me that everything they have is paid on time albeit they have large balances. I thought that these days, they had to look solely on the person applying not on the house or the post code. It would seem to me that they have accessed his parents files before making a decision. I will be getting them to access their files this evening but in the meantime any advice would be grateful.
  12. Hey Conniff Did you see the programme about him the other night. I dont know about 5 years in prison. He would be better in a secure unit. A right weierdo.
  13. Just take note the next time a car comes flying past you and look at the age of the driver, I bet the percentage of young drivers that pass you will be around 10%. It happened to me this morning on my way home from work coming off a roundabout with 2 lanes. I would estimate the speed at around 50MPH. The woman looked to be well in her 50s. If I had been doing a similar speed as I have 3 more chances, no doubt we would have come together My point is and has always been, why not try and deter all drivers from speeding rather than giving some drivers 4 attempts to kill someone.
  14. Crem I first started this thread to ask advise of which I did get some. I was factual and and to the point. At no time did I try and play down what he had done. At no time did I ask for anyones opinion as to how my son drove then or how he drives now. Surfer has it right. If you do wrong you pay the price and that is what he did. But if going over the speed limit causes someone to lose their licence and have to sit a re test because it could cause death then why does that only apply to a new driver, if you speed after 2 years of driving, does that mean that if you kill someone they are less dead This site is to help people not to try and put people down. We have enough of those on the bank threads l
  15. Hi Alan No problem with your post on this thread. You have put it far more clearly than i could ever have done. It was back in August 08 that he got done. Luckily for him his boss held his job for him whilst he had no licence and kept him in the warehouse. He did manage to get it back quickly but at a big expense. He has now moved on to a better job as senior driver at a bigger firm with his ex boss blessing. It does annoy you though with the holier than thou attitude. It makes you wonder if these people actually do keep within the law at all times or have just been fortunate not to have got caught. I have brought my children to accept it when they have done something wrong but to fight if its an injustice. Before anyone starts jumping up and down, I always thought we had one law for all in this country so you wont mind if the same law is brought out for all drivers, a driver who has been driving for a few years can go out and get absolutely wasted on booze or drugs, get a ban but then immediately start driving after the ban. Even though its been a couple of years since it happened it still makes my blood boil. Keep pestering the test centres Alan, thats what my son did, He was virtualy permantly either on the phone or on the web site trying to get the earliest tests possible. Good luck and I hope you get it back as quickly as possible. Roy
  16. In actual fact Bookworm, after reading and digesting your highlighted point that Lady Hale made, personally I would rather have the situation in reverse regarding bank accounts, with my eyes wide open I would want the money in question more than I would want the product.
  17. Bread = 30p to over a pound Legal fees can be negotiated or you can shop around Funeral expenses can be negotiated and you can choose the level of the service you require and can afford Estate agents have different fees Banks are a service that you have been forced as rdm quotes. No longer can you manage YOUR own money thanks to the capitalist society we live in. To my mind this situation has been planned since the early to mid seventies when the banks started to persuade us that being paid directly in the bank was beneficial. The situation was made worse during the Thatcher years when bank deregulation came in and TSB was sold to the people that owned it if they could afford to pay extra for their own company. Then the building society and friendly societies were allowed to convert into banks. In a nutshell, we have been forced into contracts that quite a few dont want and no way to get out of it.
  18. Just wish TLD would somehow let us know hes still around and O.K.
  19. I would agree with you completely there Kenny. I was actually talking about the ones of us that dont have the same problem. Most have cases in court that the courts seem to have for some reason, not actioned post the SC judgement. In those cases (like mine) it would seem prudent to wait and see if the amended POCs materialize rather than jump the gun and risk the banks defending due to badly worded POCs.
  20. It would be foolish for us to amend our POCs without the correct wording as this would give the banks a better chance to defend the application. No doubt the correct wording will filter out from GLC in due course.
  21. I will be watching this with keen interest. In my opinion, I cant blame GLC for keeping quiet about any new POCs until an actual case was before a court. Why give the banks pre notification and allow them time to fight the application. This wont mean that all courts will take the same view and i can now see the banks hurriedly applying to have cases struck out to prevent us amending our POCs.
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