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Everything posted by toddle2u

  1. Right bear with me on this one and any advice appreciated. Westcot are chasing a debt for United Utilities (water charges) however, I do not have the amount of the original debt. I have sent a CCA and SAR. They have not replied to the SAR. However, they have replied to the CCA request saying that the debt does not come under this, the debt has been acknowledged by payments made (£10 a week for a year)and that the full amount of £709 is now due in full by return. As they have not replied to the SAR and I have disputed the debt (well the amount anyway) and they have not given me a breakdown of the debt figure what are my options? Stop paying the weekly installments? Any help or guidance appreciated Toddle
  2. Gary You were completely right Lloyds have filed a Defence today at the last minute. Will keep posted Toddle
  3. Thanks was deemed served on 21st October so 28 days is this coming Saturday which means Monday. Will just have to wait and see!
  4. Can anyone please advise as to when you should be able to obtain Judgement by Default. It is now 30 days since the Claim was issued (by MCOL) and although acknowledged a Defence has not been filed. I have tried to obtain Judgement via MCOL but it is not letting me do it. Any advice appreciated. Toddle
  5. Could someone please advise. DLC have acknowledged that the debt (with Barclaycard) is in dispute and placed the account on hold. However, I have today received a letter from Ruthbridge Ltd threatening to issue a Bankruptcy Petition if not paid in full by end of month. Can anyone advise pleae.
  6. I would say from what you have stated that even if you get judgement you have very little chance of getting the money as she has none. I think you may well be throwing good money after bad. IMHO
  7. Do you know what area she lives in? Should be able to narrow it down on 192 if you know the area. If not just follow her home after work one night.
  8. Andrew1 I find people who type in capitals to be rude and ingnorant. The reason it is on another thread is that I have sent multiple SAR's and CCA's of to multiple companies. As you say you are no expert and it would seem from the other replies you advice is wrong and therefore your assumption is correct. Antibank - thanks for the advice
  9. You should be able to get their address from the electoral role (usually available in local library) or can pay for it on a site like 192.com - The Largest UK Directory Enquiry Service. I agree with you sue them they owe you the money which you were good enough to lend in the first place and you should get it back. However, do they have the money to pay you back. If not you may be running extra expense to no avail.
  10. I would be grateful if anyone could give me some advice regarding the following please. Sent SAR to Westcot 38 days ago with £10 cheque which they cashed. Sent them a chaser letter last week saying 40 days was nearly up. Now they have sent the £10 back (because they do not charge for this service!!!) and asked me to complete a questionnaire confirming my identity and stated that the 40 days will commence on the date i return my questionnaire. Can they legitametly do this as it just seems like a delaying tactic to me and do I have to keep up repayments whilst doing this (I have been up to now) Any advice greatly appreciated.
  11. Pete, Many thanks for the clarification. Westcot have also failed to reply to a SAR (even though they cashed the cheque). There 40 days is up now - whats next in regards to this situation? Thanks
  12. Hi Number 6 Thanks for the reply and advice. The 14 days are up but not the 30 days so therefore I will wait for the statutory further 30 days. Within the CCA request I did also ask for the proof of any assignment as well as tried to cover all bases. With regards to the first school of thought that you mention how if the agreement is cancelled can the debt be pursued without proof of either the original agreement or the Deed of Assignment. Surely they should have to provide one or the other for the debt to be nefoceable by law!
  13. Hi, I hope someone can help me here. I have written to various DCA's (DLC, Westcot etc) and none have replied to the CCA's. I have searched but cannot find a template letter to send. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Toddle
  14. As soon as you receive the Certificate of Judgement enforce it and you will have your money in about three weeks.
  15. Hi, As they have acknowledged it they are aware of the claim. Did you ask for Judgement online? It would not have let you do it online if you had not been entitled to so therefore your Jusgement should be valid. However, they are still able to apply to set aside the Judgement. What I would do is as soon as you have the Judgement apply to have it enforced but not by the Court Bailiffs. You should apply to have it transferred up to a High Court Enforcement officer (cost £50). They have far more powers than the bailiffs and are more aggressive in their collections. You should google "high court enforcement" and you will see various firms that do this and they will also do the necessary forms for you to 'transfer up'. Good Luck
  16. Great News When you get the Judgement do not just get the Courts to enforce it through the Court Bailiffs. To get a better and much more pro active response you should do what is called 'transferring up'. What this does is transfer the enforcement to a high court enforcement officer who has much stronger and far reaching powers than an ordinary bailiff for enforcement. It only costs £50 (same as a Bailiff) and is far more effective. Have a look at Home Page Best of Luck
  17. Can I claim for the £15 monthly account charges as well?
  18. Hi, Have toady fired off letter to Lloyds for charges of £2389 in the last eighteen months even though the amount going through the account in that time has been six figures!. How can I find out how others have been getting on with Lloyds?
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