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  1. I think I've really messed up! I have received my settlement last month after 6 months of waiting. I have since been charged twice for going over my overdraft last week. Once because a company billed me more than it should (I have to sort this out) and once because I was charged my monthly account fee, which wasn't covered because the company had taken more money out than it should! My problem is when I received the settlement offer from S,C&M I just signed it as it was without any amendments, but I think it may have meant that the settlement was a full and final payment against my claim and any future ones? Does this mean that I have to pay these current bank charges as it's going to be a struggle - actually impossible and I can just see it going the same way as it did before - charges that I cannot meet that incur more charges, until it snowballs out of control. Can anyone please advise? Thanks in advance! Tracie
  2. Hi all, would really appreciate it if anyone has any knowledge on where I stand legally regarding rent increases. I have been in this property for 14 years now and have never had a contract so I think I'm classed as an assured tennant? I receive housing benefit for most of the rent and if my landlord does increase the rent it's usually by £5 per week. Last Sept it was increased by £10 per week because he hadn't increased it the year before (!). Now, I have been able to pay £5 per week but not the extra £5 so I am getting more and more in arrears. I know it's only £5 but believe it, it's the difference between being able to put the heating on or not! Have asked the council for the extra help and they didn't want to know. Lordlord has threatened to evict me if I don't pay what he asks. Really grieves me as he has not put a penny into this house for the last 3 and a half years! Legally, is he entitled to charge the £10 per week and do I have to pay it? All help appreciated. Cheers, Tracie
  3. Bless you GaryH. Your bloods worth bottling!
  4. Hi, would anyone happen to know who is the top person to deal with if contacting head office? Just to make sure I'm correct, HO is Gresham St isn't it? Any advice appreciated! Cheers, T X
  5. Hi All, As I said yesterday, I started the warrant online in the hope that this farce will be wrapped up sooner rather than later, with the cost of £55. In the meanwhile I did as Elsinore suggested and sent both a letter and email to Northampton. Kept checking my online claim details all day to see if the warrant had been validated. Sometime after 4.30pm the warrant was rejected. This means that I have lost the £55, along with some of the fighting spirit that I had yesterday. I followed the time scales, gave them extra time before taking it a step further and officially was well within my rights to issue that warrant after judgement. Now is the time that I feel utterly deflated and I really feel like giving up. I have played ball but have still been knocked back, and if they can do that when I have done everything correctly then I feel they can do anything they wish. That £55 is half of what I get each week and to just lose it like that feels exactly what if felt like when LTSB used to charge me. Hey, maybe to recover my fees I ought to take the court to court . Oh the irony! Dejected, sad, headache, off to bed. Goodnight, God bless. Tracie X
  6. Hi Spafford, How did you get on with your judgement? I had problems with mine. Let me know tracie X
  7. Hi Scouser and welcome! If you've banked online for many years then you're halfway there! Just go through your statements online, print them off and go over them at your own leisure. That's what I did. No waiting for LTSB to send your statements through the post. Good luck! Tracie X
  8. Thanks for that Elsinore, let's hope so! You're right, I won't bother contacting [problem] again because it's pointless and they're misleading! I'll contact the courts. An email sounds a good idea. Don't suppose you know the addy? X
  9. Thanks Midge and Smellie! Just waiting to see if the court validates my warrant or not. Fingers crossed! Didn't realise [problem] were so under-handed. Then again, everyday they drag it out with us is money in the bank for them I guess. The legal fees alone must be costing LTSB a bomb. Well, we know what it feels like to lose money for nothing - so HAH! X
  10. Yes, just done it. I don't know how they keep getting away with it. Time limits are there for a bloody good reason. I was crapping myself when I first started all this. I felt so out of my depth. But now? I'm so angry that all I can say is......LTSB - BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hi Smelliellie! I've just done it! The worst that can happen is to suspend the warrant whilst they investigate all the facts. If I'm gonna have to wait around for them to get their finger out I mays well wait on my terms! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Still wound up!!! X
  12. (STARTED A NEW THREAD) After all of the above steps, and after waiting for a week after entering judgement I thought I'd give the solicitors a little more time before issuing a warrant so I wrote them the above letter giving them an extra week before such action and sent it off recorded delivery which they received. Still not heard anything so I gave them a call today. Guess what? They say that they DID file a defence online but they also say that there must have been a fault with the system because lo-and-behold, it didn't show that it had gone through! I've never heard such nonsense. Everything I've entered on Money Claim has gone through ok and I haven't heard anyone else say there was a problem with the system. They say because of this fact that a judgement shouldn't have been allowed and they have got a stay so I should be receiving my AQ soon. Fuming? Steams coming out me ears! Funnily enough when I rang Northampton County Court to complain, they say that a stay has NOT been granted, they did NOT file a defence, and [problem] has been in contact with them but only to apply for the removal of the judgement, to which they haven't returned the appropriate forms (quote from the very helpful operator: "We've sent them the forms but they haven't even bothered to send them back. They want the judgement removed but they're not putting the work in."). She also said that they shouldn't have mis-led me like that and if they're going to be funny about it to not wait but carry on to the warrant stage. Should I send a letter to the County Court explaining my misery and if so, who would I address it to, send a letter to [problem] informing them that I intend to go ahead with the warrant, or just sit back and see if they get their way and have the judgement removed so they can drag their heels into 2007 before paying me what's rightfully mine?????? Still seething! Big hugs, Tracie XXX
  13. After all of the above steps, and after waiting for a week after entering judgement I thought I'd give the solicitors a little more time before issuing a warrant so I wrote them the above letter giving them an extra week before such action and sent it off recorded delivery which they received. Still not heard anything so I gave them a call today. Guess what? They say that they DID file a defence online but they also say that there must have been a fault with the system because lo-and-behold, it didn't show that it had gone through! I've never heard such nonsense. Everything I've entered on Money Claim has gone through ok and I haven't heard anyone else say there was a problem with the system. They say because of this fact that a judgement shouldn't have been allowed and they have got a stay so I should be receiving my AQ soon. Fuming? Steams coming out me ears! Funnily enough when I rang Northampton County Court to complain, they say that a stay has NOT been granted, they did NOT file a defence, and [problem] has been in contact with them but only to apply for the removal of the judgement, to which they haven't returned the appropriate forms (quote from the very helpful operator: "We've sent them the forms but they haven't even bothered to send them back. They want the judgement removed but they're not putting the work in."). She also said that they shouldn't have mis-led me like that and if they're going to be funny about it to not wait but carry on to the warrant stage. Should I send a letter to the County Court explaining my misery and if so, who would I address it to, send a letter to [problem] informing them that I intend to go ahead with the warrant, or just sit back and see if they get their way and have the judgement removed so they can drag their heels into 2007 before paying me what's rightfully mine?????? Still seething! Big hugs, Tracie XXX
  14. Hi, I used Money Claim Online but didn't attach the schedule of charges as there was not enough room. I didn't send it on to the county court but did send it on to solicitor's at a much later date. Will this matter?
  15. Thanks Hollydoll, will do that tomorrow and take things from there and record my process here. Thanks for the luck! Take care Tracie X
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