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  1. imgoing thru the same thing my x5 was stolen in january off my drive whilst i was on holiday they got the keys thru my house which they also burgled - house and car insurance are not paying - car insurance is threatning me to drop the claim and house inurance says they are waiting foe police investigation to be finished???? i have complained to financial ombudsman about car insurance as i will not be threatened whilst making a legite claim, so many people must b making false claims that theyre penalising the genuine claims too now, its pathetic.
  2. conniff - ive never come across the seller again and he lives to far for me to find him so i just left it - im just glad im getting paid a fair price
  3. absolutley right goldlady - my partner was telling me to just accept the 1800 cheque and be done with it as i was getting so stressed but im so glad i fought it all the way
  4. hi chester, thanks for thinking of me - i am still in a courtesy car but i have agreed to a settlement figure of 7000!!!! big difference to the ridiculous amount cis sent me a cheque for just goes to show perserverance and patience pays off in the end.
  5. hi my sister in law had a similar problem as yours - which i sorted out for her eventually this week - like you she took out 3 contrcts following the mobile connections/orange [problem] anyway the company went bankrupt and she couldnt afford the contracts without the cashback deal, we wrote to orange explained the situation with no reply, rang trading standards - no help! the 2 orange contract accounts went to a debt collection agency called dlc - orange sent final demand letter for the third contract which was yet to be passed to the debt collection company, i rang debt collection agency who said in all she now owed over 1000 for the 2 orange contract accounts i explained she couldnt afford to pay it all at once but she was willing to set up a payment plan especilly since she didnt want to wreck her credit history anyway the debt collection company said if she payed 319 they would write off the rest of the debt and reconnect the contracts - well we said we'd reconnect one on a lower tariff.monthly payment plan and that was them 2 accounts settled, we rang orange and the debt owed to them for the 3rd contract was 191 - they knocked off 40.00 and said she could pay the remainder at 20.00 a month till debt cleared so it was alot of money forked out over a stupid [problem] but not as bad as it could have been so maybe you should try negotiating with the debt collection company - orange have now sent a new sim card and phone for the reconnected 1 contract
  6. ask to talk to the manager - they are probably charging you 5.00 a month for internet they put this charge on without telling customers demand a refund and tell them you never asked them to put that on and do not use it, they also charge a fee for not paying by direct debit, they charge for itemised billing and they charge 1p per delivery report - just talk to a supervisor or manager and they'll sort it out - they did for me
  7. i had an accident on 17th august 07 and the case has still not be settled - my car was a write off, accident not my fault but dispute over car valuation however i still have courtesy car as the company im using understand its not my fault case has took so long try explaining your situation to the hire company
  8. where do the company stand to try and enforce an agreement signed but is not regulated by the consumer credit act - would courts take their side or ours?
  9. nothing received, no id card, no paperwork, nothing - he did sign something for membership but when we went in to give bank details we told them to cancel it we're not intersted, the lady said ok and we watched her screw up the forms....
  10. a quick update - the claim is still ongoing, can u believe it, the car hire company must be laughing all the way to the bank.....
  11. I am writing this for my partner he went to view a gym which he liked his friend signed up there and then but he did not as he had no bank details on him so we went back later that date with my bank card again he couldnt sign up as i didnt have the account number or sort code on my crd and i didnt know them off by heart so we said forget it he'd go to a pay as u go gym instead - after that he received numerous phone calls saying the deposit had been paid and when would he be in for his induction (we knew it was lies as they had no bank details/card details to take any money out of so knew it was a ploy to get him in the gym told them not interested but they continued ringing daily saying same thing) anyway on mondy he receives a letter from debt collector sayin he owes the gym 300 odd pound to gym when he has never even been there - we've rang spoke to someone after i asked to spoke to manager (got put through to someone lter found he wasnt even the manager they put through to anyone) who said he'd investigate and get back to me no reply i have rang evry day 3/4 times and get told he will call back of course he never does what do we do now - he is getting his name black listed over a debt he doesnt even owe, someone please help, any advice would be appreciated
  12. Hi everyone, I'm writing as I need some advice for my nephew - he is disabled, wheel-chair user, we had our whole front garden tarmaced as it easier for him to get round the garden with his wheel-chair as opposed to grass anyway the kerb outside is high and needs dropping it is difficult for him to cross the road with it being high therefore we need it drop, does anyone know how we could get help with doing this, i.e-grants/funding, as i know its costly and money we're short of but we need this done asap - life is difficult would be so much easier with kerb dropped
  13. hi surfer, i was in the same position as you yesterday i viewed my bill online and saw 5.00 credited on for some weekend thing so obviously i called them up and said whats this im 3 months into my contract i spoke to a very rude man who said you signed up to this contract and agreed to the contract-you never cancelled the download offer hence you will be charged for the remainder of your contract-i was mad and said noone mentioned this to me and therefore i wil not be paying for that i siggned up for the phone,the minutes the texts and the contract for 24 months but not that bit,if i had done so i would pay for it,the man then got aggresive and even ruder saying well i tell you what we'll charge you for the phone and all the calls you've made and keep on billing you-how you gonna like that so u told him i am not stupid i know what i signed upto and can prove it as when i registered the handset i recorded the call and there was no mention of this download thing they're charging me for, i said i can prove i did not - can you prove i did as i always record calls i make to use when people try to lie (obviously he pooped himself as he'd been unprofessional,rude and ended my call) no doubt about it im fuming now rang back explained the situation to a lady who said yes he wasnt comfortable about being recorded i have the notes here i said i bet he wasnt after how he just spoke to me-she cancelled all charges for not paying by direct debit,ended the extra thing i was supposedly going to be continouly charged for and it will be credited back to my account (and guys i didnt record him isnt it so funny though the result you get when you say you can show their incompetance..........)
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