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  1. It's down as the DCA on one which also shows the CCJ, the other it's with the OC has no CCJ shown and is slightly different amount. Both are same account numbers so assume same debt.
  2. We have the settlement letter which is why BC decided not to continue (we think) although the debt was still on the file last month. We just wondered if this should now be removed as it is not being continued or at least shown as settled. It appears the oc was not very fothcomming with information to DCA or CRA's in fact both have different info on the situation. So if we send all details to the CRA no doubt they will check it out, but if the oc decides not to help could this all happen again or with the discontinuation letter will that be a total end? Thanks for looking postggj
  3. This was the original thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/141145-urgent-advice-ccj-granted.html At that point we were unsure what the debt was for as we thought it was paid and at one point the account numbers were different.
  4. The original debt was for a credit card but we had a dispute with them over charges. Anyway they sent a letter stating they would accept x amount for full payment Mainly due to all charges on the account, we accepted and paid this in Dec 2006. However Feb 2008 we were getting letters from Arrow and then BC. We contacted asking for credit agreements etc but were not given any signed. It eventually went to court but BC sent a letter saying the account was on hold, foolishly we thought this meant all the case including the hearing so never filed a defence. After advice from here we asked for a stay after ccj was issued, this was granted. We had a letter in september to say it had being extended, now we have this letter of discontinuance. We had the CC letter for evidence and the cheque details, not sure why it went as far as court although BC were saying they could not find evidence of the cheque being cashed and due to the length of time i was unable to get a copy. But that part is now over, i hope.
  5. Not sure if this is the correct place for this so sorry in advance. From the help on here and going through with others we have finally had a notice of discontinuance what does this mean? ie, the case is droped for now, it may be chased after again in the future by another DCA, it will state settled on the credit file, it will be a nil balance on the file. (default balance £1267) Although the original default was December 2006 (our final payment for settlement was taken) the default was not on the file until Feb 2008 therefor if it stays as a settled balance and not 0 balance it will be on for nearly another 6 years rather then the 4/5, as showing the default balance it still may affect lending possibilities. Can we claim for any expenses, phone, letter, first visit to court, payment for stay etc or should we quit whilst ahead as we think it will only be a round £100 although we will be complaining about there practices, who would be the best people to contact on this? Keep up the good work CAG and hope you win the Case against you. We can now give to the cause.
  6. Have you done anything to recover any costs? Just wondering how it was going. We now also have the letter of discontinuance will check with court later to see if they have received it. To anyone else in this situation keep fighting. More success stories everyday.
  7. We fell foul to that type of letter please continue until the COURT say otherwise. We have had the stay extended so i don't think BC will drop so easy.
  8. Thank you KFC, as we have not heard anything i am going to contact the court and ask what is happening to find out how to proceed. Sorry about saying send evidence in it was my mistake i was slightly ahead, there is so much into this at least people on here know what they are talking about.
  9. Hi, I am no expert however we have / are in this situation. When responding to the defence we sent in two copies of the evidence which was just the basic letters not recorded recepts, i think they only want to know what you sent / received. I could be wrong in all of this. I did send two copies so they could send to Bryan Carter to see what we had against them but we had used most of this to get judgement set aside. We were then given uptill the 12th september to sort this out ourselves before court precedings were made, we have not heard anything and still unsure as to what we owe cannot do any more. The agreement they sent down does not appear to have an account attached to us although the company involved had and agreed a settlement payment...Paid. Hopefully we have heard the last. Whatever happens if the court contacts you respond to them, even if BC say they have ended the claim ensure this is notified to you by the courts. Really good luck, try not to worry to much (easier said then done) but so many people are in your situation and are helping one another.
  10. I know it has being a long time since i started this anyway we had a court hearing over the stay and this was granted as we had the letter to show them informing us it was on hold. The stay is now up and we are waiting to here what happens now after not hearing anything since the stay was granted. ( we forgot to notify the credif ref co's so this caused some hassles still) Although we paid for info on the account etc this still has not arrived only the aggreement which is not ours. After looking at the credit files there appearsto be an error in the amounts as the amount owed on one is differentto another and to the court even with costs added. Had it not being for this forum we would not have even got this far and probably paid up not knowing what to do. So a very big thank you to all. No doubt more advice needed later.
  11. I have now asked for a judgement to be set aside and waiting for the court to be in touch. I have also just received a 'copy' of the supposed credit agreement which i asked for 4 weeks ago so they are well outside of the time given. However i also asked for details of the debt with full breakdown (paid the required fee) i have not received this so still do not know what they are claiming for. The agreement is not signed and does not have any names on except hand written on the top. We have also being given 14 days to pay the debt before they enforce the judgement. I have tried reading other threads about this but have got confused if i have not received a signed or named copy of the agreement can they still enforce this debt? As they have failed to send the requested information in full and within the time stated then can they still enforce and what else can i do? Thanks for further help.
  12. That is brilliant news and does give hope to everyone else on board. Thank you for sharing your find. There is so much to go through in this forum even with the search i cannot find everything i would like. There is plenty of good news and help on here to keep everyone going.
  13. Good luck, i will be thinking about you. It is not right how they go about getting money. The only thing i hope will help us is the letter from BC stating they were putting the account on hold and then not sending the requested information. How can you defend a claim you are not sure what it is for.
  14. Thanks, although last time we went in they were useless. Although they had being helpful on a previous case. Depends on staff. You can see whay i have such a problem when i mention Brian carter as the dealings are with them, i have read the problems on here just wonder how they can get away with it.
  15. I have being in contact with the national debtline and they told me to send of for a copy of the aggreement which i had done when they stated they would put things on hold this time though i used one of the templates. The deadline is up tomorrow and i have not heard anything back. So back to the original plan of asking for it to be set aside. It does state there is a fee to pay however we are in one of the 'fee free' brackets, working tax credit, not child but due to an error on there part i am being paid manually so have no proof of what i am getting. Two questions does anyone know if i can have the payment refunded when i can proof what benefit we are on at the time application was made or would i be able to get something from the local tax office to show what i we are getting. I really thank you for any advice.
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