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Everything posted by familymac

  1. I WON!!!!!!!!!!! NOTICE TO ALL FELLOW SCOTS OUT THERE WORRYING ABOUT THE HASSLE OF THE SCOTTISH SMALL CLAIMS COURT!!! I have just successfully reclaimed £3778 in bank charges from HBOS plus my £120 small claims fee. To all Scots worrying about the hassle of the Scottish small claims court (max claim £250).......my branch is in Gillingham in Kent, however, I was advised that as you are taking the actual Halifax Bank (who have their head office in Leeds where the court papers are sent to) to court and not a particular branch you can raise any claim in an English Small Claims Court (max claim £5000). This would mean any scottish claims of over £250 you would need to lodge several claims in order to have the full amount returned. I went to Berwick Small Claims Court (which is in Berwick court but only on a Wednesday, call them to check hours) which is only 1 hours drive from Edinburgh (I am lucky enough to live just outside Coldstream so am only 12 mile from Berwick on the Scottish side of the Border. My point is (I'll get there eventually) that some scots were worried about taking their claim to an english court because should the case come to court they would have accomodation and travel concerns BUT if you can be bothered with the drive to Berwick (the scenery is LUSH) it means only having to lodge 1 claim, the court will post all the necessary paperwork out to you if you call them!!!!! Also explained to me was that had a been taking Joe Normal Bloke to court he could insist on the case being moved to a court closer to him (i think this is where people are worried about perhaps being forced to go to Leeds etc)....however, as you are taking a company / corporation to court they (as a matter of course) don't bother to challenge the court designated. GO FOR IT PEOPLE IT FEELS FAB TO BEAT THE BANKS AT THEIR OWN GAME, THEY LITERALLY SETTLED MY CLAIM THE WEEK THEY RECEIVED THE COURT NOTIFICATION!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  2. I posted about 6 weeks ago re claiming £3778 charges from Halifax bank. Although I live in scotland (right on the scotland england border) I claimed in Berwick small claims court (i was advised by court that as my branch is in Gillingham in Kent i could do this). I received letter last week telling me that HBOS were paying full amount PLUS £120 court fee into my account which they did on Monday!!!!!!! Hang in there - you're in the right and the banks know it and are now running scared!!!! Good Luck!! xxx
  3. Hi there people, I just have a small question. I live in scotland and am approaching the stage where i take court action against my bank (having sent them the 1st 2 l.b.a.'s). Can anyone answer my question....although i live in scotland my branch of the Halifax bank is in Gillingham, Kent. As the Scottish small claims court only goes up to £750 and summary causes only to £1,500, can I enter my claim in the small courts in england (i think they deal with claims up to £5,000 and mine is for £3,489) with my branch being in england. If not i will have to take 3 seperate summary causes out 1 afetr the other and this seems very long and dragged out! Help please. p.s. I love this website & have told all of my friends about it...finally people interested in helpinh honest hardworking civilians on the wrong side of their banks..FAB!!
  4. Hi there people, I just have a small question. I live in scotland and am approaching the stage where i take court action against my bank (having sent them the 1st 2 l.b.o.'s). Can anyone answer my question....although i live in scotland my branch of the Halifax bank is in Gillingham, Kent. As the Scottish small claims court only goes up to £750 and summary causes only to £1,500, can I enter my claim in the small courts in england (i think they deal with claims up to £5,000 and mine is for £3,489) with my branch being in england. If not i will have to take 3 seperate summary causes out 1 afetr the other and this seems very long and dragged out! Help please.
  5. Hi there people, I just have a small question. I live in scotland and am approaching the stage where i take court action against my bank (having sent them the 1st 2 l.b.o.'s). Can anyone answer my question....although i live in scotland my branch of the Halifax bank is in Gillingham, Kent. As the Scottish small claims court only goes up to £750 and summary causes only to £1,500, can I enter my claim in the small courts in england (i think they deal with claims up to £5,000 and mine is for £3,489) with my branch being in england. If not i will have to take 3 seperate summary causes out 1 afetr the other and this seems very long and dragged out! Help please. p.s. I love this website & have told all of my friends about it...finally people interested in helpinh honest hardworking civilians on the wrong side of their banks..FAB!!
  6. Re: Settlement Offer What Should I Do? I am claiming £3852 charges from the Halifax bank. I sent them the 1st letter to reclaim my charges and I have today received a letter offering £698 in full and final settlement as a gesture of goodwill. They also mention in the letter that future valid charges will stand and that they reserve the right to close my account if i do not manage it correctly. Are they using scare techniques (i know that they can close my account if it's not managed properly) and if so can they close my account whilst i am substantially in the black just because I have the audacity to claim my charges back? I'm a bit scared about taking them to court cos I was aware that you could incur charges when i opened the account and i'm scared that the Halifax will see my claim as small potatoes and let it go to court with me losing and ending up owing them even more money! What should i do now? If i send the rejection letter are they likely to be happy for me to take this to small claims? Aaaargggghhhh, Help someone please!!
  7. I am claiming £3852 charges from the Halifax bank. I have today received a letter offering £698 in full and final settlement as a gesture of goodwill. They also mention in the letter that future valid charges will stand and that they reserve the right to close my account if i do not manage it correctly. Are they using scare techniques (i know that they can close my account if it's not managed properly) and if so can they close my account whilst i am substantially in the black just because I have the audacity to claim my charges back! What should i do now? If i send the rejection letter are they likely to be happy for me to take this to small claims? Aaaargggghhhh, Help someone please!!
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