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Everything posted by valhala

  1. The debt colelction agency chasing the money is Cabot financial. This is where Argos sent the debt to. They are chasing the full balance and have said they do not need to supply a copy of the default notice. I will look for the signed agreement they supplied and fax it tomorrow. Is there a template letter I can access that I can send to them about this, my wife has just had a baby and we could do without them calling for payments, if we can hold them off untill they supply the default notive that would be good.
  2. This is for my wife really but a few years ago she had an Argos card, we moved on and she forgot to inform about change of address, sicne then they have located her and asking for the debt to be paid(a few hunded pounds) She has asked for a copy of the default notice as the account was passed onto a Debt Collection Agency which she was unaware about, they have given her the credit agreement but unable to supply the default notice, they are now saying they do not have to supply this, are they correct? cheers Matthew
  3. cheers guys, yeh there was a second piece with the T&Cs. So I guess we just need to contact them with a payment plan. Its quite shocking to see that after all these years the original amout hass hardly came down even though I have been making monthly payments.
  4. ok hopefully your be able to see it here http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e234/cantosis/HSBC-con2-3.jpg
  5. Yeh I am having trouble uploading it in a size that is readable. ill try again later.
  6. this is what they sent. Dont know if it makes any difference but her name is completely different now and the address this loan was put on is her home address in Asia where she has not lived for over 10 years.
  7. And actually something which is a bit fishy, they supposdly came out on Thursday 13th to do all the work and today I recieved the bill which has the £122.33 PSTN Standard Connection charge and the bill date is 11th March???
  8. Just had the same thing myself, the flat I moved into already had a BT socket so I ordered to get the line connected knowing if they needed to do the extra work they would inform me and I would be able to cancel. I always intened not to get the line if I had to pay this fee. Anyway they were coming out between 8am and 1pm so I too kthe day of and waited, by 2pm no one had been so I phoned them and spoke to some guy in India who told me that they had already been and done the work outside and the line is now active. So I thought cool, no charge so I asked the guy and he said "actually it says on the system they have done a lot of work on the road to connect the line so the £125 charge will apply". I was fuming about this, I mean firstly they don`t even come up to my house and let me know they are here and secondly I don`t get the option to cancel. I don`t even think anyone came out, probably just a case of seeing the line was already in place and they just need to activate it. Anyway I am going to write them a letter of complaint and tell them to either cancel this charge or cancel my account as it is well out of order, if they do not do either I shall complain to whoever it takes.
  9. Thanks for the replies. well my wife actually got a copy of the signed agreement yesterday. They have now given us 14 days to arrange a payment plan. I am guessing there is no more stalling tactics that I can do? she is currently on leave from work as due a baby and I am looking for work so it wont be much of a payment plan. One other thing this account is actually in her previous name,since she married me she changed her first and surname....not that this will probably make any difference? Cheers
  10. What nice people these are at Metro. My wife is now 2 weeks away from labour and they keep ringing at least twice a week trying to get her to agree to a payment plan even though she is still awaiting the documantation regarding the account. The last call she got on Sunday evening the guy got a bit agressive and rude and basically said if she doesn`t agree to smething then he will have to escalate it to their solicitors.
  11. Hi There, I am writing on behalf of my wife. she had a student account with HSBC but after some financial difficulties her debt got moved to a managed loan, she then missed some payments due to financial hardship and it got sent to MCS. We sent the letter asking for the the signed agreement plus the £1 postal order. I got this letter back today without the £1 postal order. Any help would be most welcome.
  12. If you are dealing with the hardship department(I think they phone with an 0132 number) but you have to call them on an 0800 niumber it is best to do this. I am currently in hardship and have been trying to claim my charges through hardship, I phoned the 0800 number and you basically just have to give them a list of your incomings and outgoings(keep a copy of what you send in to them originally). They are very sympathetic(well the lady was to me). They do seem to be paying back charges if you are in hardship but in my case they would only pay directly to my debt, like for me they paid a month arrears I owed on my rent. I had to post a letter from my landlord to confirm I was in arrears and then they sent directly to them. I do have a couple of problems which I have brought up in my own thread. But really you should be dealing with them on the phone, as its going to get attention much quicker. HSBC customer services are usually based in india or asia but this department dealing with hardship are based in yorkshire I believe
  13. I need some advice regarding my bank charges claim with HSBC. I am currently going through hardship as I am not working and my wife is now on marternity leave. I have spoken to the department which now deal with Hardship in HSBC and after doing the incomings and outgoings they agreed I am in hardship. However my account where I am claiming my charges from has been closed for a couple of years and they told me that becuase my hardship was not caused because of HSBC charges they are not obligied to deal with my claim untill the outcome of the test case, so basically as my hardship came while I didnt have an account with HSBC they are overlooking my claim untill the text case is over. The woman I spoke to was quite understanding and because I had some urgent rent arrears of one month and we are due a baby soon she spoke to her credit manager and they agreed to clear my one month arrrears although I had to supply proof of this and they paid the amount directly to my landlord, not to me. My problem is I am still suffering a bit with one or two things and I still owe a bit more rent. I get the impression they will not do anything else untill the test case is over although I cant really wait this long. Is what they are telling me correct and if not what should I do next? I already sent my case to the FO and they passed my case back to HSBC and gave them 8 weeks to put it right, this was November so I was thinking of sending the documents back to the FO and supply some more infomation. Any advice will be most welcome
  14. I wonder if someone can help. due to unemployment I was dealing with someone in the hardship deprtment who was dealing with my claim, they agreed to pay my rent arrears if I supplied the infomation to prove im in arrears. Problem is I sent this before xmas and have been trying to cntact them to make sure they have recieved it, unfortunately I lost the letter with the number on it and the various numbers I have found just get me to Manila or India and because my account is now closed and with Metropolitin collections that is the only infomation they tell me. Its very annoying, I think the people I spoke to were in Leeds, does anyone have this number?? Thanks
  15. Hi There, Just wanted some advice on this. I am in the process of reclaiming charges from these for my wife. When I sent for the statements they wrote back saying a lot of them were unavailable(seems to happen to a lot of people). But I actually know from the past 6 years she has charges upto around £380 including interest as I originally had all the statements but unfortuanly lost them and had to start again. Anyway I wrote to them asking for £300 to be paid back. I got a letter today from them and they are bascially saying that they used to charge £18 which was deemed to be too high as the OFT suggested anything over £12 is too high. Their new charging structure is in accordance with this ruling. they then go on to say that they will assume that a charge of £18 was levied in each month they dont have statements for and as a goodwill gesture will refund the excess of the £12 charges which is a total of £60 which HAS BEEN PROCESSED IN FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THIS MATTER. "UNFORTUNATELY, I AM UNABLE TO REFUND THE INTEREST AS YOU REQUEST. WHEN YOU SIGNED THE APPLICATION FORM TO OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT YOU AGREED TO BE BOUND BY CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ONE OF THESE IS THAT WE WILL CHARGE INTEREST ON ANY OUTSTANDING BALANCE ON THE DUE PAYMENT EACH MONTH. AS THE BALANCE WAS NOT SORELY CONSISTENT OF CHARGES THE INTEREST WILL NOT BE REMOVED. I am a bit annoyed they have just added it to the account and assumed the matter is closed without giving me a chance to respond. What should my next move be? I would have been willing to neogatiate a bit abd accept maybe £150 - £200 but £60 is a lot lower than I am happy with. Is this £12 really a fair charge that I have to accept? Any advice on my next letter will be most welcome Matt
  16. I took it out 14 months ago. i can afford to pay back my original 190 per month now i just cant pay the missed amounts.
  17. Hi There, I am having some trouble with a loan I took out with Welcome Finance. I am supposed to be paying 190 pounds back per month but due to some financial problems and unemploment for a few weeks I have not made any payment till Novemeber. I wrote them a letter to say I can continue making payments now but cant pay the missed payments but will try and clear them over the next few months. They wrote back and said I must clear the backlog or I can arrange to refinance the loan to 90 pounds per month, they also said they will pass it on to a debt colelction agency if I don`t do one of those things. I spoke to them today and she said I need to make a 90 pounds payment first then I can go in and set up the new arrangement. After thinking about it I don`t really want to go in and arrange a new payment package with them as I am sure this will include more fees and larger interest which is only going to be worse over the long run. I know these people have a shocking reputation and I do regret getting a loan with them.....some advice would be most welcome as I am not sure on my next move, I really dont want to arrange a new loan with them though. cheers valhala
  18. I am at work now but ill check later when I get home, I do remember it said the AQ was not needed but that is all I remember right now.
  19. I have been busy with other stuff and this bank charge stuff has taken a back seat, I guess because of the Test Case I have nopt really been keeping up for a few weeks. Anyway it has come to my attention that my case is due in Croydon Court on Tuesday. I did recieve a letter from DG saying they would be applying for a stay. Anyway I have not got anything ready for this, will there be an automatic stay or do I need to still get ready for court, I have not prepared a bundle or anything yet
  20. Got a reply back from my branch manager on Saturday. it basically says "after detailed research we can confirm that all penalty fees are fair and in line with our compliance department, you should have seen in the leaflets supplied when taking out the loan". guess changing from charges to fees is something a lot of organisations are going to be doing. most of my "fees" are for £25 bounced direct debits but also letter and phone calls. the one thing that I just can`t believe is they have charged me almost £70 as a "account clearance charge". basically when I was down to my last few hundred on an old loan I used my current loan to clear it, and they have charged me £70 for the privilege, and on top of that I have a £75 acceptance fee for my current loan. I really don`t know how they get away with it. Anyway I am going to continue with the court route(same as reclaiming from high street banks, wish I could read some success stories from people reclaiming from welcome finance.) I hope I can get back these charges that come to almost £600.
  21. Sorry to barge in on your thread. I was just wondering if anyone has the template nudge letter I can send to DG with also there adresss. I am at work and want to get a letter sent out to them. cheers
  22. No I haven`t had it checked out. I suppose I could scan it, who is the best person on here to check it out??
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