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Everything posted by chiefengineer

  1. I've seen situations where a little tiny nudge (e.g. someone scraping your bumper in a car park) could cause it to be mis-aligned just enough for the brush to catch it. The dent he mentioned here is most likely the key. Does it look like the sort of minor dent caused by a gentle nudge? On the other hand, could it have been caused by too much pressure on the brush?
  2. Interesting one to bear in mind. I parked in an on street P&D zone, bought a ticket, and placed in in clear sight on the ledge below the windscreen. When I came back to my car I had a ticket. The P&D ticket had blown off the ledge (either because it was a windy day or by the draft of closing the door). It was still visible ad it was on the centre console. I appealed against the ticket for two reasons. First, I had (and sent a scan of) my P&D ticket, and secondly that it wasn't possible to stick the ticket down as it was not one that had a peel off covering some adhesive, so it could easily blow away. The ticket was cancelled. Jeremy
  3. Hi, I suspect this will be down to your ability to haggle. If you hold out for more, and you're holding up their plans, they may give you more just to get things moving. Jeremy
  4. Agreed. I think the plastic bottles are the problem. May have to go get some now!
  5. I don't mind it flat either, but when you have it from a glass bottle it doesn't last long enough to get flat!
  6. Afternoon Sparks, I've just got out and cut my lawn (or should I say moss patch) for the first time this year. It's as dry as tinder. Now I'll go some work on my Cacti in the greenhouse.
  7. The lender will chase you for any shortfall between the sale price/sale cots and the mortgage,
  8. Hi, I agree the HSE should be involved. Who owned the ladder, and was it laid on the ground or up wall? They should be reported to the HSE and the local authority. Any claim for damages Should be met by the ladders owner or their public liability insurer (all companies must carry this by law in the UK). Jeremy
  9. It's a sad fact that good news doesn't sell newspapers or go viral on social media sites. Bad news and gossip does. Society generally seems to like getting on the bandwagon of gossip. Maybe we need to stop believing everything we read. Jeremy
  10. I remember reading something like that before. Can you actually taste the difference though? Jeremy
  11. Does it taste better when you drink it straight out of a glass bottle? It does to me. Jeremy
  12. Hi Sillygirl, The parrot swearing is funny. I will admit that I told Apple Siri to F off to see what happens, and it asked if it had done something wrong! Hoe your results are okay on the 13th. Jeremy
  13. That's a howler!! Speak and Spell, brings back memories. Do Texas Imstruments still exist?
  14. I'm listening to the traffic on the M57 and the East Lancs Road from my hotel room.
  15. I think you need to I've the dealer the opportunity to fix it, but write a letter to them reserving your right to reject the car for a fill refund ifhe can't fix it. Send the same letter to the finance company by recorded delivery.
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