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Everything posted by chipsandsausages

  1. There's nothing to feel dumb about. You've been hijacking yourself that's all..... apparently it does something to your eyesight.....
  2. Hi Kelly, and welcome. Please start your own thread so as not to hijack someone else's and get told off by the mods. xx
  3. Just starting mine. DPA going off in the post 18th May. Wish me luck!!!!
  4. Hi guys, it's me again. Well, I almost forgot, I have a store card with GE capital (Wallis). About to send DPA - Oh how it never ends....... I'm getting quite good at this....... Good luck everyone!
  5. Guys - massive help needed!!!!! The halifax have taken more than half of that money out of my account!!!!! I have just got off the phone to them, they said it was "a mistake". They say they have settled my first claim in full - 1887.09 - but I am at a loss to find where 1093 plus 251.09 makes 1887.09. They insist they have. Secondly - they haven't looked at my second claim. I phoned Moneyclaim this morning and told them my claims had both been paid in full!!!!!! Can I continue with my second claim without having to pay another court fee???? Oh please help!!!!! I feel sick!!!!!! I don't like the idea of them accessing my account willy-nilly and moving money in and out without my prior agreement. Can I complain??
  6. Don't worry, your thread won't go "stale" - those of us following it have it on our control panel! So updates appear automatically.
  7. Thankyou all for you kind messages. Just to add, I haven't received formal notification from the Halifax that they are paying me back!!! I have got to phone them this afternoon, been too happy to do anything else except tell everyone the good news. No letter or anything!!! Maybe they're embarrassed. Anyway - have made my donation to CAG - as without this website, I wouldn't have even considered asking for the money back. Need to complete the survey now..... Good luck you guys - hope you're feeling happy soon....!! xx PS - You can follow my mum's thread - grannyapple v halifax!
  8. I know! Can't believe it. We had bought a little caravan a couple of weeks ago (on the strength of us winning the case - plus my father-in-law gave us some money as an early Christmas present) We can now take little holidays with the kids - when we want to - which is what it's all about isn't it? We both work 3 jobs between us, and didn't have enough money to afford the little treats like taking the kids out to Alton Towers in the summer holidays. Now we are straight, we can! Going on a bank holiday break next week. Might even be able to buy an ice-cream!!!!! Thanks for all your support guys, I really hope you are feeling as high as I am right now! xxxxx
  9. :D :D :D I'VE BEEN PAID OUT!!!!!!!! Money went into my account today - although it is more than I was claiming. (About £1100 more!!!) I will keep it to one side - and check if it's right, but hey..... DOESN'T THIS GIVE YOU ALL HOPE???!!!!! Please keep going with your claims if you are still halfway through them. DON'T ACCEPT ANY CONDITIONAL PAYMENTS.... I am considering speaking to our local newspaper - to give this site some publicity. THANKYOU BAG!!!! THANKYOU THANKYOU! I can't say it enough - I am off now to click on the donate button....... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. Did you send a preliminary request for payment before you sent your letter before action? Only, your thread seems to suggest you have only sent a letter before action and are then going straight to moneyclaim. Just making sure. Wouldn't want them to say you didn't give them a chance.......... Good luck with yours. They have till May 29th to file their defence with me....... can't wait. x
  11. NOW I LIKE THAT!!! She said, clicking the scales.........
  12. Its the Preliminary approach for repayment. Please spend some time mooching around the site - have a good look at the FAQs - they really are there to guide you. Make sure you understand what you are doing - or you may end up cocking it all up. If you need any help - we are all here to listen to you, and will give you any help you need. Stick to this thread, as we'll keep an eye on your progress, and give you hints along the way. The basic rule of thumb is this. Don't be intimidated by your bank. They will try various tactics to scare you off. They may tell you they cannot refund anything because it was your fault. They may tell you they'll refund SOME as a goodwill gesture. *Hold out for the full amount! It is YOUR money. If they don't repay you after your prelim letter, then send your "letter before action". If they still don't pay up, you have to be prepared to file a claim at the county court, but this is all a long way off yet. Take a deep breath and strap yourself in. It could be a bumpy ride........ xxx
  13. Thanks for that guys. I'll ring him in the morning and tell him. I think he has already arranged to pay his salary into another account. His girlfriend already had an account - and she has put his name on it so they are joint account holders now. (With another bank). The thing is, the Halifax kept ringing him up telling him to pay off some of his overdraft - which he was doing, any spare cash left over was going into that account - and they would just continue to charge him - so the debt was never getting any smaller. They just moved into their first home together last year and have a little boy to care for. Don't you just hate it when decent people are exploited like that?? I'll let you know what happens. x
  14. I am starting this new thread for my brother who is at his wit's end. Having sent his prelim request for just under £400 two weeks ago, he declined their offer to refund £95. He has now had a letter from their debt collection agency saying they want his overdraft paid off IN FULL - over £1000 or they will arrange a "house call". It all was rather threatening. He doesn't know what to do! Does he continue with his claim with the Halifax??? Does he contact Blair Oliver and Scott? Should he start paying his debt off???? PLEASE! Any help is appreciated. (Mods - please don't merge this with my other thread. Thanks) xx
  15. Just wanted to let you all know, I have slapped a further claim on the Halifax today for £305.15 - They are still charging me and are now ignoring all my letters completely. Prelim sent, no answer, LBA sent, no answer, so hey, what the hell. Moneyclaim. I am checking my balance every day to see if the money fairy has left something under my pillow. It seems they are leaving me till last!!! And now that my council tax bounced again, they have taken me off DD and told me to pay cash over the counter every month! I might just go in and act up a bit, saying I had changed my account - and why are they still requesting payment from my old bank.....? It might work. Well, keep ya informed!!! x
  16. Just to let you know, still they are ignoring me. I have sent a few letters asking for refund of the further charges they have slapped on me since moneyclaim was initiated. Absolutely no response whatsoever - not even a leaflet! So off to moneyclaim I go - I'll wait till Monday, just to show I'm not heartless!
  17. How much do they owe you? And how much have they offered you, to settle out of court?
  18. Please start your own thread or suffer the wrath of the mods!! :cool:
  19. Sorry, the bear garden is not meant for discussing your claim. You should go to the section that relates to your particular bank and start your thread there, otherwise the sections will get all messed up and the mods will slap your wrist. x
  20. Fantastic Jackmax! As it's already been said, it IS like a breath of fresh air.... we are getting more and more success stories like yours now. Don't forget to hit the survey so we can see just how much has been paid out so far! Still checking my balance.......... Been 14 days since intent to defend.........
  21. Since I filed moneyclaim on April 26th, I have had another £138 worth of charges. I haven't telephoned them, but I did send a "prelim" letter requesting that they refund it. No response, so LBA - and so forth, followed by a seperate claim. I think that would probably wake them up a little, plus you get to add on the court costs too, hitting them where it hurts........ Good luck x
  22. In the next few days, you should get another letter from the courts stating that the Halifax intend to defend the claim in full. It will be signed by A O'Brien. 14 days since they acknowledged mine..... still no defence has been entered - they have till the end of the month. So you should be getting paid around 2 weeks after that!
  23. Yep, all done and dusted. In fact I took a tremendous amount of pleasure in going into my Halifax branch today to cancel all my standing orders and Direct debits..... the teller looked at me with a "knowing grin" like "I know what YOU'RE doing!!" I said, "I will have to sign new direct debit mandates with these companies won't I? .... with my new account details on?" He just nodded. I, too, have gone to Nat West. I know they too have customers who have been poorly treated, but to be honest, they have always been okay with me. You get a nice binder to keep your statements in and regular statements too. But let's face it. What bank isn't in it to make a few quid out of you?? If I can keep my direct debits at level par with my salary, then I'll be okay. Even with my little 2nd job that pays cash every week (Yes - I DO pay tax on it!) (self employed) I can use that for little luxuries like clothing!!!! I went to the cashpoint today and drew out what was left of my child benefit. Still no defence been filed. Clock is ticking..... tick tock.... Every day I get a step closer to getting my money - and my self respect - back! Just want to have something to show for my hard work. I don't smoke, don't go out drinking (odd glass of wine at home) - can't afford to have a social life!!! Thanks for all your support guys..... will keep you all posted. (I ALWAYS say that!) x
  24. Do you know what? You're right! My child benefit went in today - has put me back within my overdraft limit, but only by about £50. I am going out right now to withdraw it - and put it in an envelope in my drawer where the halifax can't use it to pay their own charges. At least if my kids need anything till I get paid, the money will be there. Council tax was bounced again on Friday - another letter today notifying me that'll be another £39. I will be going to moneyclaim again on Friday for the further charges they have levied. I wrote a prelim on April 28th. No response whatsoever - not even a leaflet! Then LBA on May 4th. I said I would only give them 7 days this time - but I'll wait till the 12th - that's another £39. That will mean they will have had 14 days to refund the new charges. I wrote them a real sob story letter - stating that I have 2 kids - no money to feed or clothe them as it is all being taken out in their charges. Hard-nosed as they are, they are ignoring me. Well not any more! I have a mood ring - that tells my husband what mood I am in, it changes colour - you know the type? When I'm in a good mood it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a red mark on his forehead. I'll keep you up to date...... xx
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