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Everything posted by ajs444

  1. I was originally with Scottish Power for approx 5 years, decided to try U-Switch for a cheaper provider and FU came up as the cheapest. I informed Scottish Power I would be moving providers and set the wheels in motion, I was contacted by Scottish Power and they basically matched the FU offer, I decided I would stay with Scottish Power and they tried to reverse the transfer. Scottish Power wrote to me and said they could not get me back, so I contacted FU, who asked about my quotes and stated that I would also be entitled to a loyalty bonus of 10% of my usage up to £300, this of course swung the deal to FU and we arranged Direct Debit amounts and the day of paying the DD, this they did not carry out, putting me on a much lower repayment, I then cancelled the DD as it was not correct, FU were unable to resurrect the DD and are still unable to do so. In my complaint to the Ombudsman, FU said such a deal never existed and was not on my account, although I have since found out that several customers had written to The Guardian regarding non payment of this bonus, martin Lewis site covers these cases, some customers are getting this bonus year upon year. The phone call I am looking for covers the bonus offer, that it is why it so important.
  2. I reminded FU that they had not given me recordings/dialogues of all the phone conversations, particularly a call made at the start of 2012 and although the call is entered on my account log (3 days later) with the name of the agent, and I supplied them with the date and duration of the call, they say there is no recording. This call is very important as it dealt with the "loyalty offer" that FU were using to attract customers, an offer they deny existed and has also been dismissed by the Energy Ombudsman. Where to now? ICO or a letter before action?
  3. Having sent a SAR to FU, I have received a pile of documents and a disc with 3 calls on it (All left on voicemail) I am checking paperwork just now but the audio files are very scant compared to what I remember. These were all received within the 40 day deadline but are definitely incomplete.
  4. So HYDRON visited my home today, I was out at the time, left letter warning of Court warrant application, locksmiths, meter changers, etc., along with their costs. No appointment was made by them and as I understand it that is totally against DCA guidelines, have sent them e-mail stating that.
  5. Sorry DX did not understand your reply. HYDRON letter starts :- Your supplier First Utility have asked us to contact you......etc. Have made payment of £2000. this morning direct to FU, still awaiting SAR response. Also had letter from them dated 6 days ago, but sent recorded delivery, the backbilling code does not apply.
  6. HYDRON are DCA for utility companies.
  7. Well SAR signed for on 13th May and now being chased by HYDRON for the full amount. Thinking of replying to tell them of problems that have been ongoing since 2012 with £2000. payment, this would be approx amount for last 12 months. Will go small claims route if I pay them off i.e. the full £6404.00. Any thoughts???
  8. SAR away now, let's see what happens, Ombudsman has closed case and state FU have complied.
  9. Loving this thread, Energy Ombudsman usual response, about as much good as a chocolate fireguard. GO GET THEM!!!
  10. That's true Mike, but who carries the conditions through, cannot see FU doing it, even though they are part of the scheme. UK energy have no complaints procedure, their advice is Ombudsman and Citizens Advice, both about as much use as an ashtray on a bike. Have e-mailed relevant organizations, will wait on their reply.
  11. Have asked the question regarding back billing under the following conditions:- • Failed to do anything about a query or fault you have raised regarding your account or meter and subsequently allowed a large debt to build up on your account; • Failed to reassess a payment arrangement (eg. Direct Debit) within 15 months, or failed to reassess based on a reasonable estimate. Let's see what FU come back with, answer could be in their initials!!!!
  12. Thanks dx100uk for combining the threads, Energy Ombudsman is a joke, entering year 4 and still not paid them, apparently due them over £6K. Still cannot set up DD and still arguing about loyalty bonus, must have e-mailed them 50+ times, phoned them (when you can get through) had 3 years of misery and will pay them off when I get correct bill. Will then proceed to Court to claim back time and worry this has caused me.
  13. CEO mailbox is as follows:- ian.mccaig@first-utility.com You should get some response there, "they don't like it up them"
  14. Had enough aggro with First Utility and intend going on Small Claims track for the time, correspondence, e-mails and worry I have spent in dealing with this outfit. I intend to issue a Subject Access Request on them, is it worded the same as the library one or are there tweeks for utility companies?
  15. Marlin apparently now Cabot, slime now joining up.
  16. So Marlin come back with the same guff, T&C's for a Barclaycard and a statement from Egg showing payments made, and a plea for a payment to the account or else!!! Still no signature to be seen, I could send them T&C's from anybody and say pay me, ridiculous.
  17. Well reply from Marlin today, acknowledging the fact that I CCA'd them some time ago and they have failed to supply a valid agreement, "we are going to try again" Stopped all collection activity till agreement can be found. I have a copy of original EG one, Barclaycard agreement does not exist.
  18. Just checked my credit report and Egg have vanished from it altogether, not even listed under Marlin, and under closed accounts Barclays have it as satisfied. Strange things going on as Marlin were listed the last time I checked. Is Statute Barring from the last payment or the default date? I have another account that the default was not issued till almost a year after last payment.
  19. Hi SFU, long time no speak, was going to contact you regarding the Egg situation. Last payment to Egg from me was August 2009 and since i am in Scotland, like yourself, the debt is SB'd in 5 years. I did SAR them some time ago and they sent Barclaycard T&C's and an application/summary form from Egg with all my details on it, but no signature. Just going to send them the "In light of the complete absence of any enforceable documentation......" letter and see how it goes from there.
  20. Well after a letter from Marlin last week, the phone calls have started, not passing DPA so no dialogue. Maybe they realise August isn't too far away and then Statute Barred.
  21. And still waiting, now moving into year 3.
  22. Clarity now returned papers to Santander, no longer handling case, which goon will appear now?
  23. August 2014...Statute barred in Scotland. Small Claims....reclaim of charges on account with interest in restitution, should work out £2000 +, will clear balance and give me some money back.
  24. Think I'll just sit back and wait till August, if things develop badly, I will proceed through small claims court.
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