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Everything posted by pieterclassens

  1. This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Thanks for the reply guys, So I assume I follow the guidelines for the "Final Hearing"?? Here we go to court. LOL Cheers Pieter
  3. Anyone else out there care to offer any assistance or let me benefit from your previous experience??? Thanks guys and gals for all your help!!! Pieter.
  4. Hiya Gary, I finally got a letter from the Guildford County Court today. I was surprised to hear that a lot of claims that had originally been filed (inlcuding mine) in the Reigate County Court have been transferred to the Guildford. Apparently they are so snowed under they are asking for assistance from the surrounding courts. LOL. Anyways here is the text of the letter. Please advise as to what you reckon is the best course of action to follow next. DISTRICT JUDGE RAESIDE has considered the statements of case and allocation questionnaires filed and allocated the claim to the small claims track. The hearing of the claim will take place at 10:30 on the 14 June 2007 at Guildford County Court, The Law Courts, Mary Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4PS and should take no longer than 1 hour. The following directions apply to this claim : a) Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents upon which they intend to rely at the hearing. b) The copies shall be delivered no later than fourteen days before the hearing. c) The original documents shall be brought to the hearing. d) Signed statements setting out the evidence of all witnesses on whom each party intends to rely shall be prepared and copies included in the documents mentioned at (a). This includes the evidence of the parties themselves and of any other witnesses whether or not the witnesses are going to come to court to give evidence. The court must be informed immediately if the case is settled by agreement before the hearing date. Date : 10 April 2007 So there we have it. A hearing date. What now? Appreciate your time and help with this, Cheers, Pieter Classens.
  5. Hi Gary, Having sent the letters with the appropriate dates what now? Should I be doing something else? I havent heard anything from the Court, Lloyds or SCM. Just wondering if theres anything I could be doing. The first expiry date is tomorrow (08th Feb). Cheers mate Pieter.
  6. Hi Gary, sorry about the letter. I was under the impression that I had to send the letter BEFORE the 3rd January. Anyways I have printed off the letter and sent it to the courts. Will let you know what happens. Thanks for your help. It is not taken for granted and very much appreciated, Cheers Pieter.
  7. PS I didnt send those letters as when I read your advice the date ha already passed. Oops???
  8. Hi there Gary, I am really concerned as I have received the following letter from the court. "Before DISTRICT JUDGE BECK sitting at Reigate County Court, The Law Courts, Hatchlands Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6BL. Of the court's own initiative. IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The stay of proceedings imposed by order of 24th November 2006 having expired UNLESS by 4:00pm on 30th January 2007 the claimant takes one of the steps as set out in the order, the claim shall stand struck out. 2. Any party affected by this order may apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of service." Firstly, what the hell does that mean? Secondly, have I messed up somewhere? And finally what do I do now? I am really worried as I thought the ball was in Lloyds TSBs court and was waiting for them to contact me but the letter reads as if I should have been the one everyone was expecting to be proactive. Please anyone with the right knowledge let me know ASAP!!!!! Many thanks!!!!
  9. Well the 3rd Jan has passed and no contact from Lloyds TSB. Called the court and they havent heard from them either. So whats next??? Thanks all!!!
  10. I like it Gary. Thanks mate ... much appreciated. By the way. I have just been sent a letter from Lloyds TSB saying they will be deducting £35 from my account for a failed DD. My question is can I now at this stage add this on or would I need to start all the way at the beginning again for this amount and keep the 2 claims seperate? Many thanks again!!! I WILL BE DONATING TO THIS FORUM WHEN I GET MY MONEY BACK!!! LOL.
  11. Thanks for that letter Midge. Much appreciated!!! I will post it to SCM soonest!!!
  12. I have just received a letter from Reigate Court. It is a Standard Order for Stay for Settlement with Consent of all Parties. The text says : All parties having agreed DISTRICT LEVEY orders that this claim is stayed until 03 January 2007 to enable parties to negotiate. On or before 03 January 2007, one of the following steps must be taken : either the claimant must notify the court that the whole of the claim has been settled. or the claimant or defendant must write to the court requesting an extension of the stay period, explaining the steps taken towards settlement and identifying any mediator, expert, or other person helping with the process. the letter should confirm the agreement of all the other parties. or all the parties must file a completed allocation questionnaire at the court. where a settlement of some of the issues in dispute has been reached, a list of those issues should be attached to the completed questionnaire. the list must be agreed with the other parties and must indicate that it has been agreed. So what do you guys think??? Should I be expecting a letter from Lloyds with a cheque attached??? Thanks!!!
  13. Thanks mate, I contacted the court and they have updated my details and sent me another AQ. They have also extended the date by which I have to return it as I didnt get the first one. So now I'm going to tackle the AQ. Wahey!!! Good luck to me!!!
  14. Right people .... Im confused and panicked. Lloyds have submitted a defence and I have been sent their Allocation Questionaire ..... they are asking for mine. But I havent received one!?!?! Could I have ****ed up as I have moved ...... do I need to inform someone of my new address? I have all my mail redirected. Will that come through? I know some mail isnt redirected. Someone please help me out!!!!
  15. Thanks kateandpete ...... any advice mods? Please let me know...... thanks!!!
  16. Well NOW I have been sent an extremely snotty letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery on behalf of NatWest threatening legal unless I pay back the overdraft immediately. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What to do? What to do? What to do? Mods? Anyone? I need some urgent advice?????????? Please!!!!! Thank you ......
  17. I chose not to add interest but thats my personal choice. The way that I understand the calcualtions though, and please others correct me if I am wrong, is this. You tak the amount owed by the bank and calculate 8% of it. Divide that figure by 365 days and that gives you a figure. You then multiply that figure by the number of days since the amount first became owed to you (in other words when they took the money). Thats assuming they have taken only one charge though. It gets REALLY complicated if there have been other charges since as the amounts and dates will then change. If thats the case I would work out each charges interest individually in the same way as above and then total all of it together. Dont know if this helps. Good luck!!!
  18. Right I finally managed to get busy and put the claim in online. Claim Number 6QZ54813 has officially been received!!! I will let you know how I get on .....
  19. I am starting to get a little panicked. I have now received a CIFAS? warning letter from Natwest. Firstly what the hell is it? And how does it fit in to my claim for a refund? I am in desperate need of some serious advice? By the way I am sure there are some more charges that have been added since I began. Should I send another DPA letter asking for the statements again so I can claim an uptodate figure? I am really desperate for some advice guys!!!! What to do? What to do?
  20. I am assuming that the "get your facts straight" was aimed in my direction. I assure you that I have all of my facts in order. Having consulted with both my uncle (a cardiothoracic surgeon) and my mother (a medical professor) as well as using my own experience as a former medic I can assure you that I know what I am talking about. In certain cases of cardiac and pulmonary disfunction the OR is the immediate and usually only way of diagnosing and treating problems. Perhaps with the lack of funds and poorly paid/trained staff things are done differently in this country. Thats the NHS for you! I agree that all cases have to be treated on their merits and without any case notes nobody has the right to comment either way. However I was talking of extreme cases that DO require surgical intervention, in which case these would supercede any other operations planned for that day. I am not going to go into details as to exactly what constitutes an extreme and viable case. I'll let you do your own medical research. Suffice to say that triage is a medical fact of life and although it may not be to everyones taste it ensures that the most urgent and life threatening cases are dealt with first. By the way, may I please suggest using a dictionary. Incorrectly spelling words really paints medical staff as either lazy or incompetent (especially when attempting to use basic medical terminology). Anyways, aside from all that I agree with everything else stated.
  21. Firstly the money should be given back as a rebate in my opinion!!! And regarding the washing the car story. You are allowed to wash your windscreen and headlights as these are items of safety. Or you can wash your entire car if you use recycled water (in other words your dirty bath or washing up water) .... same goes for your garden (assuming you dont have a pond LOL)
  22. By the way .... I know there have topics raised elsewhere regarding this but where do I stand with the recent news regarding the high court test case about bank charges?????????
  23. Right .... well, this morning I got a delightful letter through the post. It contains the following text (my wife got the same letter). Anything in inverted commas are my own thoughts. .............................................................................................................. Our records indicate that you have failed to respond to previous demands for payment. "Yeah the same could be said of my prelim and LBA letters for the refund of the disputed amount!" We are now considering Legal Action against you, and to avoid any future legal cts we therefore encourage you to give this matter your urgent attention. Our experienced staff have helped many people to repay accounts such as this by agreeing repayment plans in accordance with customers income and expenditure. They are available to take your call from 0830am to 0600pm weekdays and 0900am to 0100pm on Saturdays and can accept debit and credit cards. "Um how? They confiscated my cards and cheque books! Sent a heavy round my house!" Please contact them within 7 days in order to arrange a repayment plan and avoid court action or the instruction of our local debt collection agent. .............................................................................................................. So there you have it! I concede that part of the overdraft is fair debt that I owe the bank. However, 99% of my wifes account is charges and about 75% of my account is charges. I will happily sort out a repayment plan for the rightful debt but not the charges!!! Anyone have any ideas how I should respond to this letter? I can't find a template letter in the other forum/faqs. Perhaps one of the mastermind mods wouldn't mind helping me out to draft a letter.... I would really appreciate it a lot as a matter of urgency!!! Thanks in advance!!!!
  24. Absolutely ANYONE got ANY advice for me? I'm getting desperate ...... please!!!! Thanks.
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