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  1. anyone know whether i can claim from credit cards?
  2. that sounds like a good idea, i will give them a call, thanx
  3. yes it is a good thing, but i was hoping to pay off other more important things, i know i havent really lost but somehow feel cheated
  4. Please can someone help? I have just recieved offer from Natwest, in full, but they have said they will be giving it to solicitor to come off the charge they have on my property, i will incur charges from the solicitor to adjust the balance, which will also come out of MY win, apparently they are allowed to decide where this money goes? (according to them) but it was my money originally that they took from me that got me into this mess in the first place!! is there any way out of this???
  5. sorry, but cant seem to find how to start new thread, thought i had, but guess not, i will try again
  6. Hi, I successfully won against Halifax last month, yesterday Won against natwest for £3,550, phoned them to say as i no longer have accounts with them could they send a cheque, i was told that i wouldnt recieve a single penny of it as in the past i accrued some debt, which has been secured against my property, (to be paid when i either remorgage or sell) it would be given to solicitor to reduce balance, and i will pay the solicitor out of it for them to adjust figures!! this doesnt seem fair as this money was mine in the first place, they took it getting me into this debt, and now want to decide how i use it!! can anyone advise me as to whether this is normal and exceptable ??? HELP !!!
  7. Please help me someone, ive just recieved offer from natwest, but phoned them to say i dont have active account with them anymore so could they send me a cheque instead of direct into account, their reply was that i would not be recieving it anyway as had previous debt with them, which is charged to my property, it would be given to the solicitor, to be deducted from balance, (which isnt connected to these accounts) and deduct solisitors fees for them to do this, i feel cheated, this was my money they took from me, but they want tell me how it should be spent, please help someone !
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