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  1. Thanks, Probably just being stupid but I can't find a template for what I need, can any of you kind people point me in the right direction? Kind Regards Garry
  2. Good Morning, I am looking to claim back some PPI from a Natwest loan I took out (and have now finished paying) in 2004, I have wrote to NW asking for a copy of the agreement but got got a letter back saying they are under no obligation to provide this as the loan has finished, I wan to be 100% sure I did have PPi on before i Claim. Where do I go from here? Many Thanks Garry
  3. Back of the net! Offer for full amount, will be with me in writing by end of next week
  4. Still nowt Is it worth giving anyone a call since i'm off work?
  5. Good Morning All, Has anyone heard anything about this company or had dealings with them? A colleague has a letter offering a loan and i think it seems very dodgy. Kind Regards
  6. Marlin Financial Services Thats what i found out about them!
  7. So day 14 comes and goes and i hear nothing, is it time for LBA? Is it 14 days or 14 "Business days"?
  8. Yeah she loves it! Still waiting to hear back, 14 days are up tomorrow, we shall see.....
  9. Ok, Got my statments, not much but every little helps! What is the best address to send my prelim? Also , can a Mod take the random x from my title? Thanks
  10. Cheers Caz, In a quirky twist of fate, my other half has started a new job this morning, with NATWEST!
  11. Hey all, Just about to send Prelim, whats the best place to send it? Thanks
  12. £1163 Thats before any inetest, I don't add that on yet do I?
  13. Spoke to Natwest, they say the statements were send in batches, the others should be here tomorrow. We shall see!
  14. Oh i will. I'll see if anything comes this morning and if not i'll call and give them my wrath.
  15. How did you know?? Just spoke to the lass at Customer Services, she said they probably sent them in seperate bundles?
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