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  1. Hi Rach....I'm in a similar position, Abbey declined renewing my overdraft so I changed all my d/d's to come from parachute acc, getting loadsof charges on that now....even though I've set up a monthly agreement with them to pay off overdraft...you could wait until the fisrt claim is paid out then start the process again to get all new charges refunded...the other option is scrap what you've done so far and start a new with new chg's included...your call.
  2. Monika

    Mon v Abbey

    I was in a flat panic yesterday doing the N1 form for halifax.....decided to print off some threads and extra info from the site....re read everything last night and am feeling much better..... Will tackle it again today and hopefully submit Monday. Fingers crossed.
  3. Monika

    Mon v Abbey

    I had an offer for half of my costs, (Halifax), do I send a letter asking again for the total or is my next step money claim form? (interest at 8% etc)
  4. Monika

    Mon v MBNA

    In error I sent a LBA letter 1st, but was told not to worry, to give it 14 days then just send another. I hope that will be ok
  5. Monika

    Mon v Abbey

    Can I ask my MBNA Q here, there are more people on the Abbey Forum? MBNA said they investigating and will reply by the 11th Sep, should I wait or send another letter requesting their response with in 14 days...this will only bring it forward to the 7th...if my letter is dated today???
  6. Monika

    Mon v MBNA

    Reply from MBNA to 1st letter, they said they will investigate and get back to me by the 11th Sep. Should I send an LBA letter saying they have 14 days, even though this will only bring it forward to the 7th? :?
  7. Was first excited then nervous about 1st letter but will keep at it.
  8. Some where along the line (can't recall where I read this now,sorry) I saw advise about the "best" banks, the top one was Alliance & Leceister, I have my account up and running with them.
  9. I found this in the FAQ section, I hope it helps. C) You will be offered a partial refund but it will be offered as a "Full and Final" settlement of your claim. We would advise you to accept this - but only on the condition that it is a partial settlement and that you will continue with your claim to recover full funds.
  10. Monika

    Mon v Abbey

    Hi everyone, Credit Card Q. 1st letter sent??? I think the letters I sent to the various credit card co's is wrong, it was a LBA letter, I could not see any prelim letter in the templates....can someone let me know if this is indeed right or wrong? if wrong, what next, wait and see or send out correct one?
  11. Monika

    Mark v Abbey

    Hi Mark, I never needed to request statements (had 3 years filed, seems enough for now, besides it's only the last two years i've been bad with my money) Any way from other threads I see this is the norm, everyone needs to pay the £10.00, just make sure that they do then send you everything you requested. Keep it up. Mon:p
  12. well done on your £20 settlement, I'd never laugh, it's a new pair of shoes at least..whoooo
  13. Hi Brenda, Not sure I can help, I'll just tell you how I did it. I clicked on the England - Simple - Excel sheet and then saved it to my comp. If it's saying at that stage that it's expired I have no idea, sorry. Mon
  14. My massive overdraft "expires" on the 1st Sep, and I'm overdrawn to the hilt, will be fun to see what happens on the 1st. I received A&L details for basic account, will set that up ASAP
  15. absolutely brilliant, nice writing skills angry Nick.....
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