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Everything posted by rhianweir

  1. has any one won against the woolwich i have sent first letter but really unsure
  2. i have sent my first letter to woolwich lets hope is anyone else doing the woolwich
  3. i have just spoken to nationwide. we were fixed for 5 years and we changed early and paid 2500 can i get this back
  4. what do you mean by prove breach of contract
  5. hi i have been reading threads and faqs but just need to make sure iam not going mad. we had a morg with a company and was fixed for 5 years we then decided after 3 that we wanted to remorg we had to pay an early repayment fee can i claim this back?? we then went to move and paaid another fee can we claim this back to? sorry to be dim but just need to make sure
  6. hi, i know all about the bank charges but have been told that you can get the early repayment fee for closing your morg down early and swapping back is this true.....
  7. hi i have not posted on this form before this is my mothers account. the deadline for posting the AQ back is the 16th of January im just worried as noone else with HSBc seem to have been sent an AQ
  8. money on line claim started. rec AQ today what do i do has anyone else had to fill one of these out
  9. After sending back my AQ to the local court I have now received a letter from Llyods TSBs solicitors along with their AQ which states that they have 1 witness and they have ticked yes to not being available to attend court during December other than that all other answers were NO. What now ? I am getting worried I will have to actually attend court. Can anyone help?
  10. too late they have already printed them they haqve charge £5 a statement
  11. he went in this morning after i did without me knowing i got a call from him saying he has ordered them at £5 a time we wanted 60 statements
  12. thats great thankyou . my husband has just paid the £5 a staement what can i do he has paid £300
  13. hi i have just been in to branch and they are asking for £5 a statement is that right
  14. can someone still claim from accounts before they went bankrupt
  15. i have not rec any AQ from llyods. i have just checked on website on money claim and its says that no further action can be done on this site an will be allicated to a court. what does this mean. they acknowledged on 23 oct not heard any thing since Helllp
  16. please helpi sent both letters requesting 100 back they sent me a cheque for 40 so i decided to take them to court for the other 60. the have acknoleged claim and have now told be they intend to defened is this normal
  17. thank you. just feel this is dragging out halifax was not like this
  18. im really worried that im not going to win has anyone ever lost
  19. what about the £100 they are asking for will i get this back
  20. question A do i wish any further action in this claim to be postponed for on e month so that you and other party can attemped to settle the claim eithwer by imformal discussion or by alternative dispute resolution.????????? what do i put yes or no ?? they are also asking for another £100 will i get this back
  21. what fee is this an how long does it take to come through
  22. help what is AQ i have lloyds said they are gonna defend but everyones forms say about an AQ what is this
  23. do i still claim interest on 20 or 12 as they have refunded £8 a charge
  24. i have already send the first two letters next step is court
  25. I ave had a row with capital one i was trying to claim back 100 in charges they made me an offer of £40. before i could decline it was sent in the post i am banking the cheque today but still want the £60 what shall i do now. i have sent the 2nd letter on the 19th do i still procceed to the courts or not bother. help needed. plus shall i write them a letter saying ill accept the cheque as a prt settlement
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