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Everything posted by bigjayce

  1. I have just been contacted by Capital Resolve saying I owe Speed Credit £600 from 2012, I told them I know nothing about it and asked them to provide proof that the account exists, they said that the law states that they don't have to as this would not be regulated and therefore no contract exists, also it was signed up for online so they would have an eSigniture and that's good enough for any court. So how can I be banged to rights for an account I know nothing about and a electronic tick in a box on a contract that doesn't have to exist ???
  2. They said that the loan company told them that I had taken the loan out and never made any payments on it, therefore they had every right to take the money from my account to cover their original loan and interest/charges, Barclays agreed with them and released the money (which wasn't even mine) even though I had sent the form back saying it wasn't authorised by myself, I had no idea who these people were and as far as I was concerned this was fraud. The thing is as well that if I made 4 payments online with my debit card it was stopped until Barclays phoned me and verified the transactions - yet in one go they allowed one company to take £526 in 21 online transactions 20 of £25 and one of £26 and never once thought it odd - or am I missing a point there?
  3. Yeah all charges were removed, again though it was only them that benefitted from that! Basically I am just annoyed that I had to fight for 13 months to get justice, by their own admission they knew the details were wrong but still ruled against me, reported incorrect details to my credit file which had/and still has an affect on me in both my personal and business life and after 13 months what do I have to show for it - default still registered and an empty account. Please don't get me wrong I am not a greedy person but I just feel that they should have been made to do more than just pay themselves back - if that makes sense? So in answer to your question - I want to make them pay for the hassle they put me though, £500 odd pounds might not be a lot to everyone but it was to me
  4. yeah, I just wanted to say things but didn't really want to put them on a public forum where people from Barclays might have read them, nothing really nasty or anything just wanted to say where I was coming from if you catch my drift
  5. I tried to send you a PM but it said your mailbox was full
  6. I asked myself that exact same question today, I actually joined for a different matter and was going through my bookmarks today when I noticed the site and dropped in.
  7. The problem is I didn't really know what to do next which is why I contacted the FOS in the first place, I spoke to someone on the phone and then filled out their complaint form outlining the problem but I suppose I just stuck to the facts I knew and that was that, hence the reason I am not really happy with the way things turned out even though I got the decision. I am a self employed IT Consultant, I had a couple of accounts with my suppliers and both of them were withdrawn due to adverse information on my credit file, I was actually told this was the case in person from my account manager - the only thing that had changed was the Barclays information, this makes taking new work on difficult as I need to pay upfront which on a £1300 job is more than I would ever have laying around. RBS won't give me an overdraft because of adverse information etc yet before the Barclays shambles I didn't have a lot of problems.
  8. I knew I should never have gotten rid of that scanner How's that ?
  9. I didn't raise it on the initial complaint as, at that point I hadn't checked the file for ages, I used to use experian and equifax but hated paying for them, then I found out about Noddle and signed up for that, that's when I saw the entry. The money was taken from me in November 2013 and returned in January 2015 The entry has been on file since December 2013 No matter what I apply for I am turned down so I would say it has had an adverse affect
  10. Hi BankFodder, Yes I have all the letters between Barclays and Myself and Also the FOS and myself, I asked about the credit file after the decision and they are looking into it now but haven't come back to me yet, I was planning on chasing it up tomorrow. My credit file wasn't great but wasn't that bad either, I will scan the decision letter after lunch and post it on here
  11. in November of 2013 I had friend contacted and asked if I would purchase a computer for them as I am in the trade and get a better deal, they transferred the money to my Barclays account, I checked it was there and logged on to my supplier portal to purchase the PC. After selecting the model my friend wanted I entered my debit card details and was surprised when it was declined! I logged back onto the bank app and my account was empty, I phoned Barclays and asked what had happened and they said that there was a number of debit card transactions on my account taking all of the money, I complained and the money was returned to my account and I purchased the PC. A week later I received a letter from Barclays with a form to fill in on whether or not this was fraud, apparently the money was taken by a Payday loan company I have never dealt with for a loan I never had, I filled the form in and sent it back. A week later the money was again taken from my account. I contacted Barclays again and they said the Payday company had contacted them and said that their records were correct and therefore they were entitled to the money - so Barclays gave them it. I raised a complaint with Barclays and received a case number, I was told this would be handled and I would receive a reply within 28 days, 28 days later I received a letter saying it would be another 28 days and 28 days later another letter saying another 28 days. Eventually Barclays wrote to me and informed me that they had examined the complaint and ruled against me, I then contacted the FOS who took the case on, they contacted the payday loan company and Barclays and found that the loan was taken out but the address, DOB, full name and various other details were incorrect, the Payday loan company had passed these details to Barclays who checked them and found the details to be incorrect but STILL found in the Payday loan companies favor! At this point I had already changed banks to RBS (no better) and Barclays had put a default on my credit file as I was overdrawn by the £536 stolen from me. The FOS found in my favor yet Barclays asked for it to be escalated to an Ombudsman who found in my favor and ordered Barclays to put it right within 30 days, 30 days later Barclays returned the £536 to my account and that was that. This has left me very annoyed that they have gotten away so easily when I have had to fight for 13 months to get a result, is there anything else I can now do? Barclays are refusing to remove the credit file information and don't have to reimburse me for anything. They continued to say they were right all this time even when, by their own admission they knew the details were wrong! Can Anyone advise? Jayce
  12. My cousin, who is in the process of becoming a barrister is helping with everything, think I'm in a decent position
  13. To be honest I came on here for advice and it seemed to break down into an argument between a few people so I stopped checking back, since the initial visit I have found out much more information and am in a much stronger position now, it seems all of this was pushed through without my knowing to hide illegal activities by the landlord and management company, I have submitted an N245 to the court offering £5 per month, as I am on JSA this is all I can afford but I have also submitted many other court papers through the landlord not covering my deposit in a goverment scheme as required by law, not contacting me within 10 days to ask what I was doing with the deposit, breaking many aspects of the tenancy agreement etc. I have the deposit of £1200 sitting there and the maximum court fine for the 'theft' of the deposit is 3 x £1200 combined they would pay the whole debt off plus the other cases I have submitted with relavent case law and precidents should see this settled pretty quickly
  14. Hi, I came home tonight to find two HCEO on the doorstep trying to collect £6815.87 apparently owed from a Money Order, breakdown as follows: Judgement Debt - £5122.55 Judgement Costs - £0.00 Costs Of Execution - £111.75 Assessed Solicitor Costs - £0.00 *Interest To Date - £173.74 *HCEO Fees - £1532.78 Total Outstanding - £6815.82 As you can imagine this came as one hell of a shock, this all dates back to May when we moved out of our last rented property, the landlord refused to carry out any of the repairs we continually complained about, heating systems that didn't work, taps that ran constantly, a bath you couldn't use, the first time we did water came pouring through the ceiling and ruined the leather suite, the list goes on. The property was managed by Reed Rains, we moved in on 15th December 2012 and out on 15th April 2013, the £1200 deposit has disappeared, the landlord doesn't have it and the deposit protection service has no record of it ever being submitted. I had refused to pay the rent as the repairs were not being carried out, rooms were left totally unusable over winter because of the heating not working. The landlords solicitors sent me a letter stating they were seeking eviction, I replied informing them we had found another house and were moving out, we moved out and left the house in an immaculate condition. Since then I have not heard another word from them until the HCEO's turned up today, they have left a Form 55 seizing my Car (bought for £400 5 months ago and probably worth 2) yet they have driven off without it, I understand this to be Abandoned Levy? I have spent 20 years self employed and am signing on JSA now as times are tough but I still report any work done to the job centre and need the car to get to any jobs that may come up. I have been told to get straight to the court tomorrow morning and enter an N244 stating all the facts and ask if there is a judge available to act on it immediately, also the usual 'Keep doors, windows closed and locked' etc I know how to deal with Bailiffs but this is my first run in with HCEO's - can someone please give me some advice urgently? Jayce
  15. We went to court last July and SPML were granted a suspended possession order, since then we have missed 2 payments and each time they hit us with an eviction notice. The first time I made a very large payment and it was suspended this time the eviction is set for 22nd April and this morning we paid all the outstanding arrears off so this one is also cancelled. When I was at court the CAB advisor told me that once all arrears were paid off the possession order is cancelled - SPML are telling me that it never gets cancelled and if we are so much as a day late again they will apply for another eviction - who is right ???
  16. UPDATE The immediate crisis seems to have been avoided!! GE have suddenly found the payments they said we hadn't made and have cancelled the eviction order - very confused :S
  17. I have attached it - spoke to the court yesterday and they said if I can get it in today them I will definately get a hearing before monday. I have attached the N244 but if someone can make it sound better I would appriciate it Jayce n244_e - Copy.pdf
  18. So to summarise the loan PPI is in dispute? - YES You need to suspend possession to sort that out? - YES You need more dtails about what happened when the loan was taken out? - Yes but since my father is dead I'm not sure how this will happen :S Your mother has been maintaing the payments requested by the court - but due to interest rate changes ( or charges ??) you are not reducing the arrears? As best she can but as they ask her for £460 per month and she only gets £600 a month pension it's not easy Have you had any recent statements about the loan or arrears ?as you will need to agree the amount before going to court. Just got one through - with the added interest and charges the statement shows the initial loan plus over £19000 added on top :S I put an N244 in on Thursday sent special delivery to the court but I haven't heard back yet - repossession is Monday :S HELP
  19. A letter has just come giving an eviction date of 17th August - I've got an N244 ready to fill out but if anyone can give me pointers I would appriciate it
  20. Oh thats a lot to take in! My mother and father jointly owned the house, were both on the mortgage and lived together as husband and wife, My father was a nasty piece of work, so much so that I have spent the last 2 years in therapy working through the psychlogical truma I suffered right up to his death, believe me, if my father said do something you did it and you didn't ask questions. I have seen my mother take some horrendous beatings at his hands over the years so she wouldn't have questioned anything. The loan would have been for him, he had just become captain of the local golf club around that time and also had golfing trips to Florida and portugal around that time so I would guess most of the money went there oh and to his mistress !!! No defences were offered at the time - I was given an advisor when I arrived at the court - I told her the story I have told this forum and she basically worked out how much would need to be paid each month and put that forward - it was as if I hadn't bothered speaking at all. As for my fathers estate - I handled that, he had nothing in the bank, no life insurance, no savings and he'd even stopped paying the endowment so there was a shortfall so there is still over £4k outstanding to the Halifax. Does that make any sense ? Jayce
  21. I will have it in my files somewhere but until I find it I won't know
  22. I need help My late father took out a secured loan with Frredom Finance over 6 years ago, he took out an insurance policy on it which they charged £3500 for up front and sent documents for a comapny called Pinnicle of Cardiff. My father died at the end of that year and I found all of the documents in his files, my mother had no knowledhe of the loan as my father wasn't a nice person and if he told you to do something ie. sign that - you did it end of. I claimed on the insurance and was told by the insurance company that the loan didn't cober death, I asked for a copy of it and low and behold - death cover was included, so I reclaimed. During this time I was contacted by GE Money saying they had taken over collection of this from First National who it was with and they required payments of £1354 per month to clear the amount, my mother gets £600 per month pension so that wasn't acceptable, I informed them about the insurance and they put things on hold till it was sorted (not stopping interest and charges mind) The insurance company then informed us that my father had cancer when he took the loan out and therefore they wouldn't pay out, GE then informed us that the debt now belonged solely to my mother and she would have to pay the lot back. We went to court on 14th June 2007 and the judge gave a suspended order saying we had to pay the £302 monthly payment and £131 of arrears, noboby seems bothered about the fact that my mother had no knowledge of any of this - just pay up and shut up. We started paying the monthly amount striaght away but GE then sent us a letter saying that the interest rate on the arrears was more than we were paying back so the deby would never go down and we had to up our payments - I asked a legal person and they said if that's what the judge said to pay - that's what you pay. In this time I went to a company called project zero and told them about the case - they said that basically the PPI had been mis-sold and therefore the debt could be deemed unenforceable and written off - I gave them the case straight away and hoped they were right - 18 months later after being told the case was with a solicitor or a barrister I finally found out they had done nothing at all and placed it with Wade and Co. The wrote to GE straight away who basically said 'nothing to do with us go see Freedom' so Wade wrote to them and they haven't responded yet. We haven't been making the payments over the past few months because I am self employed and things have been really bad - GE called the other day followed by letters from Eversheds saying they were enforcing the warrent and now were waiting for an eviction date. I called Wades and they phoned GE informing them of the case in hand and asking for an 8 week suspension to get all of the paperwork back in to which GE refused. I have downloaded an N244 and am waiting for the court letter and not sleeping well as you would expect. My mother is 60 and has no where to go if this all happens, she is also a foster carer and has 3 children with her at the moment who will all suffer badly if they have to leave this home. HELP - please someone - what can I do ??? Jayce
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