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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Please advise if I am wrong, but If you swap from Talktalk to cable (NTLTelewest) you simply don't require a MAC code?
  2. Been there, bought the T-shirt - the SWINES!
  3. Sehr gut frauline! It would be great for so many reasons if they cough up lol
  4. Not really clued up with "for a cease" but couldn't you still sign up with cable before anyone took this route (thus having a new ISP in place)?
  5. RE: Baileyboo, Institutionalised or Stockholm syndrome sufferer!! Ahem bw's free yourselves from your captors!
  6. out of total curiosity baileyboo, considering your position, do you think if you were to were to leave the bank (hyperthetically) you would pursue the charges you paid?!! (If this has been asked before, i reserve the right to cite "new to all this"!)
  7. Rembember not to abuse any penguins - only abuse bank abuse.
  8. through moneyclaim (1 option) think its in the FAQS, still learning myself, although one things for sure - don't worry - you will win, piece of cake
  9. I guess if they change now they'd be admitting liability for the 5billion plus they have already taken. If the floodgates are opened I imagine future charges will go down, but they sure as hell won't want to do that - think thats why were still winning
  10. Can you not claim for your reply postage? or did you do the same to them. Pls let me know if thats included in your collection.
  11. If you find one tell him I'll chuck in B&B
  12. great! Did he advise you on any other nuggets?
  13. Yes totally, I sent two letters there and both were acknowledged. (clacton address). Also dont let them fob you off if when you put in your LPA in they say they have a further 40 days.... they dont. Also use the heading woolwich telephony customer services.
  14. Dear luddite, cant you just cut them off at your bank and send them a letter citing they have not held up thier side of the contract?, tell them you'll see them in court regarding thier service, and if they refer it to a debt collection agency you will tell them it is under dispute and you wont deal with them? I will of course understand if you are worried about a MAC code debarcle, but then there are always other options. I by no means no all the details and legalities on this, I'm just curious
  15. Great stuff, I'll research it further. Do you also feel it may be possible to levy a fee to a bank if I write on somebody elses behalf, i.e a friend employed my services or a disabled relative etc etc?
  16. Lets give oneofthem a bit of a break, I feel she's learnt her initial comments weren't realistic and has bit her tongue and is now willing to assist if she can! To oneofthem - give Jeremy Natweststaffmember Paxman an answer!!
  17. Is it possible when filing a claim to add costs for writing a letter to the bank? reason being they seem to "misplace" them, and I have to write more, even though I have recorded proof of delivery? (I know now I should have proceeded to the next step regardless). I am now thinking of charging them for my time say 12.00 a letter? maybe the OFT would deem that reasonable!. Sorry if this has already been answered but haven't come across the info.
  18. Della for future reference (for friends etc, or new claims) just call 08457203040, and for five pounds they will send out six years statements within a week (individually). This costs them and the rain forest more than they charge. oh and CONGRATS!! from small acorns and all that
  19. okay people, I've not read every thread so I may be stating something you already know, but one doubts. I have experienced TalkTalk HELL, but what soothes the pain is that I, to date, haven't paid them a penny, because thier customer liason executive is over a barrel and I hold the whip!.(I have 4 months free "service" thus far). Assuming you will be profoundly mature in your communications this email address should prove invaluable: Myersk@talktalk.net. Keith has helped me along the way (albeit he had no option considering TalkTalks inability to function as a company). I would suggest you state you have been advised by a third party how you got this address although I myself got this through a route that involved thier head office and couldn't be sure of how my inital point of contact directed my request. Happy hunting. P.s my next door neighbour has had refunds of over 100 pounds as an effect of this contact too.
  20. Yeah sorry Mr bikes! just getting my head around this thread business, no hijacking intended. I was trying to reply to the "good samaritan" but must have messed it up - could you advise on how to do that?
  21. Little niggle with that, I plan on sending in over 400 SAR's spread over 22 financial houses, kinda big family! I now Know barclays doesn't charge does anybody know of any others Muchos gracias. Also does anybody have any info on how to make the banks deal with myself rather than the account holder?
  22. Hi, Do you know if there is a way of finding out which banks charge the tenner for a subject access request, so far I know yorkshire does and Halifax a fiver (done instantly over the phone) but another10 institutions so far dont levy any charges for this service? I don't want to call anymore!
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