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Hali Sux

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Everything posted by Hali Sux

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Hi, I need some guidance on this.... I have yet again been brow-beaten by Halifax customer Services. I had a "Cash" payment amount of £200 or so showing on my online statement on one of my 3 accounts with Halifax. This account I use to have my business expense claims paid into to repay back to my corporate credit card. Failure to do so could result in dismissal!! In a panic i rang Halifax & after 30 minutes of arguing about passwords, etc I spoke to someone who looked at the account & to my anger & dismay find the money was taken by Halifax as payment of my credit card as I was late paying it!!!! This is not the first time this has happened. A year or so ago, over £150 was taken out of my second account, a simple savings account. This money however was actually my CHILDRENS holiday money given to them by grand parents, etc!! I spoke to the collections department who were completely & utterly disgusting in their attitude. When I advised them I could get sacked from my job therefore they would see NOTHING, they said, tough unless I could "DEMONSTRATE" this. I asked if they wanted a cookery demonstration or they wanted me outside the branch with a large banner, chanting & demonstrating , but I think they have no sense of humor so got no response! (No wait the whole bank is a joke!!) They spouted that the terms & conditions of the account when I signed up for it (10 years ago!) stated they are authorised to transfer funds at will in the event of none payment!! SURELY this is not the case & they are stealing money from me to pay another acount as they gave me NO prior notice (said they didn't have to as was part of terms, blah, blah!) nor did they contact me in any way before doing it! THIS HAS to be UNLAWFUL??? Any ideas? __________________
  3. PLEASE START YOUR OWN THREAD, YOU ARE HIJACKING SOMEONE ELSE'S, WHICH MAKES IT HARD TO FOLLOW. THANKS. Hi, I which was actually my CHILDRENS holiday money given to them by grand parents, etc!! This time they have taken funds from a different account. This account I use to have my employer refunded business expenses paid into so I can pay the bill on my CORPORATE HSBC card. I could be SACKED for non payment!! I spoke to the collections department who were completely & utterly disgusting in their attitude. When I advised them I could get sacked from my job therefore they would see NOTHING, they said, tough unless I coud "DEMONSTRATE" this. I asked if they wanted a cookery demonstration or they wanted me outside the branch with a large banner, chanting, but got no response! They spouted that the terms & conditions of the account when I signed up for it (10 years ago!) stated they are authorised to transfer funds at will in the even of none payment!! SURELY there is not the case & they are stealing money from me to pay another acount as they gave me NO prior notice (said they didn't have to as was part of terms, blah, blah!) nor did they contact me in any way before doing it! THIS HAS to be UNLAWFUL??? Any ideas?
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