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Posts posted by maddyrose1664

  1. After getting my charges refunded from Nationwide, they have, without warning, withdrawn our overdraft facility. How childish! Of course,we can't afford to pay it back (£831.48) in one go. They have sent loads of nasty letters but this one is hilarious.


    Dear Mr & Mrs Maddyrose1664,


    I'm disappointed that your account remains seriously in arrears and I can't allow this to continue.


    You must contact me within the next seven days with an acceptable offer to repay the outstanding balance. If you don't, I'll refer your account to a debt collection agency.


    Blimey, don't beat around the bush will you?!! How rude is that?


    I've offered them £1 - same as all my other creditors.

  2. Since receiving a letter from Cabot telling me it would take weeks to get the docs from Citi, I haven't heard a peep and that was ages ago. I have only paid them £1 since they bought my debt in June. Why are they not chasing me anymore!?!

    I wonder what they're plotting....

  3. Have Citi registered the default or Cabot? You need to find out first and then write them a letter asking them to remove it. I think I'm right in saying that you can only get the default removed if it was caused by the charges. If it is because you didn't keep up your payments, I think you will struggle to get it removed.


    If it was Cabot who registered the default them I'm not entirely sure about that. You could argue that the amount was in dispute and that's why you didn't pay. I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be able to help.

  4. They'll probably still chase her. If they are continually phoning her, tell her to remind them of the law regarding harassing telephone calls. That should stop them.


    Or tell her to ring them up telling them she has a new contact number and give them the number for the nearest McDonanlds or massage parlour!!

  5. To my rescue again Tom!!


    Thanks for the reassurance. We'll see what their response is to the letter. I haven't heard anything today so not holding my breath.


    Still, in the meantime my lovely employer has had a company car delivered for me to use next week. How cool is that?!!

  6. In March this year, some moron wrote my car off for me which we bought from my local Renault dealership. When the insurance money eventually came through I bought a Grand Espace from the same dealership. They gave us a 3 month warranty on the car and made good use of it and there were a few minor faults needing repair. One of these faults was a squeak coming from the front drivers side of the car and there was a minor oil leak. We kept being told that it would need to be booked in for a couple of days so they would have time to get to the bottom of it. Everytime we booked it in, they failed to repair or even diagnose what the squeak was.


    In the last 3 months or so the oil leak has worsened and by last weekend was quite a pronounced drip. On Sunday, the car overheated and it dumped all the coolant out. I managed to get it back to my mother-in-law's house (about 1/2 miles away). For some reason the oil leak got really bad after this.


    First thing Monday morning I rang the dealership and told them what had happened. They said not to drive the car and I would have to get it towed in. They didn't offer any help at all so I had to join the AA at a cost of £130 and get them to tow it in.


    After a few hours, they phoned me up saying that the radiator had gone and was going to cost £850+ and the oil pump was leaking and would cost £1000 minimum to fix.


    So, within 6 months of spending £7 on a car I get landed with a bill totalling the best part of £2k!


    I told the garage I wasn't happy and wanted to trade the car in. I suggested a scenic for around the same price as the Espace. They offered me a T reg megane that had £3500 on the sticker and I had to pay £200 towards it! Needless, to say, I told them where to go.


    I have written a snotty letter to the MD as he has already refused to fix the oil when asked a few months ago.


    Does anyone have any advice please?

  7. There are no CCJs or defaults.


    Paragon have made 3 entries stating that twice I have been 1 month late and once I have been 2 months late.


    This is due to my changing bank accounts and them not receiving the new details therefore missing a couple of payments befire I realised what had happened.


    Capital One say that I am 5 months late which is total rubbish as my last payment was on 16th August. In the last 12 months, they have made 8 entries. I am on a £1 a month programme with them at the moment but I did sweeten them up yesterday by making a £100 payment.


    There are a few more entries with other credit card companies made over the last year or so when I have missed the odd payment.


    Yes, I will be paying off Paragon on completion of my house sale.

  8. Hi All,


    I'm not really up to speed on Credit reference files etc but I'm in the poo and I need your help.


    I have just sold my house to pay off all the debts. It should complete on 22nd September all being well.


    My husband and I want to buy another house and are having trouble getting mortgage. No surprises I hear you say!


    Well, we are applying for a Birmingham Midshires self certification mortgage, with a guarantor and an income reference and they still won't do it because there are too many adverse entries on our credit report. We have managed to get the Halifax to remove theirs, our current mortgage provider, but Paragon, who we have a second mortgage with, won't budge.


    Does anyone have any ideas please? If we don't buy a new house we'll waste our deposit I know it. We're so bad with money. If we do that, we'll never get back on the property ladder again.


    Please help!!

  9. My actions are on the grounds that:-

    I have a contract with xxx dated from

    xxx which is conducted on their

    standard terms and conditions. I am

    claiming the return of money taken by the

    defendant in the way of charges over the

    last 12 months plus the interest they have

    levied on those charges. The bank's charges

    are a disproportionate penalty and therefore

    unenforceable as they are contrary to common

    law. Further, as a disproportionate penalty

    they are invalid under the Unfair

    (Contracts) Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the

    Unfair Terms in the Concumer Contracts

    Regulations 1999. Para.8 and sch.2(1)(e).

    In the event that the charges are not a

    penalty then they are unreasonable within the

    meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services

    Act 1982 s.15.My calculation is that the

    xxx have taken £xxx, including

    interest from my account. I would also like

    to claim interest at 8% APR, (£xxx to

    date),0.0219178 per day and court costs.



    This is what I have put in all my claims. It may need adapting slightly as it's a mortgage account.


    Hope this helps.

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