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Posts posted by maddyrose1664

  1. I have been a Halifax customer for most of my life and since I opened a "proper" account with them about 5 years ago (I had one of their accounts with a Solo card, as opposed to Switch) they have given me nothing but grief.


    My husband and I have got ourselves into a right mess money wise. I got pregnant and was off work for a year and my husband's salary wasn't enough to cover all the bills so we lived on credit. Needless, to say that after a while the credit ran out and we can barely afford the weekly food shop let alone credit card bills.


    Anyway, the Halifax have been totally unsympathetic and refuse to lend us any more money on top of our mortgage but they are quite happy to keep piling on the charges. I have had a quick look through the last 18 months worth of bank statements (that's all I have) and the total so far is roughly £1700. So the amount over the last 6 years is going to be a lot more.


    The amount of charges on my credit cards are around £700 for the same period of time.


    If this works and I get all this money back, I will be so chuffed! I sent all my letters on Monday so fingers crossed!!

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