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Everything posted by innocent

  1. Excellent thread The way ur case is going has a direct correlation with mine... I'll be watching and waiting for any news from you, almost as eager as you no doubt Innocent
  2. Thanks Griffin, thanks Kazzie Excellent news kazzie..... here's hoping Keep us all informed INNOCENT;)
  3. Hi again [problem] are a shambles! I wonder whether they are doing it deliberately, absuing the court process or whether they are just "snowed" under?? Probably BOTH!!! I hope you get a judgement soon..... just so you can moce onwards... Innocent
  4. Thanks Peter..... I am a little more nervous now of CI then I was a few months ago (but only a little); but I wanted, when I started to try and overcome any problem in the future if Lloyds offered me charges +8%? Normally, when this happens, it can be baffling what to do? Take it and loose out on CI? Or refuse and then look potentially disrespectful in court??? I wanted to give the judge options and show him (or her) respect; and not Lloyds.... I dunno? If people win by judgement, as some now are, then there is no need to argue CI in court, because it wont go that far?? As of the moment looks like Lloyds have forgotten me: no £750 offer, no AQ; they are probably snowed under, and [problem] are starting to make mistakes?? Anyway, thanks for your words aviout the POC, and you have my pondering again hehehehe I will subscribe to your thread too Cheers Innocent ;-)
  5. Thanks Guido..... this may proove EXTREMELY helpful.... I will wait until next week, and see what the dj has ordered, but I can feel a letter coming on Innocent
  6. Hi all. Just to say....... well done pen and elsinore ;-) sounds like a very constructive day... ....I bet pen you feel more confident now in front of a DJ Gary? Have I read somewhere that when you get an offer, you can apportion this amount to any part of the claim amount.... ie. thanks Lloyds for the part payment in the account, this pays for the CI..... now can I have the payment for the charges??? Sorry if I am talking alot of tosh..... certain I read about the possibility somewhere??? Anyway, onwards, and upwards.... and thanks for the inspiration Innocent
  7. Hi again... Thanks both for your continuing encouragement and support.... :D Well, I'll phone the courts again, end of next week, if I have not heard... Hopefully, they miss the 2nd aq deadline..... or the district judge grants the draft order..... or I'll get judgement without any stay..... It feels good, with all the support and knowledge and experience of this site that it feels 'I am cutting off more and more of their avenue's of advancement' Come on Lloyds...... roll over and surrender...... hehehe Thanks Innocent
  8. Hi again griffin..... It'll be interesting to see if they have missed ur aq deadline too and the % successes for the draft order have been going up too..... here's hoping we both get this Keep us informed Innocent
  9. Thanks Gary...... I was expected 7-14 days If (after) their defence is struck out and I apply for judgement; can they still apply and get a stay (without a defence)??? Many thanks Innocent
  10. Just subscribing too....been following your conquest with great interest... GOOD LUCK for Wednesday :D I know you've had loads of support; but wanted to add mine too... from someone also has a case with Lloyds involving CI.... they haven't filed their aq with me .... still thats [problem] By the sound of it, you could of sold tickets to attend eh? Good Luck Innocent
  11. Any news??? With me....... Lloyds haven't filed their aq Awaiting a decision from my judge Innocent:D
  12. From a male perspective..... go get them Tori... I won the friday before the monday ALLOCATION HEARING... (think they were scared to turn up) Good luck ladies (and be gentle with the men eh?) Innocent
  13. Ok an update........ Just phoned the courts as the deadline for the AQ passed on the 3rd and have not heard anything...... LLOYDS HAVE FAILED TO SUMBIT AN AQ and literally, as I phoned, the case was going to the judge for assessment The lady on the phone admitted that the judge is likely to give "the other side" one more chance to file an aq, WITH A VERY SMALL DEADLINE.... ....probably...... I will receive notitification if this happens! Seems that [problem] like to delay any way they can; but if we do end up in court, it cannot look good for lloyds; and perhaps the judge is more likely to grant the draft order.,... Don't want to get carried away, but any news is good news at the moment.... been waiting so long.... perhaps Ill be filing judgement soon :-D Anyone had similar experiences? Innocent
  14. Hi bluedanny Sorry for the delay in answering......issues with internet:rolleyes: I must admit this claim has not been started yet, lack of finances etc However, my main LLOYDS TSB CURRENT CONTRACTUAL CASE is in full swing here.... In this N1 POC I included within my appendix a copy of the interest rates charges (taken from their website)... 'a screen print'.... this is what I would recommend Hope this helps Innocent
  15. Replied on your thread...... You certainly can now win!!!! Innocent
  16. Well, it all seems to be going well for you. I would ask the court if they want you to do anything Monday; and you can ask PM GaryH who is a moderator and expert.... Well done so far! Innocent A few threads for you to read : case 1 strike out requests by GaryH
  17. Subscribing! How big is your claim for roughly??? Innocent
  18. Angi......good stuff..... does this mean you could win via judgement???? I haven't contacted the courts yet, but the cheque has now recently cleared! Ill ring them next week...... thanks for the idea Innocent
  19. Hi all What have you decided to take with you on the 1st?? Innocent
  20. Memnoch, Keep us posted.... A prelim with CI excellent..... what info are you taking??? Innocent
  21. A party? O O oooooo invite me me meeeeeeee The waiting game is all perfectly normal, some months sometimes.... but as 'madhouse' says you are on the home straight now.... :D I CAN CONFIRM that Barclays and Barclaycard (and MONUMENT) are all "Barclays" and Barclays and Barclaycard use the same methods, the same offers, the same timescales, the same legal team, the same addresses etc etc etc etc Now, we need a little time to organise this party, dont we??? Innocent
  22. Check out this this :) Bob won 2 days after court ordering no aq Innocent
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