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Everything posted by eggopp

  1. Well just got the paper vesion in todays post and likewise, its got the box ticked 'I intend to defend all of the claim' I think its just standard HP4020 Astardust, use the Nationwide Head office and registered address
  2. Although my case was acknowledged on MCOL web site, i got the paper version in the post today says they are going to defend all of this cliam... Bring it on Mr Bacon
  3. Can you imagine the loss banks would have if everyone had to go back to there employers and say they wanted cash payments? I remember my very first job aged 16, getting cash in hand.. then oining the Army and being paid cash in hand at the start of my army life.. Oh how times have chnaged, now we are forced to have pay placed into bank accounts and until now, allow banks to charge us... Ahh just a simple thought, bet the banks would beg for our business again :grin:
  4. Ok Prelim and copy of charges sent to Cap 1.. ive decided to go down the 8% route with cap 1, because ive an IVA it comes in under £500 which means i keep it.. With contractual it way over the £500 which means its classed as a windfall and if my experience with Halifax bank account is anything to go by.. i wouldnt get any cash in hand.. Sent it yesterday.. 14 days and counting woot woot
  5. Look at the bright side of things... They havent enough legal staff to turn up in ALL the courts accross the country at the same time and date!!
  6. Mine was issued 26th and acknowledged 28th too
  7. Thanks for that, i will check and see what they say 21%APR sounds good although im sure it should be 24. something or the other....
  8. I can only answer one of your questions about debt recovery... Helpful or not i have NO IDEA>>> but!!! I had an outstanding balance of £950 on my cap one card and this went to IVA one stage up from debt recovery (lol) and one step down from bankruptcy (lol even louder) Anyway im going to claim at 8% interest a total of £450+pennies.. Half what i owed!!! Anyway as mine went to recovery... thats the figure 900+ they gave the IP to recover.. so yes if there already recovering it.. then its paid isnt it... When they SELL your debt its paid for and you have to cough up.. SO the answer.. """As far as im aware""" is yes you can claim.. and anyway, its yours not theres.. the word unlawful keeps popping in my head.. dont know why!! Oh and if i can suss out contractual instead of the standard 8% then my cliam would be more... and i have people from this fab forum helping me with contarctual..
  9. Purchase interest rate differs on each statement... For example. on my statement dated nov - dec 2000 i spent £160.67p.. purchases were charged at 1.67% yet a statement for May 2003 says 1.479% each statment differs... Am i looking in the right place doo?
  10. Hello.. Transfer all the details onto a spreadsheet in date order and send a prelim letter which you can find in the templates library http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/
  11. WOW quick calculation and Prelim all nicely drafted up.. £350 without interest and £456.38p with interest at 8% was going to do contractual but couldnt find anywhere on statements that says what the APR is/was. Overall balance on the card before being tied nto my IVA was only £932.58p Now if i did contractual im sure it would be more.. Will send it all off tomorrow unless between now and then i recalculate doing contractual.. Anyone know what the APR rate on a Cap One Classic Visa account was when i first took the card out in September 2000? Someone out there must have got a card about the same time
  12. **UPDATE** Hooray... statements recieved today, had a quick look doesnt look like much but will work it out tonight and get letter off tomorrow..
  13. Getting closer... NEW UPDATE.. Nationwide have 'acknowledged my claim as of todays little visit to MCOL to check the status.. How much longer is the wait lol ~~Eggie taps his foot impatiently:confused: ~~
  14. Hi... You dont need luck, just follow the guide in the FAQs and the money will be back in your on hands in next to no time..give or take a few weeks lol)
  15. Ive not had my acknowledgment yet, but working in the legal profession (criminal) i sent copies of all my letters and a fresh list of claims to NW as soon as my claim was sent.. in my view its better to give them the info sooner than later and that way if a defence is filed.. you can say you did more than was required of you.. x
  16. Great stuff.. you have nothing to lose and everythig to gain.. noting to worry about as long as you read the advise given i the forum and everything will be just fine... I have done just that, have filed now at court and had service of my claim.. just a waiting game.. when you get your 2k+ back, spend it on yourself and have a treat... Eggie
  17. Id like to say good luck but i wont... Why i hear you ask? well simple as im sure your good friend will tell you.. whats rightfully yours will come back to you.. So follow the process and when it does.. woot woot... spend spend spend... Eggie
  18. Its not fair! they keep paying out and by the time they get to me they will have run the bank dry... There will be no money left for the eggie chap... LMAO
  19. Ive read that they pay out in dribs and drabs until its all paid
  20. Rang Halifax Credit cards today to chase up my Statements as its been 4 weeks and nothing heard not even an acknowledgment... Was met with a very rude man who was abusive.. and when i asked to speak to his supervisor was put on hold for seveal minutes before being told the 'supervisor' refused to speak to me... Guess their getting ticked off with us demanding our money back LMAO.. anyway he was so rude he wouldnt even tell me his name. still just under 2 weeks to go then i will report them if ive not recieved anything.. Especially as they cashed my cheque on the 7th Feb!!
  21. Update... In todays post a more detailed notice of issue, saying that the notice was issued on 26th Feb and deemed served on 3rd March.. Nationwide has till the 17th March to reply... Everyday.. one step closer.. woot woot
  22. What number did you ring Madfairy? or even... what is the number? for the visa cards.. all i got was some stroppy bloke and then even his supervisor refused to talk to me.. that was ringing 08457 253519
  23. You cant claim contractual AND the 8% its one or the other, i wouldnt gamble the mistake for the court to throw out your claim.. I guess you need to post a mod or site helper for the correct advice.. Did you get a phone number for chasing up your SAR request initially? im still waiting for my statements for the visa cards, but already went through this process for bank account charges.
  24. Hello... Try visiting the Home Office web site on Home Office | Welcome to the Home Office search the documents section on the left. Unfortunatley you will have to search hard because its not the easiest of sites to find your way around.. If you can evidence that the parking ticket has not been 'served' or 'executed' then you will have a case for full refund. To serve a ticket on you the wardens have to physically place it on the car, taking your registration number isnt enough after all you can take anyones reg number and create a ticket.. With regards to evidence, speak to your local authority and see if there is any cctv evidence that the ticket was not placed on the car.. and stuff like that.. Not much help i know but if you can find the regulations and legislation n the home office web site it will help you. Sorry i cant be of any more use to you.. maybe with a bit of luck you might get a response from a kind hearted traffic warden in this forum (if such a person exists lol)
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