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Posts posted by patdavies

  1. iyou will be ok for it to be on the road to take it to a machanic and then to the MOT station.

    that is allowed.



    Not quite.


    An untaxed vehicle is exempt under the regulations to travel to/from a pre-booked MoT appointment. It is also exempt for travrl to/from pre-booked repair after it has failed such a test.

  2. If you have had the MOT recently, its not up to date on their systems. I get this when trying to get tax after I have just insured the Car. Always says I have no insurance so I end up having to go to the post office.


    Insurers have up to 14 days to update the database.


    MoT is actually done on-line and should immediately show

  3. Time slip is basically irrelevant.


    An FPN is merely an offer to deal with the matter without going to court. If you elect for Court, then the FPN becomes scrap paper and a summons issued - which gives them a chance to get the time right. Even if they don't correct it on the summons, the slip rule will allow them to correct it in Court

  4. ANPR has to be able to read many formats and if it can't, then I would love to know which ones screw it up and I bet the real criminals already know! That only leaves the soft targets as ever of the generally law abiding citizens that are only trying to add a small element of personalisation to their car with no intent to deceive or disfigure.


    ANPR as used by the Police is capable of reading any Schengen area plus UK and Eire VRM

  5. The law is very clear on this point, indeed as are my own insurance documents.

    A vehicle may only be legally driven on a public road with an expired MOT if that vehicle is travelling to a pre-arranged, pre-booked MOT test. In this scenario ONLY is the insurance cover in force as long as no other stops were made along the way.




    This is but one example of an exempt vehicle and there is no requirement in law for the test to be pre-arranged - only that it is pre-booked.


    Case law has also held that it is permissible to stop on the way to the test - the vehicle does not have to be driven straight there

  6. Yes.


    DVLA will write to the current RK (in this case presumably the owner) and if they get no response after 28 days (it would be interesting if they did!!) they will issue a V% in your name.

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