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Everything posted by Dipply75

  1. understand. we're all rooting for you anyway
  2. Dodge, start your own specific thread and post a link to it here. This thread is HUGE and can move very very fast at times....your info will get lost soon. Start a thread and give us a nod and we can help.....they won't win, not with all us behind you
  3. Hiya - check this link for that info showing http://s564.photobucket.com/albums/ss88/The_wife-krys/?action=view&current=CCArequestinfosent.jpg
  4. sorry, you did explain that before.... So the timescale is 1st loan in June 2005 for approx £1300 ish 2nd loan replaced the 1st one in Sept 2005 3rd mysterious loan signed in August 2007 (for £4388 with no insurances) - did this replace the 2nd loan? I have a plan forming in my mind
  5. Hi the wife....the agreement dated 25/08/07....this has got me intrigued. Apologies if you've already answered this but can you remember why this agreement was taken out (did you know about it?) as it is purely to settle a prev agreement with no cash advance etc......and there is no interest rate!
  6. There are so many questions here though! Heads up, your address is showing on the CCA request agreement, better remove it asap! I would write in and ask...even just to prove you have if it comes to it.
  7. Red wine will fix the head lol, but I am wondering who could give you sense out of that statement. That £150 seems to move in and out willynilly....with interest posting all over the place, and seperate to that are random weird capitalizations, which you would think are interest but cannot possibly be.
  8. Hey Andie.......I await with baited breath........ (pmsl)
  9. I know Voda, the misery will be about long after they will.
  10. I have a headache now! That is one helluva statement....how n the sam hill did they managed to make at least 23 seperate transactions on your account in one day?????????? (30/10/2008) They obviously messed up and then could not figure out how to correct it properly. Them and their chocolate calculator obviously struggled. BR suspension.....purely guessing here but could that be a broker fee that is held in a suspension a/c until they are paid out? I've seen my share of WF statements but thats a mess
  11. Hi sorry, have you requested a copy of your agreement from them? The insurance booklet, is that for the breakdown and shortfall etc?
  12. Any arrears will affect the settlement figure, but not by that much! I would expect a figure of about 4 or 5K...not 7! Can you post the agreement up also? Lets see exactly where you stand - minus all personal details
  13. The entire photocopy is very squint, which is the only reason that bottom line detail shows...I am assuming this was not meant to show then. Hmmm, another SAR going off then
  14. The settlement figure just seems so high....their statement should tell us more. The one they sent me was either a joke or they used a bingo machine to 'calculate' the figures lol. Have you asked them for a copy of your agreement to see what figures are on it? Did you have any insurances?
  15. Aaaah, so thats to do with the program, not a 'router account' then? What would we do without you! Thanks yourbank
  16. Hi James, welcome to CAG Any chance you have the settlement statement from them and can you post it on here (minus any personal details) for us to see? What were your monthly payments to this mob?
  17. Ignore the blurb on the notes...look at the very bottom of the page...the long web address http://s303.photobucket.com/albums/nn122/Dipply75/?action=view&current=rbslog04.jpg
  18. Hi all, going through the (now ex's) rbs paperwork to get the next complaint letter done and something jumps out at me from the 'apparent' print outs of his notes.....the words Debt Manager Credit Management Router Account, in fact hold on and will scan this in for opinions....
  19. subbing, too much too miss here! Best of luck to you both
  20. well they've certainly attempted repo, unsure. - I wonder if the repo guy will just be under instruction to come back when the 7 days on his notice are actually up? In fact....are the repo company not at fault too as they have came earlier than they should?
  21. Phone trading standards and tell them whats going on right now and get as many pics as you can
  22. So they are claiming the right of repossesion....without a court order? Please trust postggj on this one...he has fought this type of thing before with welcome and won big time for a cagger
  23. Zaidey....read this from the CCA 1974: 90 Retaking of protected hire-purchase etc goods (1) At any time when— (a) the debtor is in breach of a regulated hire-purchase or a regulated conditional sale agreement relating to goods, and (b) the debtor has paid to the creditor one-third or more of the total price of the goods, and © the property in the goods remains in the creditor, the creditor is not entitled to recover possession of the goods from the debtor except on an order of the court. 91 Consequences of breach of s 90 If goods are recovered by the creditor in contravention of section 90— (a) the regulated agreement, if not previously terminated, shall terminate, and (b) the debtor shall be released from all liability under the agreement, and shall be entitled to recover from the creditor all sums paid by the debtor under the agreement.
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