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Everything posted by Dipply75

  1. Thanks all, glad to know I'm not alone. Karnevil - Way to go! I am so chuffed for you - really keeps you going to know that it can happen for folks like us.
  2. Oooh, does that mean that charges my friend was hit with from Welcome Finance on a loan can be refunded? Not sure if places like Welcome are just as liable. anyone know?
  3. Try Office of Fair Trading website for info - http://www.oft.gov.uk or call Consumer Direct to speak to someone - 08454 04 05 06 - they can help. There are strict rules about contracts, unfair terms and changing contracts. Try OFCOM also, they regulate mobile comanies. THEY have to prove the advised you of your changes, ask them for a copy of the letter they supposedly sent you or you will request ALL your info from them under the Data Protection Act. An advice sheet won't cut it! They have to provide you with your new contract so you know what you have entered into. Trust me on this - follow the 10 min rule....if you get no joy from who you are dealing move straight to a manager and don't give them any leeway. Hope this helps, best of luck!
  4. Hi all I am just starting the fight for my charges which I estimate at around £4000. But my question is: A few years ago when the clever working tax credit people screwed up my claim and stopped all my payments I hit V hard times. My overdraft ended up quite large and the bank advised me the best course would be to take out a large loan to pay it off ie; get myself clear - I have since discovered that part of the loan was to pay off my old loan (fair enough) but the rest was to pay off a whopping £1700 in bank charges!!! I am now in 5 yrs of debt - paying loadsa interest etc Where do I even begin with that - what can I do about it?
  5. Hiya Kath Definetely raise the court action - good site for standard court advice and printable claim form is Govan Community Law Centre, Glasgow, Scotland | Free legal resources - go to bank charges section. They also have a link to the scottish courts service for info.The more people approach the courts on this the less the banks can defend and justify their position or ignore people!
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