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  1. I'd also posted this on the MSE forum and got this reply. Thought I'd put it on here in case anyone else gets the same letter from the court as me. This looks like the judge wants a meeting to decide how to proceed with your case. This could be good for you. I would turn up for this. You have an opportunity to point out that the banks aren't letting these cases get to court in the vast majority of claims. See THIS THREAD (maybe print out the article and take a copy with you). The banks actions are wasting the courts time by either not settling at a very early stage, or defending their charges in court. By dragging these court cases out, they are also trying to intimidate the claimants into dropping their claim. You could also mention that the only way the judge would properly know if these charges are punitive in nature, or reflect the banks true costs is if the bank discloses their costs regarding your charges. He can either order standard disclosure or issue a Draft Order for Directions to require the bank to disclose their true costs in court. If he grants either of these, the bank will VERY LIKELY not take the case to a hearing. They will not want to disclose their actual costs.
  2. Hi all I sent of my AQ at the begining of Jan to meet the Jan 23rd deadline. I got a letter from my local court last week to say that my case had been transfered to Cardiff County Court (this is ok as Cardiff is local to me). I received a 'General Form of Judgement or Order' today, which read as follows: Before DISTRICT JUDGE R L HENDICOTT sitting at Cardiff County Court, Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, Cardiff. Upon the Courts own motion. The Court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to the order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of receiving it IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. Directions will be given in this case by the Designated Civil Judge, His Honour Judge G Hickinbottom, on the 26th March 2007 at 10:30 am at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre. 2. The parties may appear in person or make written representations as to how the case should proceed provided a copy of the representations is sent to the Court and the other side at least 7 working days prior to the hearing. Dated 01 February 2007. What does all this mean? Thanks In Advance reecos
  3. Hello again Gary Has the new strategy been found to be more effective than the conventional route?
  4. Hello All I might be being a bit thick here but I'm a bit worried about cocking up! I have recieved an N149 Allocation Questionnaire (small claims track) from the court. I've filled in all sections up to section G with no problem. Can someone tell me what I need to put in section G and what else to enclose with the AQ when I return it to the court. Many Thanks reecos
  5. Hi BARTY Yes it was me on MSE. Decided to go for it, moneyclaim completed and sent this morning.
  6. OK I've been really slack over the past few weeks and since receiving my final letter from Lloyds I've not done anything. Would it be ok to move straight on to the moneyclaim stage now or shoul I send another LBA as its been so long since I had any contact with them. Any advice would be hugely appreciated. Thanks Kev
  7. Got home last night to find the standard reply lying on the mat. Time to move on to the next stage!
  8. No Reply to my LBA as yet, I'm going to give them until tomorrow before moving onto the next stage. reecos
  9. This is my first post today, I've been lurking on here for a couple of weeks after finding out about the site from MSE where I also lurk. After reading all the success stories of reclaiming bank charges I thought I'd have a go myself, then if I'm successful I'll have a go at getting the wifes charges back too. I'm only claiming a small amount of money compared to some people on here but its my money and I want it back. So this is where I'm at now: 27 July 2006: Data Protection Request 19 Sept 2006: Initial Request For Return of Charges 28 Sept 2006: Standard reply; Sorry etc etc etc 2 Oct 2006: Will be sending Letter Before Action I'll keep this thread updated with my progress. If anyone has ant tips or advice I'd love to hear them. reecos
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