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  1. Received full offer, plus a tidy little bonus of £400:eek: , FD chucked it all into my account overnight last night (£2,637.91) , and I had a damn good spend up today. Oh, and FD, stick your confidentiality clause up your chuffer:D
  2. Well folks, I've reached the end of the long and winding road, took risks, added a hint of front and blinkin' well WON!!! Let me explain...my original claim was for £2117.91 + £120 court fees. Now, at the time (because I was a tad naeve) I never added the interest on the charges, and therefore effectively stitched myself up. So, when the first DG Sols letter came offering me half (£1100) I naturally declined BUT told them that I was also claiming £400 for the 8% interest that had accrued. It might have been a tad more, and actually might have been a tad less, I never actually worked it out, but thought I'd take a risk. Now, I never thought they'd swallow that one, purely because I hadn't claimed it on the Moneyclaim form. So, was expecting another letter from them telling me to bog off. Post came this morning, offering me £2639.91 as full and final settlement:o This is the original claim of £2119,91, the £120 fees AND the £400 'interest' payment I cheekily asked for. To say I am overjoyed is an understatement:smile: So, whilst I feel immensly smug right now, I wouldn't recommend anyone doing this, so make sure you work out the interest AT the Moneyclaim stage, I just guess I was lucky:D Needless to say, have already faxed the acceptance letter to the Sols, and posted the original. Just waiting with baited breath for the dosh to deposit into my account, then its drinks on me:smile: To all those still waiting, hold your nerve, it will pay off. Good day and thanks to all who supported me.
  3. Got offer of 50% last wed, posted letter same day AND faxed copy the day after saying I will accept as part payment of the FULL amount. I also added that I'd negotiate a fee for the confidentialilty thingy. Still haven't heard anything back from them:confused: Question: should I have done by now, as I am sure others have received offers of the full amount a couple of days later:confused: Has my cheekiness in asking for a fee put the spanner in the works:evil: :? I wouldn't mind, but I am skint:mad:
  4. Hmmm, not sure about this. If like me, and like most here, you get the FD letter saying the matter is now closed, WHY give them 14 days:confused: Do you think they'll come over all soft and change thier mind:rolleyes: For me, no means no, so get those LBA's off. Note: only my opinion:D
  5. Received the Sols letter offering me half, with a condition that I keep my gob firmly shut on the matter. Posted and faxed one back telling them to poke it as I want the full amount AND that we negotiate a fee for the so-called 'confidentiality' clause. Expecting a reply tomorrow (mon). I can smell the green:D
  6. Mine was Ack'd by FD on the 8th Aug, letter from DG Sols arrived yesterday (10th). Posted thanks but no thanks letter same day, faxed same letter to them this morning just to make sure;) Expecting letter offering full amount tomorrow or Mon:D
  7. Aaaaaargh No:mad: Guess thats what you get for not researching properly. Only came across this particular forum AFTER submitting the claim. Oh poo!!!!!!
  8. Wooh-Hoooooooo!!!!! Apparantly, DG Sols letter received today offering me half, two days FD acknowledged claim. Now, gonna write back todat declining and requesting full amount BUT made a mistake on claim as did not work out 8% interest (although I mentioned in the claim that I was seeking it). So, so one of you lovely people do me HUGE favour and work this out for me (have tried but currently at work and system will not allow me to use the spreadsheet:mad: ) I am claiming back the standard 6 years which totals £2117.91) Any help on this would be fantastic;-)
  9. Will do, am expecting letter today......can feel it in my water;)
  10. Thanks I DID put the 8% para in the claim, just didn't add it to the amount I am claiming back, which on approx £2,000 would be quiote a tidy sum:x
  11. How do all.... Getting a tad nervous, as did not work out the 8% interest when I sent my moneyclaim form. Will FD do this for me, or just ignore it and pay me what I have asked (in which case I will have stitched myself up:( )??? I addition, they acknowledged the claim yesterday before midday BUT unlike nearly everyone else here I have still NOT received the infamous letter offering half back by DG Solicitors??? I know it's only the day after the ack, but other people here seem to be receiving their letters the day after:confused: Am I just being over sensitive because I can see the finishing line:confused: WHADDYA RECKON?
  12. I didn't bother mentioning all the steps, as they are well documented on here anyway. I basically did what everyone has done, and as we speak I am waiting for them to ack the claim.
  13. Hi all Took advice from site and took the plunge by sending FD a polite letter asking for £2117.98 + 8% interest over last 6 years etc. Received standard letter from them saying bog off, charges are fair, ombudsman eight weeks, matter closed blah yawn. Sent moneyclaim the very same day, issued on the 1st but still no acknowledgement. Can anyone tell me when to expect an ack?? Cheers PS - First post - hi:)
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