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Everything posted by claims32

  1. The third party will have a UK representative. More Th>n will not include your excess within their own claim unfortunately. Go to the MIB web site and it should tell you who the UK rep is for the foreign insurer. Once you have this info send a letter to them detailing why the third party driver was at fault, attach a copy of your excess receipt and ask them to refund you within 21 days.
  2. I take you signed up for credit hire. The terms are that if the charges are not paid within 51 weeks then you accept responsibility. We have argued hire claims to an extent that they overrun this period and then when the hire company do not get payment from the hirer we call the agreement a sham and move to get the hire charges claim dropped. I know of many cases where the hire company are attempting to recover the charges from the hirer as the agreement is a type of credit and the hirer is responsible. The only problem is the hire companies do not seem to tell you that when you sign their documents.
  3. Is it only a District Judge who can get a claim transferred to a Mercantile Court. Only asking as I would love mine to be heard. I get charged on average £125.00 a month by my bank yet I deal with everything on-line. I never receive statements, letters or anything that would cost the bank anything like £125.00 per month in administration. DG Solicitors are dicking me around and I would love to write to them to request their agreement that the claim is transferred to Bham Mercantile Court.
  4. you can always leave the judgement 21 days until it becomes unsatisfied. After this instruct an enforce agent (cost £50.00) and get the judgement transferred to the high court. watch them pay if you get this far!!
  5. I took a loan out in 2002 with the HSBC which included PPI insurance. The HSBC were awrae of my pre-existing medical conditions as they also did my life insurance for the mortgage I held with them. Unfortunately my condition worsened and I had to take time off work. HSBC's insurer declined to pay my claim forcing the loan into default. I am now at the stage to issue against HSBC on the basis that the cover was missold to me. I am inclined to issue for the total amount of loan, PPI and interest because I made it clear to my adviser that I would not have the loan without PPI because of my circumstances. Any thoughts?
  6. Hey Guys I am in the process of changing my mortgage from the Britannia as my fixed fee period is up. The what £104333 to redeem plus £5216.65 early payment charge, £135.00 discharge fee and £50.00 deeds release. Can I do anything about this?
  7. Hi I have a personal loan with the HSBC which included PPI to cover me in respect of sickness, accident, redundancy. I disclosed my full medical history to my bank (they knew it anyway because they do my life insurance). I have a lung problem which worsened and I had to give up work for 18 months, the PPI insurer refused to pay even though I made sure all concerned were aware of my medical history. I now have a default registered against me and having been waiting for the bank to respond to my complaint for the last 2 months appear to be getting nowhere. Anybody have any ideas of any wording / case law that can be used when I issue against the HSBC for miselling?? Many thanks
  8. At what stage did they agree to settle your claim un1boy?
  9. Due to limited space on MCOL form is the following wording acceptable? The Claimant has an account, numbered 21202413, with the Defendant. The Defendant has debited numerous charges to the Account in respect of purported breaches of contract on the part of the Claimant and also charged interest on the charges. A list of the charges applied has been supplied to the Defendant. The Claimant contends that the charges debited to the Account are punitive in nature; are not a genuine pre-estimate of cost incurred by the Defendant and are not intended to represent or related to any alleged actual loss. The contractual provision that permits the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable by virtue of the Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999), the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the common law. Accordingly the Claimant claims the amounts, by cheque, debited in respect of charges in the sum of £1070.00 and interest charged thereon of £297.91. This just about fits onto the form, however I do not want the HSBC to be able to throw out the summons out on any technicality. Any feedback greatfully received.
  10. Hey guys Luckily have internet banking which allows us to go back 6 years, seems to save a lot of messing. On behalf of Mrs Claims32 I have sent LBA for a total of £1398.00. Mrs Claims32 has also set up new Halifax account. Will keep you all informed.
  11. I have my cars on personal lease. Always have had and always will. Direct Line cover them no problem - schedule states that I am not the registered keeper or legal owner.
  12. TEsco are a nightmere. I have just issued against them on behalf of a friend. He lost control of his car and hit a tree. They have refused to pay out??
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