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  1. I hope this may still be appropriate to the original posting by BANKFODDER - way back in Jan 2006, but I was defaulted by LTSB for £404.98 back in April 2004. It has seriously effected my credit rating, but as it is completely made up of charges when I was really “against the wall” a few years ago, I just can’t bare the thought of letting them [edit] take money off me me once again. Anyway, did anything come of the original posting that may be appropriate. I’ve read through it and nothing seemed to jump out. Regards Witsend
  2. Sorry not to update for a while but in accordance with the normal process I printed off my Data Protection Act letter sent by recorded mail (1st class) with cheque on the 31st July. Obviously I’ve kept my reference number and have tried tracking it daily. After five days still being informed it’s not been delivered /signed for, So (as informed on their web site) I called their automated telephone system for an what seemed an age. Eventually spoke to a REAL PERSON who informed me of a very interesting fact; first class post ideally is delivered in 1 to 2 days – but can take up to three weeks –and would I mind calling back if it still no news by then. After reading so many threads about people who have also had unlawful penalties against them and got their money back I’m itching to get at them but still awaiting the initial data. I have thought of resending it but until I know that the original has disappeared into the either I didn’t want two copies arriving at the same time and confusing the issue. Anyway rant over- short version – Still awaiting details will keep you all informed with any news. Witsend:|
  3. Amanda I’m sorry I don’t have any answers for you at this time, bit I thought I’d drop you a line to inform you that your not alone and I’m in the same position with GMAC with them threatening to take me to court AGAIN too. Due to the nature of my job I can’t guarantee when my wages are paid into my account, so therefore not able to put a specific date for DD’s so they have happily charging me these fees’s every month over well over a year. If I get any information I drop you a line and will keep an eye on this thread ( two heads better than one etc). Best of luck Witsend
  4. A previous employer used to provide me with my salary cheque on various days towards the end of the month. Obviously this would not allow me to set up a DD payment, as I could never guarantee the funds were in my account at any specified date. So to avoid additional charges from my bank for returned DD’s, I would transfer payments via ‘on-line’ banking once I knew the cheque had cleared. My query is that the mortgage company (GMAC) would charge me £30 every time I had DD returned, but when I cancelled the DD and when I transferred ‘on-line’ they now charge me a standard fee of £15 per month for not having a DD setup. This plus a monthly £50 late payment fee seems a little harsh. Any one any ideas??
  5. Thanks Karnevil I'll look into your suggestions immediately. It's great to get a response so quickly and see there are people out there!! Cheers
  6. Hi all This is my first post and I am hope I’m doing this correctly and on the appropriate site. Trying to put this ongoing problem with Lloyds TSB as briefly as possible, I took out a £5000 loan in Oct 2001 to pay back £140.65 over 4 years- direct from an additional account I set up with them so it did not confuse my main joint account with my wife. After paying the first 12 monthly payments I lost my job and had problems keeping up payments on this account. For eight months I had DD’s being taken out and then returned due to lack of funds in my account. Each month this process would incur an average of over £80 in fees and interest- to the extent that my £200 agreed overdraft fee was at one point up to £950.41o/d. Eventually, I was able to get back on my feet and paid off outstanding payments plus charges to get back down to my agreed limit. After two months the company I joined went bust and I was back to square one- and it was again Lloyds TSB’s time to earn some extra cash from me as I fell behind again by 5 months with the same result as previously –but this time they were throwing the DD’s through TWICE a month to double up on charges, and my £200 agreed o/d went over the £400 o/d mark. When I got back on my feet again shortly after and called them asking what I owed, they informed me that they couldn’t tell me as both the loan and the solo account and ‘disappeared’ and I was sent a merry dance from branch to central collections and back on a number of occasions and in the end I thought they would contact me when they worked it out. Eventually, I was contacted be the first of three collection agencies demanding £5173.14, each of these companies I asked in writing for a breakdown of how they came to this wonderful figure who each told me in essence that ‘it isn’t our responsibility to explain and just pay up’. Every time I documented my position to the agent and they would then refer me back to Lloyds TSB- they would then say they had lost all relevant documentation regarding this matter and would look into it. A few months later the second collection agency would contact and again the cycle would repeat. I appreciate this as gone on quite a while (and this is the abridged version) but I have recently become aware that the account and loan that ‘disappeared’ were put as defaulted on my credit history which is making it imposable to change the 9.6% mortgage I got stuck in when all these problems started a few years ago. Also I sick of the continual lies that they give me every time I ask for where these figures come from –with specific statements required being “no longer on record”. OK rant over but has anyone been in similar situations and may be able to tell me if they had any success?? Regards Witsend:?
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