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Everything posted by BSC

  1. Is there any update? I'm really keen to know how your getting on with this
  2. of course you have sweetheart. If you really have been lurking all this time then I suggest you go back to doing it. Your silent contribution for such a long time was a blessing
  3. no I meant the pit n. The single central kernel or stone of certain fruits, such as a peach or cherry. tr.v., pit·ted, pit·ting, pits. To extract the pit from (a fruit).
  4. I'd try taking Mr Del Monte to the Small Claims Court
  5. Jesus wept - you chipped a tooth on a bit of fruit Mind you I bet one of the Ambulance Chasers would take this on
  6. I'd write to them telling them them you will only discuss the matter in writing and that no one is welcome to visit your property.
  7. Sorry but this is greed. Just my opinion I know, but at the moment you have suffered no loss and seem to be out to make money off the landlord. You moved in last week and already seem intent to give your landlord grief.
  8. 8 days without a post. I'm suffering from withdrawl symptoms
  9. Have you had a look at the Gambling Comission website? Gives some great info on raffles
  10. I still think the following is a better route to take. Write to Rosendales and tell them that thier Bailiff has made an attempt to defraud you out of £57.50 and could they explain why they are allowing this to happen. Personally I would also phone the bailiff himself (and I know most will advise against this) and tell him very clearly that if he continues to attempt to obtain money he is not owed you will raise a Form 4 complaint against him.
  11. Tell the bailiff to do one - if you even hear from him. My guess is that will be the end of it. If he does phone back tell him to put his fraudulent claim for money in writing as it will make your Form 4 complaint easier
  12. Have you tried the software update that has been suggested?
  13. Mr W You pay the council and then write to the bailiff saying that you are happy to pay them if they can provide evidence that the two visits they claim took place and that the letters were not posted to you (you could even put something to the effect that you seem to remember a stamp being on the envelopes ) You may also want to ask them how they felt it acceptable to charge £100 when the maximum fees (if two visits have indeed taken place) is £42.50 and that you are considering a Form 4 complaint about their Bailiff if it is found that he is adding extra fees without their consent. The clever bit about the above paragraph is they wont want to drop their bailiff in it but also cannot say that they instructed him to charge the extra. With me the company then went silient. I would still pay the £42.50 if they wrote back to me or, in reality, if they turned up on the doorstep as, like yourself, I don't want or need the grief. regards BSC
  14. Ultimately it's your choice but personally I think it daft to pay someone money who has blatantly tried to defraud you. They tried to charge you over double what they should have so why should they deserve a penny? Anyway you seem to have made your mind up so I won't comment any further. But rest assured, these crooks will carry on trying it on again and again as long as people like yourself are willing to pay them in these circumstances. They need to learn that the only acceptable method is to charge the correct amount from day one.
  15. As I said. What demands? Tell them you haven't had them and unless they can prove the visits then to get lost.
  16. They provided me evidence as well but sticking a note through the door doesn't prove anything. I agree that if they had only added £42.50 then it should be paid but they didn't in my case and they haven't in yours
  17. Binded - I do have a record. I wrote to them recorded delivery telling the the council was paid and that I happily pay them the correct amount if they could provide evidence of these visits. Should they not be able to do so I would consider the matter closed. I also gave them 28 days to reply and I'm still waiting. DON'T PAY THESE CROOKS - THEY WERE TRYING TO TAKE MORE THAN THEY ARE ENTITLED TO AND DESERVE NOTHING. When they are honest then you can do the same
  18. What letters? seriously I wouldn't pay them a penny as they tried to defraud you. Pay the council what you owe and tell the crooks to provide evidence of their visits. I did this with Equita and a year and a half later I'm yet to hear a thing.
  19. Could one of the Site Team merge this thread with the other one the OP has started on the same topic?
  20. can't wait to hear the progress of that one Patma. Hopefully a few people aren't sleeping too well at the moment!
  21. Patma have the Police indicated they will be investigating this as there would appear to be a clear case of fraud? Wouldn't this be terrible if it were turned on it's head for some 'poor soul' at the college or LD?
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