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Everything posted by sufilala

  1. hang in there newliberia $$$ will come soon :D:D
  2. accept their pathetic offer... as part settlement of the full amount, then drag them through the courts til you get full satisfaction do you reckon they'd let you off if you offered to cough up $1000 short of what you owed them? xxx
  3. absoloutely does not matter a fig, in my humble opinion i addressed my letters to some address '1 poultry' in the city somewhere, then handed them in at 2 different local branches & demanded a receipt, they said they'd pass them on to the proper department & cc to my branch... so, in short do not worry, hsbc always boast about what a big organisation they are - so we can expect them to handle these claims with utmost efficiency wherever we send em!!! & just for info & by the way, i never heard a word from them til after i submitted my court claim so don't worry just press on with your timescale regardless good luck!
  4. yeah, not to be greedy or nothing, but i got £3030 out of my £2360 claim which i consider is all mine, i wish i could get some more out of them for the stress and misery they caused me over the years - revenge has been soooo sweet tho...
  5. I spoke to Alan B a few times after i got the first letter thru from DG... he was helpful and whatever he said turned out to be true, if you get the letter monday, fax it back quick-smart and if your claim goes like mine you'll get paid in full in under under a week - check my thread for a cheeky response to send them in you like good luck
  6. exactly 1 month after i filed online the ca$h was in my bank some people have been quicker than that i get the feeling they don't worry much about checking the details...don't worry too much good luck, hang in there!!
  7. well done!! not long to go now i got precious little response back off the back thoughout the process, but... i got my full offer exactly 1 month after i filed online:D
  8. **!!ka-bump!!** can i get a 'paid in full' on my thread title please moderators?? & may i wish ramadhan karim to all! just btw ... i discovered my payment had gone thru when hsbc called me to offer a 'new type of account' for my savings offering a 'higher rate of interest' called a 'flexi' account... is this some new scheme of theirs to extort more charges out of me, or a way to stay out of trouble in future?? anyone heard of this new hsbc nonsense???
  9. i waited til i got my offer then added another £50 for charges since my first calculation when i faxed my acceptance, they coughed up with no quibble.....
  10. done my donation - that was quick and easy!! do i really need to cancel my claim? i understand that & do i really need to inform HSBC??? - they phoned me this morning to offer mer a new 'flexy' account () so i know that they know they they coughed up....
  11. check my thread - hope you'll feel encouraged! hang in there
  12. just got paid!! !!! £3030.47 !!! thank you very much mr hsbc & thanks x 1,000,000 CAG - my donation will arrive soon, no amount of smileys can express my glee
  13. still waiting for the ca$h.... i faxed them this which might have held things up
  14. got my letter with FULL OFFER back today, woohooooo !!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
  15. today's update: (how come noone answers my thread these days? ) ...well i called them spoke to the very pleasant mr burden at DG who is deputising for the notorious deborah d'aubney & faxed him the breakdown with a snidey cover page mentioning 'as i've already sent this thru 2 times i'd appreciate xpedite the matter etc etc'... when i managed to get back thru to him he confirmed receipt and said i should hear wednesday/or thurs "but don't hold me to that" just for the record, i in my 1st letter & LBA i did include an extra paragraph as follows, in the hope of engaging their conscience & hurrying things up: clearly this has had no positive effect at all, leading me to conclude that they really are a hard-hearted load of bankers;)
  16. thanks a lot crusher and thanks pixels too for having me over on your thread!! hope that if this is the endgame, you're there soon too.... soofi
  17. nope i alraedy had the partial refund letter from HSBC (which i ignored as it was already after MCOL) this DG letter is short and requests an account of what i'm claiming...which of course i've provided to hsbc 2wice already
  18. Hi All, I done my MCOL & seem to have got onto HSBC slow-track stalling process... Angie did hers the same day & she's in Disney world already!! My question for today: HSBC have acknowledged & said that they will enter a defense. How do i find out the Date of Service, and whether they have actually entered a defense before my deadline? I also just got a letter from D&G solicitors - do i respond? if so how? i guess that's 2 questions:D !!! cheers!
  19. got my letter from D&G solicitors asking for a breakdown of costs - give us a break like - i sent that through twice already! is it better to give them a ring or write to them? was it curiosity or patience that killed the cat???
  20. yawn received my acknowledgment in the post - it says the bank have chosen to enter a defence so i guess they're drawing the process out as looooong as possible... should i just phone DG solicitors now? does acknowledging always mean that they say they'll defend? & how do i find the date of service - that's not the same as date of acknowledging i think? and has anyone experienced how long it takes to get a payment after default judgement? watching the post with great impatience now...cough up HSBC!
  21. exactly the same story here; just started on a new claim with barclays - how did you resolve this, renegade? anyone else got any suggestion, please???
  22. Come in number nine, you're a credit risk Guardian 19/08/06 This interesting article from the Grauniad's saturday supplement suggestes what i'm sure many of us have strongly suspected for years: that banks have their own internal credit rating for customers, and that it's kept secret from us. I just received a wad of paperwork from hsbc, which comprises my statements & nothing else... one of the things that really appealed to me about kicking off this whole process was to try and get the notes that the bank hold about me - i had my account from when i was a teen, and i know that for some years they kept a record of a scene that i caused using bad language in their branch, if they comply with DPA resopnsibly then that should heve been struck off the record longa go, but i still hope that they have kept a file including my more recent insults - calling staff 'blood-sucking vampires' several times due to their excessive bank charges... anyway, i have received no record of any 'manual interventions' on my account (which makes me think i should have 'forgotten' to minus the charges that they re-payed me after i chased them in the past from my total claim!!) - if this system of scoring customers exists at hsbc then they should surely disclose that too, soon as my claim is concluded then i will go after them for more records, has anyone managed to get more than statements out of any of these blood suckers??? cheers all!! & big congratulations on reaching a big £2,000,000
  23. ... Horrible Sly Bloodsucking Cheats? :D
  24. Well done Angie & Thanks for support I just spotted that my online claim now reads 'Acknowledged' hope that means speedy resolution like yours......not:
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