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Everything posted by G8_Summit

  1. Zinzan, you are wrong. First Direct charge £30 each month if you go over your OD limit - they call this the Overdraft Fee. If you subsequently increase the amount you are over (for example by further debits), then they add on Excess OD fees. You CAN claim for both of these. Simple as. No further questions. The Step by step instructions say you cannot claim for overdraft arrangement fees which you have agreed to for supplying a service. Did you agree each time that FD could slap on a £30 OD fee each month ?? I think not. CLAIM IT !!!!
  2. If you want an honest answer then yes it will look crappy if you hand write a letter/spreadsheet. As Michael already said - go to the library or get a friend to print it off. Failing that, ask nicely on here to see if someone will print it off and post it to you. Surely its not that difficult is it ??
  3. If you had read all the information properly, you would have sent an S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) as per the templates. This is a standard letter that states how you are sending the £10 fee. Still, you might be lucky and get what you want, otherwise FD can charge you a fee per statement that they send you.
  4. You DON'T include the 8% interest in youre initial claim. As it says in the FAQs etc, you only add the 8% on if/when you start a court claim. "What I've claimed back is the Interest, Overdraft fee, excess overdraft fee and any recalled or unpaid items.. Please could someone just confirm that, that is correct before I send it off to them." Just to confirm, you claim back Overdraft Fees, Excess Overdraft fees, the proportion of the debit interest charged caused by the fees, and any charges due to items being returned or unpaid - not the unpaid/returned items themselves.
  5. I agree with you TFD. This is exactly what I would expect from First Direct.
  6. £100 for an unpaid cheque !!!! Are you sure that this wasn't a cheque that you wrote for £100 that was unpaid ?? Also, charge for a sterling draft is the charge applied when you asked for a bankers draft. Arrangement fee is for when you have asked for an overdraft to be arranged. Similarly, each year, a renewal fee will be charged when you overdraft is renewed. All three of these things are fees for services you have requested and therefore are not illegal charges.
  7. No - absolutely not. You can reclaim the overdraft fess and excess overdraft fees. You can also claim the portion of the debit interest charged due to the fees being applied. To be honest, a lot of people (myself included) don't bother with the debit interest as it is confusing and usually the amounts involved are low, but its up to you to decide this - see Vampiresses spreadsheet in the templates library for more information about claiming the debit interest. You are correct in saying that you add 8% interest when you start your court claim, but experience has shown that you will not get that far.
  8. I used the normal FD address for all letters: First Direct 40 Wakefield Road, Leeds LS98 1FD No problems with this one at all.
  9. Lets see if my input will help. "Thanks for that-so when i was looking on my statements and it only said interest, nothing else,that is were they are legal, (YES) so i cant claim for that? (CORRECT) I can only only claim for were it says- overdraft fee and excess overdraft fee (CORRECT) ,then claim interest on these? (NO)" For simplicity's sake, just forget about claiming back interest. In my case it only added a few pounds to the total claim of £1700 so is probably not worth worrying about - especially as you seem to be having trouble with it. You should claim for Overdraft Fees, Excess Overdraft Fees. Hope that helps.
  10. This is the forum for First Direct. If your claim is against First Direct, then send it to the normal Leeds address. If your claim is against HSBC, then you will need to get this thread moved to the HSBC thread and ask the question there. PM a moderator to get it moved.
  11. Gosh this is a new approach from FD. I hope you've got another account ready to go. Keep us posted.
  12. Looks fine to me. I predict another letter from them offering the full amount within the next week. Good luck.
  13. Some interesting postings recently - such things as FD giving back charges without being asked and telling people that they don't need to ask for statements - just ask for the charges to be returned etc. Well, after my own successful claim last month, I started the process for my partner. Got statements sent. Sent inital Letter of Approach asking for £1500ish back. Surprise, surprise, a letter arrived offering almost all charges (less £100) and saying that all recent charges would be cancelled. Partner has accepted this as she needs the money desparately. Another victory. I wonder where this will all end ???
  14. I have not filled one in, but common sense would tell you No and Yes.
  15. Simple answer - no. Just sit back and wait for the statements to arrive.
  16. Mine took a week from the day I posted the acceptance to the day the money hit my account - posted on Monday - money on Saturday.
  17. You have two options in my opinion. 1) Wait and see what they say. 2) Send a letter correcting your claim. Good luck.
  18. You have done everything right. Just print off the spreadsheet and send it with the letter. Don't worry - you will get YOUR money back.
  19. Stick with it buddy. They have just paid all my recall fees and OD fees - £1900 - without even having the do the Moneyclaim.
  20. Dear Mr Kernaghan, Thank you for your letter dated {insert date of letter} and the kind offer that it contained. I would be more than willing to accept this a part payment against my claim. As I have stated in my previous letters I believe that the regime of 'fees' which you have been applying to my account in relation to direct debit refusals, exceeding overdraft limits and so forth are unlawful at Common Law, Statute and recent Consumer regulations. My argument is that the bank's charges are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. Further, as a disproportionate penalty they are invalid under the Unfair (Contracts) Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Para.8 and sch.2(1)(e). In the event that the charges are not a penalty then they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15. I have repeatedly asked the bank to justify their charges but to date you have declined to do so. Therefore I would again request that you refund these charges. The new amount is £xxxx.xx - this includes the recent charges highlighted in your letter. If I do not recieve a satisfactory response from yourselves by my original deadline I will commence proceedings against you as previously stated. Yours faithfully,
  21. I received the same letter as you have just done following my LBA letter. I just wrote back saying thanks for the offer, I will be more than happy to accept it as part payment and will be continuing my claim for the whole amount, including some new charges. Surprise, surprise, they immediately wrote back offering the full amount including the new charges. Go for it - it only took an extra 5 days or so.
  22. I also received a full offer today, including recent charges, without issuing a moneyclaim. Feels great doesn't it !!!
  23. WOO WOO WOO. I've won. Letter today from FD - willing to pay the full amount - including recent charges No need to even send off the Moneyclaim As you can tell, I am quite happy. :D :D
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