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Everything posted by Rosemary

  1. Absolutely!! My daughter was laughing at me because I was screaming at the TV, shouting at him calling him every name under the sun. WHAT A POMPOUS FART (and I'm no chav - believe me). But I couldn't believe what an arrogant prat he was. What really infuriated me was the way the interview started fiddling around with blooming delays on cheque transfers. IRRELEVANT TO WHY THIS INTERVIEW TOOK PLACE. This was about the charges the banks are claiming. He skirted around it, puffed and farted and the only thing he did say of interest was that 'the banks were in discussion with the OFT at the present time'. And that those people who manage their accounts correctly enjoy the best banking system in the world. When he was told that there may be some people would disagree, he said he didn't think so. He just looked down his nose and the real issues, ie what are your costs and we'll pay those but nothing more, were not dealt with. When he was challenged as to the fact that the banks are settling so this would look as though they knew they were in the wrong, he just said it would be too expensive to see to court and that's why they're settling. Most of it is through the small claims court, anyway. Oooooooooooh. And the 'financial expert' sitting next to him wasn't much better. She was a wet fish! BRING ON MARTIN!!!!!!!
  2. Yes - I kicked off in June. Remember ...... the summer??????? Seems like yonks ago.
  3. As Livelylad said - not all banks close your accounts. I have had success in claiming my charges back and only the Alliance & Leicester seem to carry an automatic closing down instruction linked with your payout. I'm currently taking Lloyds for a huge sum and nothing has been said either to me or other people who have successfuly claimed from them about account closure. Equally, I claimed from HSBC - they didn't close our account. I suspect if you claimed against them for a second time - they might get ratty!! Anyway, you can always complain to them. If you want some good templates for the future in case it happens to you - take a look at my A&L letter I sent to them - it has got them seriously rattled (so far) - Just do a search on my name. And good luck!!! Remember - whilst you are asking for your money back, you are also acknowledging that you are happy to pay their losses they've incurred by your 'naughtiness' in stepping out of line but you're just wanting to know what they are! If you go to court, you've been forced to because they won't divulge what those losses are and you're asking the judge to enforce them to provide the costs. The happy by-product of that is they'd rather give you your money back!!!!
  4. Adamski - I howled with laughter when I read that missive. Hilarious! Read it out to the girls in the office. Very, very funny!! It was really good to have a laugh quite honestly!
  5. Absolutely. You do have to be whiter than white and thoughout this process, keep an eye on the bigger picture and show you were really reasonable about it and that all you wanted from them was confirmation of their true costs. Give them the full month to reimburse you or enter into sensible dialogue. You're more than willing to pay 'their true costs' as you did stray a bit off the beaten track BUT if they won't give you that information, then you'll have to look to the court to get it for you. If not, then settle outside of court!!!!!!
  6. Hi guys who are still claiming! Firstly - keep going. Believe me, when you compare Cap 1 with other financial institutions, such as Lloyds - they are angels. We wrote our first letter in August 2006 and received an offer of part settlement, which we refused. No answer to that so we went to money on-line and put in our claim for both Visa and Mastercard on 19th September - both about £500 each. Suddenly received a letter 1 month later offering full claimed amounts including all interest and court costs - with a very nice letter thanking us for accepting their full offer and for not continuing to go through the court system Upshot was that we were able to zero the horrible credit balances and have two cheques sent to us to pay off the balance remaining. So stay strong guys.
  7. Chelsea - it will take typically 6 months with Lloyds if it goes the normal way. However, there have been occasions with Lloyds where it has been sooner. I think alot depends on the amount you are claiming back.
  8. Very well done Walgrave. Mine seems to be dragging on forever as well and I take such delight in reading your news. Made my day!!
  9. Hi Karnevil - yes, you're quite right about that and will certainly be working on the argument. Do you know where I can find out the advantages and disadvantages of both tracks and if anyone has had to look into these arguments at any great depth (apart from the obvious which I've already mentioned) ??? 121o121 - yup - see you there! Nearer the time, we'll exchange descriptions of button holes! I see you're at 11.30am. I go in at 11am. I'm really dreading it quite frankly as so much is reliant on this claim - it isn't just to fund a summer holiday as it is for some claimants and a lot is riding on seeing this through. Don't want to say too much as I am fully aware Citi are watching these threads and have no doubt Lloyds are doing the same.... ;-)
  10. Well - here's a thing. I've been quietly going along with my claim (it's not much , so currently haven't started up a thread of my own - unless I win) as I wanted to keep the focus on these main threads. Anyway, I also got the argument back about Kissick and wrote back to say 'we know all about it' and we believe it's under appeal anyway. Well - today got a very sharp letter from Mr B Smith saying: "To remind you, my client's case is also based on the law, albeit a different interpretation of the same and is not simply being defended to waste your time, as you put it. For the record, Mr Kissick has not appealed his case, he has simply written to the District Judge and made representations. These have no legal force whatsoever. In the event that he does issue an appeal, my client will deal with the matter appropriately". And, that was the end of the letter! My first impressions were a really p****d off bloke who is getting inundated and has become a bit hot under the collar. If he was an external solicitor - I suspect they'd be wondering about his legal advice as he must be costing Citi far more than he is saving. I mean, my claim is v. small - a couple of hundred quid (not saying as no doubt, he'll identify me). As it happens he is a paid employee me suspects and is ensuring he keeps his job by showing how busy and useful he is to the company.
  11. I've had an interesting comment from GE Money: "Ge Money disagrees with your interpretation of section 12 of the Act. It is only when a decision is made by automated processing that you are permitted to make an application for this decision to be reconsidered manually. This section applies where credit decisions are made at the point of application. if you have been declined for credit and the lender concerned confirms that the decision was made via an automated process, then you have the right to appeal against this decision and request that you application be manually reviewed". Huh??????????
  12. I spoke to the court and they confirmed these cases are not for making a decision about the individual cases but to decide whether the small claims court is relevant for them. I'm just seeing it as a delaying tactic, quite frankly. So to answer your question, we don't need to put a case file together - the court lady confirmed this and that there is no requirement to forward all your papers to the court beforehand, etc., etc., that you would have to do if it was a full-blown hearing.
  13. Hi 40bear I am also due at the court at 11am and 2pm - my 11am hearing is for Lloyds and afternoon hearing for Citifinancial. But I'll be there! Actually, I'm pretty cheesed off about it, as I just feel the judge is pushing it back even further and is right up their street for delaying settlement. I spoke to the court today and the lady (who wrote the letter) said that this was so the judge could decide whether to put it into the fast track system - which of course means a visit to Luton County Court - and the defendant's costs if you lose - not that there is much chance for that, but it's the pressure of it. I did ask why as I was under the impression the small claim court was for up to £5k but I think there is the legal implications here and that they are dealing with substantial financial institutions.
  14. Hi guys Would it be possible to create a special thread for 'Account Closures'. It seems that some people need reassurance before they start litigation and yet, in the case of mine - with the Alliance & Leicester, where they will close, they can get some tips as to how to go about dealing with it - the impact it may cause, other accounts which they could open if they have bad credit backgrounds, how to complain to the Financial Authorities, etc. R x
  15. Way to go! I can fully understand your frustration - I'm in the middle of court action with them and not only did they get their sums wrong - twice (once claiming they owed more than I was claiming) but also claimed the account balance was still outstanding - it was settled two years ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Hi Mark Good luck with Lloyds. They tend to go for the long haul but it will put you in good practice and you'll learn a whole new skill along the way! The process will empower you and will undoubtedly extend your newly honed legal skills into other areas of your life, such as credit reference files, mortgage redemption penalties, contractual law, Sale of Goods, yada yada yada ........ And you'll make some really good friends, too! You don't say whether you are claiming back a large amount or small, but stick to your guns to the last penny. It was yours in the first place and you worked hard for it - they're just little tea leafs!!!! And when you do win, remember to pop a little in the direction of this site and keep it empowered too!
  17. Any service charge is just that - a charge for service and cannot be claimed. A bit annoying to see those charges tally up but don't risk it. I've learnt Lloyds can be vicious and are looking for any crack in your claim. Don't give it to them. I didn't even claim contractual interest during the life of my account - it put me in a massively superior position of moral highground, saying that I felt it was their just rewards in a normal business and commercial arrangement. However, when I got to court and claimed my statutory 8% - well, that FELT GOOOOOD....
  18. Way to go, YParker !!!! Are you claiming anything else? Enjoy your hols and don't forget to pen us a postcard with the donation!!! Watch out for threat of closure. I'm battling that bit at the moment - see my thread. Just because I want to. Have they threatened the same with you?
  19. Springer - you're quite right. You can claim the contractual interest but a lot of people (myself included) left it out. It puts you in a position of MAJOR moral highground if you say that the interest they have charged throughout the life of the account is their just 'reward' in a healthy commercial business arrangement. (Apart from anything else, it's bloomin complicated as you have to be careful not to include the interest incurred on your own purchases). When you go to court, you then have the delight in being able to apply the 8% statutory interest. Just rewards for being forced to go the legal route....!
  20. Hi Janinekirby Good luck with your claim. Please note you've posted this in the success stories. If you PM a moderator, they'll transfer your thread into the normal Lloyds forum so that we can all track your success (unless you know something already!!!!!!)
  21. Puglsey - take a look at my letter in my 'success story'. No guarantee as I haven't had a reply yet but it might give you a few ideas.....
  22. I personally didn't claim the interest the bank charged, as I felt it was a justified payment the bank could take out of my account as a result of my 'naughtiness'. It puts me on a massive moral high ground if ever I had to submit a defence. Afterall, I'm not going to begrudge the banks for taking what is a legitimate payment - it balances the equation. However, I did claim my 8% when it went to court!!
  23. That is a huge amount of money - and they honestly thought they could get away with it. These banks must have had some bloomin good parties. Keep going Andrew66 - you're on a good, tried and tested track and we'll all support you along the way and will celebrate (with lots of little quiet smiles at the computer screens) when we see you get your settlement!
  24. Difficult one, isn't it? !!!!!!??***@!!!! I'll have a sleep on it, methinks.
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