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Everything posted by kia

  1. i dare u T and i think mr cag bot has gone on his hols while they were doing the place up whisper it xxxkia
  2. hey your tongues different i want your tongue :p;p xxxkia
  3. i refer to post number 10355 u say "He's a man of few words." i rest my case Milawd xxxkia
  4. scroll up T i think locy gives u the link for the page that shows u how to put the smilies if not its on the the thread about the new site thingy im not sure how to put links on but will try to http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/misc.php?do=getsmilies&editorid=vB_Editor_001 xxkia
  5. man 3 years and he still thinks your a man T ;-) xxkia
  6. yep were all still here messing as usual hows u these days?xxxxkia
  7. ive just discovered the rose i thought was dead isnt dunno which one died but the scented ones still there am made up got such a lovely scent that one has xxxxkia
  8. priceless T i dunno how to put the smilies on now bloomin eck i feel naked without em pmsl xxxkia
  9. im confused wheres the smilies gone think ill come back when its finished pmsl xxxkia
  10. ermm couldnt tell u to be honest would be interested to know though xxxkia
  11. oh dear i think i need to get much stronger ones :eek::Dxxkia
  12. its funny how often u say nowt uk and how much room saying nowt takes :D:D:Dxxxkia
  13. your welcome alot of stuff is just trial and error isnt it :)xxxkia
  14. if it were me i would try moving it and poss take cuttings before u move it u snip it under the leaf joint and put in potting compost and in kitchen window sill is ideal i would say and when u move the clemetis just make sure non of the roots are showing as they dont like them showing and cross your fingers cos with any plant its risky moving it some u win some u lose but this way u maximise its chances hope this helps xxxxkia
  15. ahhh were they late ones cos u need to wait till flowers come and die off then there ready to dig em up xxxkia
  16. thats what she thought the first time :Dand an angel virginal perish the thought what would mr cag bot find to do with his time if we were ;)got a cold does anyone know where i can find hot toddy and a fishermans friend i always find that they work a treat with blocked noses:pxxxkia
  17. i finally suceeded in leaving u stuck for words my work here is done :Dxxkia
  18. me thinks he so tells porkies :rolleyes:hes starts it we were virginal till we met him :Dand im surprised cf a newbie and two posts and u not even asked are they male or female your slipping :pxxkia
  19. when the flowers have died off on the top u can start to dig em up and no not scottish :)xxkia
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