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Everything posted by phoenix11

  1. Is there a time limit whereby an assured shorthold tenancy may no longer apply if a) the contract has not been renewed and b) the tenant has been living in the property for several years?
  2. You may find it better to start your own thread in this section where others who can better advise will see it: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?188-Local-Authority-Council-Tax-and-Business-Rates-Issues My understanding is that, unless the sub-tenant had a separate dwelling area which was clearly defined, with it's own address (eg Flat 2, 123 High Street etc) the owner or tenant is responsible for paying the CT and including the sub-tenants part in their rent. Council Tax is a very hard one to get around even if they have made mistakes. However, in this instance, I reckon that you may have to come to an agreement to repay, but try to negotiate a reasonable timeframe using the fact that they did not notify you that they were refunding the other person and you would be liable. However, try posting this in the relevant section and see if anyone else can give you something more positive. It may be that more info will offer up a different approach.
  3. Whee're zeerooed, wheee're aaallll zeerooed. Wonder if that means no-one else can use all zeros, or if they'll think that all those using zeros are one and the same person with wads of multiple accounts??? So, did you relent and give it to them to get the blackberry - enquiring minds, and all that?
  4. Duplicate post - it said the first post had not gone through so I resent it.
  5. I'd suggest she contacts Consumer Direct again and update them on the situation at least. Ask them what redress there is if the company has gone bust. The sooner they can get advice the better. If they have gone bust, then others may well be in the same boat and it could help to bring as many as possible together for concerted action. So sorry that this has happened to your parents - it's bad enough when you get ripped off when you're younger and know you can bounce back. When you're much older, the sense of betrayal is often felt far more keenly.
  6. I do not wear underpants those are things that blokes do! And only moi is allowed in maiy dainty kernickers!!!
  7. Maybe also contact Consumer Direct and log a complaint and ask if it can be sent to Trading Standards too for full investigation. Consumer Direct also have template letters on their website which may help and they will make sure you can quote any relevant laws if required. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Diol1/DoItOnline/DG_195923 Try the third one in the list. It's not ideal and you will have to tweek it, but it may give you inspiration. However, CD may have other suggestions so try calling them first. Personally, I would not address it simply to the manager of the premises because a) they may well not deal with it properly and b) it is the responsibility of whoever is at the top to ensure that premises are safe and where an accident is concerned,that appropriate action has been taken, both to ensure that the matter has been dealt with properly (including it being recorded) and that whatever caused the problem is rectified asap. Whilst it may not have been the fault of the waitress, simply refunding your meal immediately was not actually appropriate action - that should have been something that was offered much later as additional compensation.
  8. Ahhhhh - but - - - - - I've had thaton and off for ages too and it has been increasing in appearances. However, the message has changed - it appears like change is a-comin' in! I fear whee're doomed, wheee're aaallll doomed/ Merry bank holiday and a lovely New Year to y'all.
  9. They say that changes are coming and that it's for "security" purposes to stop hijacking. However, I'm not happy to give them my number because there is no security or privacy that can be enforced with them. I have no control over who they give it to and there's no protection against the increase in spam to my mobile phone. I don't want them to have access to my personal details either which would be very easy to obtain from the mob number. I now I could just ditch the free email, which is all I use it for, as I have no interest in online clubbing or social media stuff, but I use it for so many email contacts and I can't stand Yahoo or hotmail. Has anyone given out their mobile number or have they found a workaround? Are there any other good free email services? It's not as if it's even possible to contact Google over this.
  10. Citizen - is it reasonable to expect anyone to have to call an 0845 or other costly number from a mobile phone to stop receiving text messages anyway? (Rhetorical question there) In this instance, clearly people are not told that if they want to stop text messages, even if they agreed to it in the first place, they will have to call a number at their expense to put a stop to it. They cannot simply send a free text saying 'STOP'. So many costs seem to be creeping in by stealth that consumers don't realise they're being charged extra in other ways until it's too late - and companies feel they can justify their actions because they've been doing it for so long "without any complaints". I em abouht to registar eh complaint - over the whole debacle of the optician anyway - and this will be added!! You never know, I may even get them to change their practice!!
  11. Right - but that would only make things worse when it's the prescription that's the problem. I've done a bit of reading up on the links and it appears that a huge number of complaints about opticians are where the dispensing optician is different tothe one who did the eye test, which is kind of understandable in a way. If the prescription isn't right, then I think it possibly reduces a consumer's rights if they get someone else to make it up because they've got the added problem of working out if it is the prescription, or the way the presctription has been made up. I rather hoped that by having it all done in one place at least they would work at getting it right - clearly "getting it right" is open to interpretation! Anyway, have spoken to Consumer Direct and the Gen Opt Council who have both given me some helpful information on my rights, which is a start. Let's hope I can soon be singing: "I can see clearly now the crud has gone" boom wappa boom wappa boom "I can see all ......... lovely things on my way" etc etc.
  12. On being asked for my mobile phone number by an optician to be notified when my glasses were in, as usual, I made the point that I did not want my number to be used for marketing, spam, or other sms messages - just phone calls. Fine until they then passed my number onto another branch and I received a text message from them. Now, in the main this may seem very trivial but it is not because I'm so fed up with being 'spammed' by companies against my specific requests. However, if I want to stop receiving these texts I have to actually call the optician to tell them to stop texting me - and guess what - it is an 0845 number!! So, I have to pay to stop them doing what I spefically stated I did not want them to do. Called the first branch on a specific landline number which was free within my mobile contract minutes and asked them why I was receiving these and that I was not prepared to call an 0845 number to pay to stop receiving texts! (Anyone on a PAYG contract would still be paying for the call even to a landline) They allegedly ensured they put a stop to it. Until ............ the other branch called me to re-arrange an appointment and I'm back with receiving text message with the instructions that I have to call the 0845 number to stop the messages!! So, is this a growing trend? Are people being charged to TRY and stop receiving text messages from companies to whom they've given their mobile number for specific purposes but not for text messages? and thank you to Seana and Citizen for helping me with this
  13. Hi DX - love the little smiley at the bottom of your sig - feels like me right now over my own probs, LOL. I know you always advise that there is more to getting debt written off and if 'they' don't clear the credit rating, it's not worth a lot. However, in this case, my son's CR is so shot to pieces it's never really going to be put right. This isn't quite such a disaster because he is reg disabled and unemployed and in a way, it will be a good thing that he cannot get credit in the future. I did make sure that we have everything in writing from the ex DCA that they have passed the debt back to the bank and I have put them on notice with a warning that they may not, under any circumstances pass on the debt or details to anyone else. The bank have also put in writing that the debt is paid in F&F and that my son will never be contacted again for any further payments. Of course, all of this doesn't guarantee that some eejit doesn't try it on some time down the line, but then nothing can guarantee that. The main thing is that the final letter from the bank is protection for my son to sort out any such malpractice fairly swiftly. We shall see - life will be what it will be - at least it feels really good to have one less constant stress to be dealing with any more.
  14. Ahhh - but it's too late - I've had my free eye test, paid in full for the glasses, including part of the cost being paid for because I'm on benefits. So, going elsewhere is not an option now. that's the nasty catch.
  15. Thank you, seana (?). I'll get down to some reading tomorrow and see if I have a case if they don't get things right very soon. They're also trying to get me to pay for more 'enhancements' now, which are cosmetic and not necessary at all. On another note, I've been asking others about eye tests and it would appear that in this country, in the main, we are sadly lagging behind other countries in Europe at least in terms of technological developments. In short, many opticians are still using the same old equipment or tests that other countries gave the boot too ages ago!! I'm also finding that they simply will not take time to make sure they've got the readings correct - it's all rush rush, take the money, shove 'em out and "Next!".
  16. Well, an oldie but a goodie........ some things are worth waiting for. Persistence paid off. Rockwell got the boot by NatWest and the account was passed to Moorcroft who were marginally more pleasant but twice as unhelpful and increased the mess no end. To cut a long story short - after a bit of hard slog and the aforementioned persistence, reiterating the issue of years of problems, errors and hassle on the part of the DCAs, and repeatedly pointing out the bald facts about the long term situation, NW agreed to settle in full and final for less than 15% of the debt.
  17. Hmmmmmm - it's concise in some ways and gives info in clear and simple terms about what it can and can't do. But it's also rather vague in terms of consumer rights, not a surprise, rather the only bit about 'rights' is in support of the opticians! It's too easy for opticians to take the money and leave the customer stuffed!!! I'm usually quite good at standing up for myself, but I've experienced just plain bullishness, patronising and a refusal to accept they are not getting something right - always covering their backsides by effectively saying it's my fault. The other issue is that their 'terms' were not explained before I had the original eyesight test, or before I then agreed to have the glasses made up - so that's another sneaky and essentially dishonest practice IMO.
  18. Found it - I'll have a go with the URL in case anyone else needs a quick link. http://www.opticalcomplaints.co.uk/ It looks helpful - a good start - I'll start reading. Many thanks.
  19. Hi Not sure if this is the right place for this one. Does anyone know what a customer's rights are regarding opticians, eye tests, inaccurate prescriptions etc? I've had incredibe problems in the past and this time I'm really getting so fed up with opticians demanding that I take and use glasses which are so bad, it's like trying to see with someone elses lenses and cause instant problems. They insist I must "expect" to suffer headaches and nausea whilst my eyes and brain adjust!! No mention of the fact that I cannot see a darn thing and that my health and possibly even my life are at risk, certainly trying to go downstairs or cross the road!! I've already tried one set for nearly 3 weeks, but the 'problems' caused by the prescription being not right, did not go away. The second set were so bad, I thought I was going to throw up when I tried to use them. What recourse do I have? I only have the prescription from the first eye sight, but not the other two - both of which differ from the first and each other, apparently. They're essentially saying I've cost them too much money already, although I've paid in full, but currently have no glasses apart from the one pair I can use very well as they are fine - but are an old pair and don't give me the complete range of lenses I need. Anyone got any ideas on this?
  20. Does anyone have a real person 'at the top' that I can escalate a complaint too? Tesco have been having problems with their email service for some time for one reason or another and mid September they sent an email about how they were going to change the system for broadband users in the first two weeks of October (with no disruption to service) and how wonderful it was all going to be blah blah blah! I'm not on broadband so I immediately contacted them to ensure that my access to emails would not be affected (again!!) and that they would not be stopping the ability to use OE (as they have done with their high end broadband). I was reassured that all would be well - - - - it isn't. Last week (Wednesday?) suddenly I couldn't send any emails - receive but not send. I have to log into their webmail site, which is also now throwing up problems with the login, and send from there. Without going into lengthy explanations, this is causing a great headache in managing certain vital daily emails. I tried to call their help line - cannot get a response after hanging on for some 20 minutes. I wrote to CS to complain again and ask what was going on - last time in August it was because I could get no response at all from the tech department for weeks, and they lost emails, etc I cannot get a response from CS at all. Today, I had to log onto the webmail site again to send a job application and the site 'glitched' as it has so often (which they've admitted) and it sent my application emeil three times!!! So I've just spammed a potential employer!! I've tried to find out the name of who to escalate this to the top, and I was put on hold for ages and eventually gave up! So, does anyone know a name I can address a complaint to that will get some proper action and facts about what is going on as this is becoming a very :help
  21. Hi Maddiemay - I would say contact Paul Lewis on Moneybox as I mentioned above and raise this to see what he and the team have to say. This surely must be some kind of breach of Consumer Law. It seems they're just another online catalogue store that does brand names. However, they should alert you to exactly what you are signing up for and warn you that they will conduct a credit search before you go any further with registration. AFAIK, Amazon does not do a credit check when you create an account with them and use the Wish List facility.
  22. Hi Maddiemay - I would say contact Paul Lewis on Moneybox as I mentioned above and raise this to see what he and the team have to say. This surely must be some kind of breach of Consumer Law. It seems they're just another online catalogue store that does brand names. However, they should alert you to exactly what you are signing up for and warn you that they will conduct a credit search before you go any further with registration. AFAIK, Amazon does not do a credit check when you create an account with them and use the Wish List facility.
  23. Hi Plyaspie I'm sorry to hear of your situation which in some ways does share in common with many other aspies. However, I would disagree with some of what you say as a general rule. There is a tremendous amount of help 'out there' - IF you know where to tap into it AND of course, depending on what is available in your area. For example, where you aware that, something like 2 - 3 years ago, the Government requried all NHS Mental Health Care trusts to ensure that they had at least one healthcare professional (eg psychologist) trained to specialise in identifying and supporting people with Asperger's? From that, if you can (or want to) tap into that source, they should then come up with a support plan. Also, if you've not already done so, I would urge you to contact the NAS - because they have so much in the way of helpful information and helpline. They may also have contacts in your area that you can work with to help with getting your group going and to support you with your campaigning. One thing I think everyone who either has, or who cares for someone with Asperger's will agree is that it is not easy to get all the help available and it can be a bit of a battle, which is one reason for getting support from people like the NAS. Aspies being classed (often incorrectly) as always being on the high function scale, is not helpful either since, as you point out, they are often 'loners' and their problems and abilities to cope are often misunderstood or ignored. However, not being diagnosed leaves many adults who have Asperger's, in an even more vulnerable position as they can go through life being stigmatised, ostracised, and even getting into trouble with the law because they have no understanding of themselves. According to the NAS, many adult men are still only being diagnosed after they have commited a crime (s), been hauled before the courts/ given custodial sentances and where there is a repeated pattern of obvious behavioural traits. The other reason for getting diagnosed is to get a much clearer picture of the number of people who do have Aspergers so that the full scale of how many are affected by this condition cannot be brushed under the carpet. It obviously will never result in a cure, and it may not bring much in the way of help initially, but even if it means finding out and understanding more about yourself (and hopefully getting a better understanding from family and friends) then that has to be a bonus, rather than just living in confusion. I wish you all the very best with setting up your group - and hope that you receive not just members but also active supporters for the members and their families. It would be good to hear how you get on as time goes by.
  24. If you can get find the Money Box programme and have the option to email Paul Lewis, it may help to do so and add this bit about being forced to agree to accept having to pay for a catalogue as part of the ability to purchase an item. I have no idea if this is covered by the Distance Selling Regs either - it may also be worth checking out what their returns policy is because if my memory serves me correctly, a few months ago, Money Box also highlighted the fact that companies such as Next (along with others I cannot remember) were found to be falling foul of the DSRs on their online trading.
  25. Moorcroft: "Please be assured, we are here to help you in any way that we can." Seriously????
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