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Everything posted by phoenix11

  1. The amounts are not at all large - Under £500 for mine and just over £500 for OH's and the joint account together. I don't quite understand what we do next. I've been reading the other threads in the library but I'm totally confused.
  2. Hi there I need to start the ball rolling asap with escalating our claims against Barclays to the courts. We've gone through the LBA/their offer/our no thankyou/ their 'too bad' correspondence sequence. I'm not clear as to which route we should take - County or Small Claims. Also, can we make one claim jointly? So far, the letters for my account claims have come from me, and the letters for Himself's account and our joint account claims have come from him. Can we now place one claim for the whole lot together or do we have to file separate claims? I've really got to get shifting on this because we've not been able to do anything for a month. Girding loins for the big push.
  3. My OH just mentioned that there was something about it on Radio 4's Money Box. Here's a few links which give a bit of brief news: BBC NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Overdraft fees under scrutiny BBC NEWS | Business | Current account fees to be probed BBC NEWS | Programmes | Inside Money | Beating the charges BBC NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | External links and helplines It doesn't seem as if much is changing - another year or more will trundle on unless customers really start to kick back over this, IMHO.
  4. Thanks for that info above - I just got a second (unprompted) 'nice' delaying letter with fulsome apologies saying they are still needing time to fully complete their enquiries yada yada. What time do they need??? We've done all the leg work and sent them all the details. I'ts very stressful and I don't want to fall out with them - but it's also my money. Off to respond and raise the stakes.
  5. Hi There was another thread somewhere that explaine this and I think it goes something like this as one example...... Say youve got an overdraft limit of around £250 and you run your account up to or near the limit most of the time. Every month you'll be charged up to a certain figure on overdraft interest - eg £2.50. If you find an overdraft interest amount that has gone over the maximum usual interest amount (say you get charged £4 one month) as a result of them taking their penalty charges/fees and putting you over your agreed limits, you can claim the difference. That's the easy example - believe you're entitled to recover any extra interest they levy as a result of them applying these charges, but working it out may take a bit of painstaking investigation.
  6. Is there anyone who can help with knowing who to send the LBA to? Do I send it to the name and address on the letter Barclays have replied with which is just a customer relations advisor, or should I send it to the Head of Accounts as before, or do I escalate it to somewhere else/someone higher up? I'm really worried that I don't get caught out by sending it to the wrong place/person. Any ideas very welcome indeedy.
  7. Hello, Balliol - can't offer any advise, but just to say, we're in the same boat and one stage behind you and feeling very jittery. I guess it's what the banks hope for - basically we're all nice genuine people and we don't rip others off so find it hard going to stick up for our rights when it's done to us. I keep trying to tell myself the banks would rather we stayed and paid off our overdrafts rather than doing a bunk - although it is very tempting to just up and run! I'm only hoping they don't insist the money is all used up in paying off the overdrafts as we'd be up the swanee with it. Good luck - it's the great thing about this place - you can see others going through the same angst but getting there in the end - so if they can do it, we must all be able if we stick at it. It's very supportive.
  8. Also - I sent the original letters to the Head of Current Accounts but have received a response from a 'Customer Relations Advisor' in Leicester (Retail Banking Customer Relations). Who do I send the LBA to? I'm not keen to send it someone who may turn out to be just another bod (with all due apologies to other 'bods' out there). It's just that if I'm escalating this, shouldn't it go direct to someone higher up in the bankers gene pool? *can't seem to find a wry smiley for this post - please consider it entered*
  9. Hello - I'm doing Barclays as well as the coop - the claims from Barclays were a little easier to handle so I got them off first on 31 July - giving them 14 days. I eventually got a letter back - and very nice it is too - saying how sorry they are and are looking into it and will give me an answer as quickly as possible but no later than 31 August. Well, I've given them an extra week's extension. Do I wait any longer or is it advisable to turn up the heat with the second letter, duly amended as they have actually responded. I am (probably quite stupidly) hoping they'll play ball and refund our relatively smallish claims on 3 accounts as we really couldn't manage if they get stroppy and want to close our accounts - we just don't have the funds - so the first letter was slightly amended to reflect my 'decades' with Barclays and to be a bit more persuasive. So, is the general concensus is that I'm living in LaLa land and if so, do I now up the stakes with the second letter? Cheers
  10. Sorry about the text changing.
  11. I've started the process of claiming the chages back from both my Co-op and Bank accounts. Many thanks for all the help with the templates and wads of info here. I'll be back with an update as soon as I've got something - positive or otherwise. Cheers.
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