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Everything posted by claire_morrow

  1. I have a question about interest that I don't think anyone has answered yet... Say one month I paid £1 interest on fees of say £50 (just making up these numbers) Then the next month I would actually be paying approx £1.02 interest on the £51 Then the next it would be about £1.04 interest on the whole £52.02 and so on... These little increments can add up over time - but more important is the fact that it is compound - we are payng interest on the previous months interest... The spreadsheets I have seen so far just seem to calculate it on the fees, and not on the fees PLUS the previous interest. Anyone help me with why or point out a flaw in my logic???? Thanks Claire
  2. What about getting an 070*** number as this is even more expensive than the 0870/1 numbers? That might seem a bit more than getting your own back but bear in mind that they won't have to wait for years in a queue for you whereas we have to spend ages waiting for them - being charged all the while... What do you think?
  3. Hi I bought a mobile through onestopphoneshop and had to claim my cashback from them. The first claim went fine and dandy. The second claim they rejected due to an error on their part but they fixed this and I got my money fairly promptly. It's the third and final claim that I am now having nightmares with. I sent them the correct bill (my 12th bill dated 02 Dec 2006) within the timeframe specified (I have my recorded delivery slip and they have said it was received on time) along with all the relevant information. However, they sent me a letter back saying that my claim was rejected as the bill provided didn't match the claim period. I called them to check what had happened and told them I had sent the correct bill. The lady then asked me to send her the documents again by emailing or faxing them - I told her the date of the bll I had sent and she said that was fine. I emailed the scanned documents to her straight after that and then I waited for a few weeks (as I had last time) but still heard nothing. I called them again approximately 4 weeks after the last conversation and it turns out that the woman I had dealt with had left the company she had put a not on the file that I was going to fax them in (even though I had told her I would email them and she had only given me her email address and not a fax number) but there was no record of having received them. So the lady I spoke to the second time said I could email it to her while I was on the line to confirm reciept and I did this. I told her I was sending the same bill as befre and confirmed the date of the bill. She confirmed that she had all the relevant documentation and everything was in order. That was all fine and I left it for a few weeks. Still nothing. So I called them back this morning and told them I hadn't hear anything. They told me that the claim had been rejected again because I had not sent the right bill the first time around and that I had sent a different bill the next time. I told them that I had sent the same bill three times. They then told me that I had had a seven day grace period to get the correct bill to them the second time around but that I had not done so. I told them that there had never been any mention of a seven day grace period in any of my documentation or any of my phone conversations with them so they couldn't just impose that now. I also told them that as I had sent in the correct bill the first time around it was an error on their part and I should not be subject to any 'grace period'. I also mentioned that I had actually sent the documents back again within seven days to the lady I spoke with the first time around but as she had left the company they have no proof of its receipt. However, I had mentioned this in earlier phone conversations with them (which they record and can look up). Then they told me that actually it wasn't the 12th bill I had to send, but the latest bill. I told them that my agreement said it was supposed to be the 12th and that was the one I had sent three times and it had been confirmed to me twice that this was ok (also I changed my contract after my 12 months were up so that was the final billon that contract). So they have been contradicting themselves (saying I didn't send the 12th bill and then saying it was ok and then saying I did but I shouldn't have) and just making things up (the grace period). It's not a lot of money but I'm a student and it's a pretty significant amount for me. I'm just wondering what are my rights and how can I get them to pay me the money they owe me....? Claire
  4. I had the same problem with Barclaycard I definitely didn't tick the box but was charged the insurance for 4 months until I realised. I just phoned them up and they were actually pretty helpful - gave me the usual rubbish about how great the insurance was, blah blah blah - but then they refunded my money on the next statement with no problems. Just keep insisting you did NOT tick that box. Good luck Cx
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